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Posts posted by bonabona

  1. If the FDA regulation is 18 and 22, then you ARE too young to get breast implant then.

    I had my eyes surgeries done when I was 19, I was happy about it up until like 25 and then afterwards I am regretting it. Your perspective and beauty standard change dramatically and I think I got mature enough at about 25 and that's the point I started to regret my eyes surgery but it can't be reversed.
  2. 11kg of weight loss is amazing! I've considered getting liposuction too, but when I was researching about it, I repeatedly saw people saying it will reduce your volume but not the weight amount. Makes me feel like to go have a consultation at Laprin as well. I wonder if there's other people who had some good amount of weight loss out of liposuction?
  3. I heard so many bad things about Docfinder Korea. Like your surgery cost will be higher because docfinder will get the commission behind your back. I mean how can it be FREE service when there is people working for you involved? Those translators are on payroll from someone and where that money can come from?

    But if you're fine with paying hidden commission for the convenience then that's each to their own.
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