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Posts posted by lightspeed

  1. I read on both Korean forums and here. Tbh the korean forums I've been on have not been helpful for the most part, the laws in korea are very strict and so many people don't post the name of the doctor they had a negative experience with. In my experience (I'm korean but my language skills are very basic) a lot of koreans view PS very lightly whereas westerners/americans do a lot more research and are more careful about it. Maybe someone can recommend good korean forums with honest reviews?

    I look at korean platforms to see which clinics are popular. Then I look at english-speaking platforms to see what the risks are of the surgery, what to be careful about etc. But I've heard there are a lot of promoters on here too so that makes it hard to believe some reviews that are overwhelmingly possible.
  2. Hi, I'm also in a similar position of debating if I want to go with an implant or not but right now I'm leaning towards no.

    It seems like western doctors prefer to use materials from your own body like rib and korean doctors favor silicone. I've done a bit of research (unfortunately my korean isn't very good so it takes a while lol) at it seems like most korean doctors say that the modern, I-shaped ultra soft silicone has a low rate of complication and doesn't need to be replaced once placed in the body. There are many studies that show a high complication rate such as extrusion, thinning of the skin, getting crooked but apparently those were for the older L-shaped implants.

    When I spoke to korean people who got their nose done though they pretty much all say that everyone does it with the mindset that the implant has to be taken out and replaced eventually so you need to do multiple surgeries :/

    My nose is not super high but also not low so that's why I would prefer surgery without an implant. If you want to raise your nose bridge there are different options from silicone but they all have their disadvantages too, there is no perfect fix unfortunately.
  3. Hello everyone,
    I've read many threads on here about nose surgery and it seems like most asians get silicone or rib implants to raise the height of their nose but I'm curious to know if anyone here has had a rhinoplasty without an implant on the bridge.
    My nose is big with a hump, wide bones and a bulbous tip so I'm mostly interested in reducing its size and I'm not too ambitious about getting a higher nose. I've heard that korean doctors still like to use a thin silicone implant after shaving down the hump, is that correct? Are there maybe any clinics that are recommended who have experience in no-implant rhino? I'm not 100% opposed to getting an implant but I would feel more comfortable without one.

    I've photoshopped my nose to what I want it to look like, does this look achievable and what procedures would this require? Thanks!
    Pl12.jpg Pl11.jpg
  4. I know many koreans say that almost nobody is satisfied with their first rhinoplasty and that it is almost expected to have surgery a second time... I also heard that the silicone implants have to be exchanged after like ten years.

    Personally I really want to avoid getting a revision surgery, especially since I don't live in korea and travel far to get the surgery. My nose is big and uneven so I feel like almost anything would be an improvement and that I'd be happy if it was smaller and prettier than it is now, not necessarily perfect looking. I know a lot of white people who are satisfied with their first nose jobs but not a lot of asians. The way surgery is performed is usually different (taking away tissue vs. building up with cartilage/silicone) so maybe that is the reason?
  5. I heard Cocoline is good at revisions, maybe you can check out that clinic. It's a small local one. No I'm not going to use an agency, I know some korean and would take a korean friend with me if I don't understand everything :smile:

    Thank you, this is very helpful! Good point about the aftercare and weather. I generally want to avoid summers in korea because the humidity is just too much for me :biggrin: If 10-14 days are enough to look presentable it might really be better to get it over with first
  6. Hi everyone,
    I'm planning to travel to korea for vacation next year and also getting a rhinoplasty while I'm there.

    I would have planned to take around three weeks solely for sightseeing, shopping and travelling the country. Now I know that it is advised to stay for 14 days after a rhinoplasty for recovery. So would it be a good idea to travel for 3 weeks + stay for 2 weeks for the surgery? Or should I get the rhinoplasty first and travel afterwards? I'm worried that I will be very bruised and not as fit after the surgery and I want to enjoy my travel of course :smile: Are 14 days generally enough and on the safe side or do some people take longer to recover? I'm aware that it can take like a year to show the final result of the nose but I'm mainly concerned about looking normal and presentable enough to walk around in public all day.

    Thanks in advance!
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