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Posts posted by trinity0010

  1. Hi Pizzawto! Thanks for the heads up and taking the time to alert me. I really appreciate it! :smile:

    To be honest, the sheer depth, height, shape is affecting me so much that the prospects of scars is not really a concern to me as compared to correcting it. If it does result in a visible line due to the change to tapered, I'll probably try to conceal it with makeup first then seek out scar revision. I'm just really desperate to lower my double eyelid drastically. I don't just dislike it.. It's affecting me badly :sad:

    Btw, do you mind sharing which clinic you went to and how much you paid for the lowering?


  2. Hope it goes well for you! I'm going in November and I'm feeling uncertain as to how much I should lower. I've a high parallel from my primary DES too and I'm definitely changing it to a low tapered one
  3. Yes. It's definitely way too high. I wanted it to be the same size as my previous non incisional sutured double eyelid. But my current DES is just way too high even after factoring in the swelling. It was incised at 6.5mm, which gives about a 8mm crease height when healed
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