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Posts posted by sodapops

  1. I'm a little over 6 months now. Still a bit of residual swelling but I'm planning on waiting on a years time before I go for facelift/threadlift.
  2. Thanks everyone. My jaw is definitely much more reduced and I enjoy the bone. Dr. Lee did a great job on me, and my swelling has gone down a lot over the months since my first post. I'm not planning on getting any more bone reduction done on my face. I think my sagging is just worse than some others have been just due to how much the jaw was changed and made smaller. I'm going to look more into facelifts and speak with a doctor when their clinics are open.
  3. Thanks for warm messages everyone. Here are the before and after pics.
    As you can see, I had a very heavy jaw, so it only makes sense that there would be a lot of sagging with less bone underneath.

    From the front image, it feels as though my face is still quite long which bothers me. I am hoping that after a facelift/threadlift, I could help with that and make it more how I originally intended.

    Does anyone have any recommendations for what I should do here? I'm 25, and some doctors may not want to perform a facelift on me, but do you think this would cause an exception for that? Thanks everyone.
  4. Hey everyone. Hope you're all doing okay. I am now 6 months post op double jaw and v line surgery. I suppose if there's anything good at all to come from the horrible coronavirus right now, it's that I can get plenty of time inside to heal... I hope nobody has gotten sick. It's very scary right now.
    As for my swelling, I'm still not very happy. I am in the process of trying to lose 30 lbs right now and hoping that may help me. I'm already at a healthy enough weight but I hope that by a years time post op, I will be both skinnier and my swelling will have gone done nearly entirely. I read that some of the problem can be too much soft tissue, and maybe if getting rid of some of the fat will hope my face shape better.

    What my face looks right now is as if invisible hands are dragging it down constantly. Lol, I'm sorry, I don't know how else to describe it. I can definitely see the shape of my jaw it I move the skin up and back, but otherwise, my face is still very long-appearing and squareish at the jaw due to all the sagging. I have incredibly chubby cheeks and a double chin, and on the right side of my face I realized that I have persisting nerve damage. The soft tissue around my face has draped poorly on the new shape beneath to say the least, but the right side of my face is the worst. If I touch the area of my cheek beside my nose, there isn't any sensation at all, except strangely I feel it in the inner corner of my eye. I hope this nerve damage goes away with more time.

    I've looked into face lifts/cheek lifts/thread lifts. I can afford thread lifting, but would want something more permanent. If anyone has any recommendations, let me know. I may post before and after pictures if anyone is interested in the future. Like I said though, I want to give this another 6 months time so that it's been a year of healing... To anyone reading this, I hope I am not scaring you away. TFD was very caring, as was Dr. Lee. I fear that I am just unlucky, as my healing time is taking longer than others.
  5. Hey there. This is speaking from my own personal experience, but I wouldn't recommend getting surgery before you help yourself mentally. You may believe before surgery that looking better will help your mental state but when you depend upon it and it's not entirely what you were expecting you may find you've become even more irrevocably depressed. I don't personally see anything that -needs- fixing with your face. I think you have a nice kind face, like others have noted here! I know you may feel right now that surgery is what you need but please consider using some of the money you'd spend on surgery to first find some therapeutic means to get into a good head-space.
  6. Thank you for your positive vibes. It really does help me. I had slight asymmetry in my jaw and protruding chin but mainly it was for aesthetic purposes. My bite is *thank god* just fine now. I can eat about anything (although jerky is still tough as ever). I've seen plenty of people who have the terrible experience of real jaw problems, but thankfully mine are just from an appearance perspective. Like your friend, I'm using different pills that are supposed to assist with swelling as well as exercises in the morning. I'll try and see about that mask though, at this point I would try anything.
  7. Another post... in case anyone's out there like me who feels sad due to swelling. DO take pictures... note your progression. This is something that is keeping me feel okay-ish. It's small and slight, but its there. Please don't give up hope. Not everyone has had the perfect experience like some of these posters have. But that doesn't mean you won't have some progress too. I'm going to post my CT scans in just a moment.
  8. Just another thing. I don't want this to scare anyone who's considering double jaw. When I pull back my skin, I can see a jaw that I would be happy with. I can't even truly feel the outline of my jaw because of how swollen it is. It's just that... I'm 3 months in. Still very swollen. Still very unhappy. Please understand it may not immediately be what you want. And when you see other people's happy posts, don't believe it'll be the same for you too. I thought it would be, but I've never been more depressed like this in a long time. I fear I may need a lower face lift. As some have said though, I will wait another 3 months until I'm at 6 to give my full evaluation. But please consider your options. Don't get double jaw unless you truly need it. Like I said before, I require a face mask when I go out. People stare either way, but at least here they aren't staring because they can see how odd my face looks. I will try not to be so sad, but it's hard. I was expecting something and I don't have it yet. At the worst, I can't go out and even feel normal anymore. At least when I went out before I didn't feel pretty but at least I didn't get stares. I have the jowls of an older woman unfortunately. And I cry just about every day. Please, please, please consider what you're doing with your face. Like I said, I may get a lower face lift, but I don't have the funds for it right now, otherwise I would consider it.
  9. No, i've not gone back to work. I'm an online student at least. I'm 3 months post op now... I wear a face mask everywhere I go out as I am still very noticeably swollen.
    I sometimes wish I had gotten contour instead. I can definitely say that my lantern jaw has fixed but I am still incredibly swollen. It's nothing like waking up the next morning and having just eaten salty foods. It looks like I have big swollen granny jowls. I'm crying as I write this. Please, anyone who reads this, understand that double jaw is an extensive surgery... I feel like I may have to get a lower face lift. I was expecting it to not be anything like this. Please, please, please think about what you're doing. I can't go out without people staring at me, so I wear a face mask. At least they don't stare at me because they think my face is odd - just the face mask. I'm sorry for the lengthy reply to your post, it just makes me sad to think of the comparison between the swelling. I feel so depressed I'm crying now.
  10. I hope you can understand, but I would not like to share them at this time. I may make a thread later down the line sharing my experience however!

    Thank you

    I have eating well, as well as having many vitamins for swelling. Should I keep using compression bands? I was told to do the opposite :O I still have it though so maybe I should! Thank you for your helpful post
  11. Hello, all. I had double jaw and v-line at the face dental clinic almost 2 months ago, and sadly my swelling is still very abundant in my jowls and jaw area. I have a shorter chin but sadly I know have a very prominent double chin and my jaws and cheeks are very pronounced. In comparing myself to other photos I've seen, I've become very depressed as it feels as though this may be close to the final results. I got a photo of the bone scan and it's hard to tell the differences, and it simply feels as though my chin got a smaller shave rather than the jaw, making it very boxy. I would love to have some words of encouragement and if anyone else has had similar experiences to me. I feel trapped in my face right now, and I don't know what to do.
  12. Thank you so much for the info, I feel a lot better now, considering I thought it would be higher.
  13. Hello, everyone!
    Does anyone have any experience with Eu dental? I'm mainly looking for information about pricing. Has anyone had any work done with them that they'd like to share information on? I asked them for a quote so I can plan when I wish to travel, but they haven't returned an answer yet. I've tried searching the forum for a clear answer, but it's been difficult. I've always been self conscious about my long, square face, and the results from their instagram look promising to me.Thanks in advance!
  14. Hello, all! I've been a longtime lurker. I plan on going to Korea sometime this year, and have already chosen to get double jaw surgery at either Girin or TFD. However, there are some other surgeries I was interested in. I plan on doing two trips to Korea, first for 2jaw, and second for the others stated in the title. Can anyone point to a clinic that can perform them all so I can save on pricing? And if one has the pricing, share? Thank you!
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