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Posts posted by saddreamer

  1. Oh I though it was normal to get it all done in one go :s
    I’m looking into getting rhino done here in Ireland possibly instead and then later going to Korea for contouring.
    How long is it normal to wait between procedures? Is it a few months or more than a year?

    Edit: just saw your other comment! Ok so a year, I’ll get rhino first cause that’s my main concern other than my wide face and I think contour before rhino wouldn’t be a good idea since a nose size and shape really influence your faces balance
  2. I only need my sides reduced and made a bit more even, I have a pretty flat and wide face. So there’s mini versions of the surgery? I must look into that, can’t remember if grand has a bad reputation or not tho
  3. Omg you should do it, if you’re Asian and they find out you can say your parents are Korean or something lol
    I don’t have that option since I’m white haha
  4. Hey guys!
    I’m thinking of booking surgery at GNG clinic for December as they have a good price deal going on at the moment.

    I know there’s a thread about how one girl unfortunately was f**ked over by them but they’re the only clinic in my price range for face contour and rhinoplasty right now.

    Is anyone here gonna throw caution to the wind and get their face done there?

    I’m thinking of mentioning that I know they botched a girls surgery (don’t worry I won’t say where I read about it if they ask I’ll say it was a friend of a friend) and am planning to video record my consultant etc so hopefully these 2 things will be a deterrent to them not listening to what I want done.

    Has anyone had a good experience with them?

    If I book surgery it would be for December (or November if I get approved for a loan) but my friend might not be able to do,e with me so if I shared a room with someone else getting surgery it would be a lot easier for the both of us (we can complain about the pain and discomfort after the surgery together and truely understand each other lol)

    So yeah anyone thinking of going when I’m going?
  5. Face dental doesn’t seem to do rhinoplasty so that’s a no no for me :sad: I wanna get face contour and rhino at the same time or bring symmetry to my face hmm
  6. I’m looking into getting my face done at Banobagi as well and my estimate cost is similar to yours, I’m looking into facial contour and rhinoplasty.
    It’s a lot more expensive than I though it would be, I was hoping it would be like 10k max as I saw other people spending about that much in other clinics...
    I’m 27 so I worry about skin sagging too since I want zygoma reduction and V-Line, even tho I don’t want my V-Line to be too drastic. Do you have before/after photos of how your surgery went in general and before/after of the sagging? Only if you feel comfortable PMing them to me of course, I would just rather see a real persons results from Banobagi and not just what they have on their website.
  7. What did you find disappointing about their aftercare?
    I’m currently talking to them on WhatsApp and mentioned to them about wanting to do a video on yt or insta, not just cause of the possible discount but I’m hoping it’ll mean they’ll treat me better since there’ll be video evidence etc. They haven’t mentioned prices or discounts to me yet.
    What procedures did you have done?
    I wish looking for a good clinic wasn’t such a minefield I just wanna fix my face D:
  8. Oh god yeah if I suddenly stopped taking them I would not have a good time (especially the lamictal its super dodgey to suddenly stop). I would of course tell the Dr at consultation because I know so many meds can be dangerous af when they put you under, I was just wondering if anyone else was in th same boat and knew about maybe coming off them before surgery.
  9. Does anyone here have experience going for PS while on medication for depression or other mental illness?
    Did you have to stop taking your meds for a period before surgery or anything like that?

    Before anyone says “don’t get ps if you’re mentally ill!”, this isn’t some impulse discussion for me, I know what procedures I’ve wanted for over 6 years now (I’m 27 now... sigh)and I don’t want a huge change, just to fix jaw asymmetry, wide and crooked cheekbones and my wonky nose lol

    So has anyone else gone through ps while in a similar situation?

    I’m on Prozac and Lamictal
  10. Wait so Regen offered a discount if you paid cash instead of credit/debit card? That sounds suspicious af D:
    I was looking at them cause they did some nice zygoma reductions and even have experience with white patients
  11. Oh wow I love your results, I’m white but my face shape is similar to yours specially my cheekbones.
    There’s such an overload of information regarding clinics but I really like your results so I’m definitely adding regen to my maybe list, all I gotta do now is save up more money lol
    Also regen seems to have experience with white ppl so that’s assuring too
    You said you paid over 10,000,000 KW for your procedures, how many did you get? I’m need to get my zygoma, nose and possibly my jaw done.
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