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Posts posted by mama85

  1. OMG! Really?! But it seems so real and I've seen selfie of their work on Instagram.
    I know there was a fake review for some clinics but I did not know the all the initial reviews are fake..It seems so real.
    Just curious, how do you know which reviews are fake and not fake??

    I might try to do research for some clinics and contact The Time PS for my BBL and BA.

    Can you recommend a PS for BBL if you know well? (I prefer fat transfer rather than implant) :smile:
  2. Hello guys,
    I was looking for liposuction and BA at PBC last year but couldn't go to Korea :sad:
    And also not sure when I can go to Korea for my surgery due to Corona virus all over the World.
    I am considering doing Fat transfer BBL rather than doing liposuction. It seems more reliable.

    While staying at home, still doing some research regarding fat transfer BBL procedure in Korea. I find two clinics for fat transfer BBL.
    PBC is one of the clinic I was considering for my liposuction but not sure whether they can do BA.
    Other clinic I found was The Time PS but never heard this clinic at all. (Found on the Instagram : @thetimeglobal and seems they are doing BBL and BA as well.)

    Their before and after photos are super amazing! It says that they do Belody2 lifting laser together with fats for BBL procedure.
    I am still searching for the clinics but I got a feeling that I want to do those procedures one of the clinic (PBC or The Time)...
    I wish I can visit for consultation :sad:

    Anybody heard or have a surgery with The Time PS, please please share for me!
  3. Amazing!! I was planing to do my BA and lipo at PBC in this year but need to do some work stuff :doh:
    Hopefully, can get those done in end of this year or next year...

    @claydough1970s just my curiosity, I found that you are posting in each review that talking about PBC... are you targeting a PBC?
    I dnt know but seems like you are a promotor of other PS...?
    (I do not meant to but I felt you are ... but if it is not and only my misunderstanding, sorry about this :sad:)
  4. Interesting to be done at Pretty Body! My Korean friends and people in this forum had some good reviews about the clinic!
    still researching for liposuction and BA surgery done in Korea.
  5. Thank you for the information!
    Then I shouldn't try to access this scam "Beautyhacker.com' at all !
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