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Posts posted by strawberryshortcake

  1. I am not sure, the overall price I paid was around 22 mil krw - not that bad of a price for nose, eye revision, and facial contouring. The way I was wronged by Misooda, as outlined in my review, was more to do with their manipulations. But generally I would not expect a better price from going with an agency. If a clinic can give you a certain price through an agent (who takes commission), they can most certainly give the same price, if not lower, directly. Usually clinics prefer you to go to them directly rather than through agent.
  2. After getting my jaw botched once, I am very cautious now. Since there are so many good clinics in Korea, I am not going to go anywhere with botched cases. The person who told me this was a friend I had talked to for a while, so I trust her word, definitely not a promoter or troll. I wish you the best in your journey!
  3. On one group chat on kakao, someone shared a case of a patient who got botched at EU - nerve damage, severe asymmetry, and bite completely screwed up. He couldn't even use his front teeth anymore. So since then I took EU dental off my list.
  4. Hey! I am doing a bit better, can't wait for my revisions hehe.

    Wow! I already see a big improvement! Looking good :biggrin:. Rest well, and I hope you enjoy your time in Seoul.
  5. I am so glad you found the right clinic! I wish you luck on your surgery! Thank you for the kind mention (I am Christine). I am excited to hear about your results.
  6. I was going to model for Cinderella. But cancelled because their oral surgeon refused to do my facial contouring, because they didn't have the right equipment to remove my Canadian screws. Jewelry agreed to do it without even checking what kind of screws I had, they put my safety at risk.

    The frustrating part is having to go through the pain and spending the money again, first time was wasted.
  7. Yeah, I think TFD is my best bet, they have done lots of revisions and have experience with cases like mine.

    I initially only used Misooda because they got me that model deal at Cindy, they don't provide any other services normally. The worst part was them later on pushing certain clinics on me, convincing me that it would be suitable for me, and lying so much. They are very experienced in getting money from people.

    Thanks! Hope the next six months fly by.
  8. Hey Liv! Thanks for the suggestion. I know Dr Yun from View is very skilled and experienced. But since I had 2 jaw before and this will be my second v-line, I think I need an oral surgeon, one who is used to doing revisions. Also I need to remove my 2 jaw screws as well, and most clinics in Korea do not have the right equipment for Canadian screws. I believe TFD has the equipment.

    It is very hard. Many people on the chats have said agents are useless, I wish I listened to that more rather than the agent's falsehoods.
  9. Since this will be my third jaw surgery, I am not sure they would be willing to. I get the feeling their oral surgeon doesn't like revision cases. I better go to a clinic that does more revision cases, and has more consistent and real reviews, like The Face Dental. I don't want to take any more risks. Even with Cinderella I had many doubts, felt nervous that I booked with them without even consulting. Would've never even booked at Cinderella were it not for Misooda.
  10. I don't think they are talking about any official blacklist, more like clinics locals avoid. Not many locals go to View or Cinderella. But they do have a lot more customers than Jewelry. Jewelry has had a bunch of botched jobs, has had that birthday party scandal, and evaded tax in the past, so it's no wonder locals don't go there.
  11. Thank you :smile: But I have never been interested in getting cosmetic surgery in the States, more expensive and less impressive results. I am only gonna go do surgeries in Korea in the future. Plus much more convenient for me as I work there. I just went to a really bad clinic and incompetent doctor this time, but there are so many more suitable clinics I have never checked out in Seoul.
  12. Ah okay haha. It's easy to misunderstand text, as it has no tone. I hope I didn't offend you or anything! It will take a long time for me to forgive myself, to stop blaming myself. There were a million things I should have done differently. But perhaps it is better to learn now when I am young than later on.

    I cannot, as in Canada, they only do jaw surgeries for functional purposes and do not do facial contouring. Moreover for anything cosmetic, I think Korea is better. I am gonna revise the jaw at a dental clinic in Korea, that does facial contouring regularly and has experience with revision cases.
  13. Well I know that, of course people can get botched in spite of going to surgeons with general positive feedback and can get pressured and stuff even when going with family members and friends, I have talked to people who have gone through that. I don't want you to think I am being rude to sympathetic commenters, I know who that user Cherry Bear is and it's someone I have great reason to see as a foe, due to my previous interactions with them. As I said, I did not go to a clinic and surgeon with good reviews - that clinic is kinda infamous and later on I found out about lots of botched jobs from Chinese patients. It was completely a last minute decision, as a result of my plans at Cindy not working out and then getting panicked and confused, so I relied on the agent's recommendation - which was that Jewelry is a popular and stellar choice for facial contouring, that certain clinics are high quality and others are bad quality (the former being ones she works with and the latter being ones that have no connection to her at all). Apparently, Jewelry is actually not known or good for big surgeries at all, how many people have we heard getting bone surgeries there? And Misooda claimed they are popular with locals but my Korean friend later on told me they are actually blacklisted by locals. My friends and mother pointed out, and rightly so, that I needed someone there with me (someone unbiased and who truly cares for my best interests) to keep me grounded, see through the agent's and consultant's gimmicks, and remind me of certain things. Also very often when I talk to them, even without them giving me advice, I come to realize many things myself, just from voicing my thoughts. Later on I told my parents of all the things that went on all those months during my interactions with Misooda, and they couldn't believe I fell for it, they would have keep suspicious af if they knew. They would not have been duped as I have, as they have more experience dealing with people. They would not have let me use an agency or pay the clinic so quickly, would have forced me to look around more. Also getting pressured into unnecessary procedures was never my issue, for me it's all about the clinic I went to. Had I been without the agency, I could've greatly reduced the risks of getting bad results by going to better doctors, as you said. I actually don't disagree with you at all, but what you are saying isn't what happened to me. If I did go to surgeon who I had done extensive research on, I would not have such big regrets.
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