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Posts posted by rosyisgone

  1. Oh gosh, I'm in the exact same situation. I'm so so sorry to hear that this happened to you too :sad: My doctor put way too much fat in areas that I did not need, changing my small face to a wide fat face. My eyes got smaller too. I used to have bright clear eyes but after fat graft the fat weighs down on my forehead and my eyes look sunken and tiny. I'm so angry that there are other victims to this procedure, honestly some of these practises should be banned. I will PM you
  2. I definitely hope my thread will help others realize the dangers of cosmetic surgery, especially travelling to a country where you are not fluent in the native language because it's supposed to be better. I was too idealistic and trusting and I was so full of hope when I went for surgery because I thought I had done adequate research and chose a reputable surgeon. Even if someone chooses a surgeon with all good reviews, things might still go wrong. I realized most surgeons are businessmen first and foremost and don't give a crap about the actual person getting the surgery. The whole thing is a shady business. I'm going to take care of my health for a few months because I'm still healing from all of this. I will work during this time and hopefully I will find an empathetic surgeon when I'm more financially stable. Thank you so much.
  3. Thank you so much for your advice and recommendation of an ethical surgeon. I go on Realself from time to time to see what options I have for my situation, but I'm going to give myself some time to heal first and try to take care of my general health in the mean time. I also need to work for the extra money needed for a through revision plus travel fees. I understand it's not the end of the world and I have to keep living for my loved ones. Thanks again.
  4. Sorry for the depressing post. I feel at the end of my rope, I and don't know where to turn to or if there's any hope left for me. I'm only in early 20's, but my face was ruined through 3 consecutive botched surgeries in Korea. I did months of research for each surgery and only chose experienced surgeons with no bad reviews but I was still botched. The worst part is, in my case all the revision surgeons I have consulted are saying it is complicated and there's not much they can do to fix. To remove the ugly fat graft all over my face is impossible.

    I understand it's my own fault for wanting to do plastic surgery in the first place and I feel God is trying to punish me for pursuing beauty. When I was 19, I underwent a minor surgery in the US (I'm Asian American). I went from cute to really pretty, and I started being more social and my life improved a lot because I was more confident with myself. I had a passion for everything and loved my life. I should have stopped then. Instead I looked for ways to look better and started researching surgeons in Korea. I got 3 surgeries there (the latter 2 to fix the first one). I now have super unnatural fat graft all over my face (it's been a year so the fat's not going away) and my mandibles are over-shaved and uneven so my face looks old and sagging. I don't know what to do. I hate myself for putting myself through this. But I also feel so wronged because despite communicating what I wanted to my surgeons each time, they operated on me according to their own opinion. I'm extremely depressed and I not only lost my looks but my identity. I feel like the shell of a person I was before. My family is heartbroken for me, and my friends all think there's something wrong with my face but they don't know what I went through. I lost the love of my life and my passion for everything. If there was a way to fix my face I would work so hard to achieve it, otherwise I don't see a point in living anymore. I lost everything. I have been praying and hoping I can get my old face and my life back and now I'm just living like a robot. I'm so done with Korean plastic surgery and even hearing that word gives me anxiety. If any of you kind souls could offer any sort of help I would appreciate it so much. I'm still so young and I don't want my life to end :sad: But I can't keep on living looking like this.
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