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Posts posted by juliecuddlep2u

  1. chose banobagi over id as they seemed to me to be the most trustworthy. recently saw a post saying that id is blacklisted and that a patient died during (or after) v-line and that definitely rang the bell to me. plus, banobagi sent me lot of results with similar to my case patients and they were really impressive. not sure about dates yet but already made a deposit lol. the cost is around $11k but it doesn’t really bothers me as long as I’ll be under dr.oh changhyun knife. wish me a good luck please!
  2. so, I decided to contact few clinics like tfd, banobagi, id, ad etc. and so far, most of them said that I won’t get any skin sagging. id said even I have it, most probably it’d be very minimal, but honestly, I don’t really believe them. looks like they are ready to say anything in order to get a patient. banobagi said that due to my skin type (caucasian) I’m more inclined to skin sagging (and also according to my pics that I sent them, they said that most probably I’d need threadlift in 6 months after I get v-line). so, I’m still considering if I really need it. all clinics offered discounts and prices are quite different. at ad and banobagi they were the highest. ad said they had the best surgeons (no explanations to prove it, so far every clinic said they have the best surgeons lol) and at banobagi they said that I’ll be operated by the chief surgeon (and if I don’t trust, they can film the process from the very beginning to the very end, which made it a bit more understandable).
    still questioning myself if it’s worth it?
  3. hi! I have very squared lower jaw line. haven’t had any consultations yet, just considering to get it done. have seen lot of review on v-line but still not clear about skin sagging. since I’m 26 I’m especially concerned about premature aging or that saggy skin can result in double chin. any suggestions if I should get it done or not? has anyone done it after 25 or early 30?
  4. try realself for more reviews, idk about the app haven’t even heard about it
  5. yeah... that's the most disappointing about ps's :sad:
  6. wow… your results are stunning! I’ve heard that skin sagging and nerves damages are common for this type of operation and a friend of mine got some post op complications (she proceeded it in the us tho), I’m also interested in v-line but a bit scared maybe someday will dare but for now, thanks a lot for sharing! You must be very brave and your review made me want v-line even more
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