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Posts posted by matusz

  1. Or I'm just someone with eyes lol.

    Noses aren't suppose to be concave inward at the bottom and her nose is 100% considered an upturned pig nose :sad:

    It doesn't look bad but don't deny fact haha. Especially when you say it is perfect! Lol!
  2. Miss orange sorry to burst your bubble but your nose looks like it ends early and as a result you kinda look a little piggy from the front. Condolences.
  3. You sound more and more like an MVP promoter every post
  4. What's more important, $100-200 you'd spend on the taxi or making sure you're being put under with the right doctor?

    Think about what regret you would have if something went unsatisfactorily, which is pretty common. Would you kick yourself for not consulting other doctors?

    It seems like MVP is probably one of the more popular clinics out of the rest of your consultations, so it's not too bad of a bet, but I would value the IN PERSON opinion you get from other specialists at the cost of the taxi, so I wouldn't put a deposit down personally.

    It's really not hard to get from the airport to gangnam if you don't know korean.
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