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Posts posted by missdavis

  1. It really depends on what all is involved in a rhinoplasty. Mine was an open rhinoplasty that included alarplasty, tiplasty, and osteotomy. Not only that, but I also went to the top plastic surgeon in South Korea. This clinic has been the main clinic for the tv program 'Let Me In.' It's similar to the American television show 'The Swan.' Seeing their amazing work, I knew I had to have the best.
  2. Good question! I actually used a broker, a medical tourism agency 'Seoul Cosmetic Surgery.' The company is head by an American Black woman and a Korean man. It was perfect to have someone I could relate to while also having someone who could make communication seamless.
  3. I’m writing this 3-month update from a place of absolute gratitude. Thank you guys for the positive comments on my 1-month update.

    With each passing month, my nose has become more and more defined. Swelling has gone down significantly and I have gotten used to my new appearance. Some issues I ran into is that my nose is still somewhat numb, especially at the tip. As the weather gets colder sometimes I don’t know that my nose is running. So, I have to always keep a tissue nearby just in case. I’ve had to be careful about blowing my nose. It’s still too sensitive, so I use the tissue gently and use a q-tip to clear inside (also gently). My ear is also still a bit sensitive to the touch, though it doesn’t necessarily hurt. My nostrils are looking more and more even each day. I went back to Banobagi for my check up and they said that everything is looking great. Trusting the process is major key.

    I’ve attached some updated pics. I’ll be back soon with my 6-month update.

    IMG_9931.JPG Before

    IMG_1787.jpg IMG_1961.JPG IMG_1962.JPG Afters
    After watching a Youtube video about rhinoplasty in South Korea, I got in contact with this agency, XXX. They seemed to be really personable and professional over email. They offered VIP airport pick up service and recommended a very nice and affordable hotel that was close to all the major plastic surgery clinics (in an area called Gangnam). I was pleasantly surprised that the XXX team was in fact a very nice Korean man and a beautiful Black woman from the States. We clicked immediately. They were both very kind and accommodating. We consulted with several clinics and I felt Banobagi was the most competent. The surgeon, Dr. Lee, was kind, detailed, and talked about facial harmony. I could tell he really knew what he was doing and would give me a great result. In addition, the facilities looked immaculate, a clean white aesthetic. We booked the surgery ASAP and I was excited to finally have my dream nose. A few days later, the XXX woman went with me back to Banobagi and was there to ease my nerves as I was waiting to be admitted for surgery. When I woke up she was there to help me with my first day of recovery. Having that support was really important and touching. The Banobagi staff were also so attentive and checked in on me constantly. Banobagi offers a recovery house with your own private room with tv, humidifier, air purifier, and even some food! We received a hot lunch everyday - it was delicious. After a few days, I was comfortable enough to get out and get some fresh air. The XXX team were there to show me around Seoul, grab a bite, and even do some shopping. There’s no way I could have had such a great experience without them. Now, as I am writing this, I am back home and a month into recovery. My nose looks great and I couldn’t be any happier. I will always keep XXX and Banobagi in mind if I ever want to get something else done! Thanks for reading!


    The Day of Surgery:


    Without concealer under the eyes.

    With concealer under the eyes.

    Side View:
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