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Posts posted by jellleee

  1. It really is daunting! But its nice to know that it's possible to be up and around the next day. I'm glad the process went smoothly for you! Thanks for the advice!
  2. Thank you!! Finding a clinic with good after care is so important! I'll make sure to ask during my consults about their post surgery treatments :smile:
  3. Hi everyone! I just booked my flight and will be traveling to Seoul 5/18 - 5/31!! I'm thinking about renting an airbnb for at least the first week to be close to the clinics and then staying with family the second week. Let me know if anyone would like to share a room, go out and explore, keep each other company during recovery or go get korean food together! My kakao ID is jennylee4188!
  4. Hi everyone! I am Korean, currently living in the US, and I have wanted to travel back for double eyelid surgery and possibly rhinoplasty for pretty much my entire life. It was hard to find time to travel especially with work but I am going to be in between jobs from May 18th to May 31st! I am hoping this can be enough time for me to have a consultation with one or two clinics (I have been looking into VIEW and IVE), schedule the surgery, go in for my 1 week recheck and have enough time to recover before flying back. Has anyone been through a situation like this? Did you feel rushed and did you feel well enough to travel back after two weeks? Thanks in advance for any info/advice!
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