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Posts posted by halvars

  1. Hi Wanderwonder123, thanks for sharing your experience!
    I'ts been a few days since your surgery, how are you feeling?
  2. Hi chococatx
    How does weight training feel after the surgery? Do you feel your strength is as before the surgery, or has it weakened after the surgery even 2 years later? I'm worried about this because I do lower body weight training regularly.

    I'm also worried about the scars, I was hoping it wouldn't be noticeable to others. Do you mind sharing a picture of your calves and the scar?
  3. I haven't contacted him yet, I probably should and see what he says before I rule out surgery haha. GirL, is it possible to see some more pictures of your calves if I send you my email? When I contact him I'll ask if your result is something that can be achieve on my calves aswell.
  4. I've been thinking about surgery and reading this threads for months now but I don't know wether I should do it or not. My biggest issue with my calves is the bulge from the inside, kind of the same shape you used to have. I've seen pictures of people who've done surgery with dr Park, who yes have gotten much smaller calves, but still have the bulge left. Someone in page 50-55 also wrote how Park only touches the first 1/3 of the calves, my calve muscles or the bulge I have is in the middle part of my calves. GirL., your legs turned out very straight which is exactly how I want mine to turn out, I'm just scared that they won't. I can't justify this surgery if I will still be left with the inner part sticking out, so I'm still unsure but it helps seeing other peoples pictures. If it's not too much to ask, can people who've done surgery with Dr Park or Jong, post before/after pictures here? I know there are some in the thread but many have also been deleted :sad:
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