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Posts posted by weiner

  1. I had my primary augmentation rhinoplasty with silicone implant and so far I do feel great and nose looks gorgeous. had it done at regen ps with dr lee and when asked him if it’s safe enough (was worried just like you), he said that it’s totally safe! I also considered an ear cartilage, but he suggested to use it for my tip instead (just a teeny tiny piece). well, pretty satisfied with how everything came out
  2. listen, I'm not gonna prove you anything, as obviously your dissatisfaction and botched result in some way took all logic out of your brain, which is definitely not my problem. AND if I like someone else result you gonna blame me that I advertise another someone? all adequate people would see no sense in what you are claiming. good luck!
  3. WHAT??? WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT??? This is perhaps, the first time I've ever seen about this PS! I did proceed a surgery but definitely NOT WITH DR SHIM!!!! I got my rhino at REGEN WITH DR. SEOK JUN LEE!!! And there's no way you could see me posting about this ps or this surgeon! And how come did you decide that I'm russian? I'm really sorry you got such s sh*& outcome and can all 100% understand you as I myself got my des re-done and still didn't achieve the result I wanted, ended up with asymmetrical and uneven eyes and now considering to get another des revision
    p.s. my first 2 des I got in the US, apparently, not the best place to get natural result
  4. I had to convince my parents for nose job that I got recently. Since I already had quite bad results from des and also had to revise it and my eyes still look quite asymmetrical, my parents were kind of against, especially my mom. Hopefully I could change her mind and she actually was the one who came to support me. At first, she was kind of skeptical about the decision I made but after meeting my surgeon she finally agreed and moreover, she liked him so much that already allowed me to revise my eye with him too! And btw, I’m also considering a two-jaw because of my under bite, already said it to my mom and looks like she doesn’t mind. Fyi, both doctors were from regen ps. My nose job surgeon was dr.Lee and for two-jaw I got a consultation with dr.Oh
  5. I got primary augmentation rhino at regen few months ago and this coming spring also going to proceed my twice revised DES with the same surgeon Dr.Lee As for rhino, very satisfied, hope to get the same great result for eyes. As far as I know, there’s also a good surgeon for maxilla-facial procedures at regen. I’ll get consultation with him when go there again for my eyes surgery. I have an underbite and as far as I know, Dr.Oh is the best for double-jaw.
  6. I got my first DES with epi few years ago, the fact that the result was botched was noticeable even from day 3! So, the surgeon realized his mistake right after I told him everything and redone it a month after, yet left with with very asymmetrical eyes and very noticeable scars! Got my rhino few months ago at Regen with Dr. Lee and consulted with about my eyes and he said that my issue can’t be solved all 100 (( but he promised to do his best to make them look way better. Since I’m beyond satisfied with how my nose came out, I’m not planning DES with epi revision this coming spring. Hope it could help you!
  7. I got primary augmentation rhino done with silicone implant few months ago. At first, you’ll definitely be in lot of discomfort due to swelling. I couldn’t normally breathe up to week 3. Nose will be quite swollen first few weeks. Now it looks very funny as swelling on the right side fades faster, but it’s totally OK. In general, I don’t feel any pain. Got it done on Nov 27 last year with Dr.Lee from Regen and quite satisfied with how it came out. Very straight, tip looks beautiful and the shape as well as the height were perfectly matched to my face.
  8. I got my primary augmentation rhino at Regen with Dr.Lee few months ago, paid around $4.8k. I also proceeded DES twice (not at Regen) and still not satisfied with my result, so got consultation on revision DES with Dr.Lee too and was quoted somewhere around $3.9k (+revision epicanthoplasty), planning to come back in March. Also thinking about two-jaw with Dr.Myung June Oh but maybe a bit later. Hope it helps!
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