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Posts posted by eefjenulukthet

  2. So Jae Hoon Kim is not a good option at all if you have an extremely difficult nose ?! What is bad for you that you happened to this are your plans now? Are you continuing to search for the best result or do you stick with it and try to enjoy life with less beautiful nose? We're probably on the same boat ... what am I going to do? It is awfully ugly my nose.....I really need an good revision rhinoplasty Amsterdam has ruined it.
  3. Catlet and Nadine, are you happy with the end result? I am new on this forum, I am from Amsterdam and want to fly to Korea for the last time an operation and hopefully this will change my life positively, how is it now? I think I have the worst nose of the whole world too small, lumpy with dents you can see where that dick of an operation stopped. not in Europe, not in America, Iran ..... just South Korea? Or should I just stop searching and accept the nose I have and use the money I would spend on the revision for a nice holiday and a pair of beautiful new shoes I really do not know anymore? ..!
  5. Hi Girls, I come from Europe and I have been operated on my nose 5 times my nose is too small for the rest of my face, no top surgeon in Amsterdam has managed to enlarge my nose. I have had a filler so that got necrosis on the tip of my nose, there is now a big dent. Everyone who sees me can see that I have been operated on my nose. I am so ashamed of it, my life consists of looking at other noses, I do not like anything any more. I do not like clothes, I look at every picture of my nose. I want to get rid of this, talk to the psychologist just a little bit. I would feel so much better if my nose looks natural. Girls, I have been reading on this forum for a while and I feel your sadness, the fear of when the weather goes wrong, the fear of the cadt that goes off and scares you. We can help each other. Someone here was so sweet about emailing a black list, I immediately copied it in my notebook. I keep a lot of attention in this red notebook. I have focused on America for six months, but I actually read bad reviews there and it has to go well now. In Amsterdam I have been rejected because of my skin that is too damaged, so they do not want me to operate because they think the skin can die. Korea can still be paid for me ...... and at Realself I have read good news about Dr. Myjung Lee. But what about April31?
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