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Posts posted by batikhouse

  1. I super appreciate the responses to this thread, thanks to all!

    I was able to go to Seoul at the beginning of the month, but couldn't do consultations with all the clinics I hoped for because of COVID-19--some clinics wouldn't let people come in if you recently visited certain countries (it's been changing a lot in these past few weeks as you guys all know, but at that time they included Vietnam on the list which I visited the week before.) Also, my stupid flight was delayed a day and so it really cut down the time I could see clinics. I was able to go to Nana and Namu, and my old clinic. I couldn't check out UVOM or Wannabe as they wouldn't let me see the doctor because I visited Vietnam the week before.

    Basically it was Claire from Namu who convinced me my nose is fine and that I needed no adjustments. She asked me where I did it and I told her, and she was being ultra honest and straightforward with me--saying that the clinic did a good job and she would not adjust anything at all. That said, I still think I could benefit from a thin implant to smooth my bridge overall--but I've decided to postpone any kind of surgery until things improve with all the travel restrictions, plus I can't take off work at the moment.

    I realize this isn't super helpful to hear as an update, but I guess it is an interesting thing to consider--like getting opinions from strangers as to whether a revision is really needed? If you're in Seoul for consultations, I'd recommend at least visiting Claire from NAMU for a very straightforward opinion, the fact that she wasn't trying to sell on the clinic was kind of refreshing and helpful....
  2. Yeah I actually had a consultation with Opera before (during my primary rhino) and was about to pick them, I had a really good feeling, but ended up going to another clinic that I had other procedures with (so I was familiar and comfortable).!

    do you mind PMing me with before and after photos?? I can also show you mine in case you wanted to see :smile:
  3. Hi all! I’m going to Korea next week for consultations for revision rhinoplasty. I have a wide, bulbous nose with actually good bridge height. My 1st rhinoplasty was a combination of hump removal, alarplasty, and tipplasty, but no implants were involved. My nose still looks bulbous and the bridge isn’t smooth. I also think the hump removal caused my bridge height to actually look a little lower.

    I’m looking for a rhino clinic that’s very good with silicone implants to make the nose look slimmer and more projected, while also debulking and refining a bulbous tip. Wanting something inbetween natural and dolly.

    Here’s my list:
    • Opera
    • Namu
    • Very Good
    • DA
    • Wannabe
    • Cocoline
    • UVOM
    • Nana
    • Hyundai
    • TL
    Who is considered an expert at revision rhinoplasty, and especially with silicone implants and bulbous nose tip refinement? I’m looking for something inbetween natural and dolly.

    Plus points if any of these clinics do cheekbone implants (yes, implants as I want more defined cheekbones)!

    If any of the above have bad reviews, please also flag. For example I’ve read some bad ones at DA but I’ve also seen some really nice results.

    Thanks for your knowledge in advance :smile: please also feel free to
    PM me directly especially with B/A photos if you had rhino done at any of these clinics
  4. I did my alars at SQ and it left no scar, was super natural and I think that’s the signature surgery. They do it extremely well and if you go into their site and check out the “real reviews” section an overwhelming majority of people go for alarplasty. I later did my DES and rhinoplasty there too which was good but I feel like the alar reduction was the best. Hope that helps!
  5. Yep! I went to Seoul in April for lipo/fat transfer to my buttocks and I’m actually going tomorrow again (lol) for a BBL top up (and rhinoplasty, looking for a suitable clinic...). As for my lipo/bbl I really didn’t do much research beforehand (I know...terrible...) and just looked for places that actually even would do BBL/“hip up” surgery (that’s what they essentially call a BBL in Korea). Rahae and Yumastem are lipo clinics that do BBLs (I found them on an app called BeautySocial) so I went in for f2f consultations and ended up with Rahae because they fit within my price range.

    In short, yes Korea is not known for BBLs and the general body aesthetic people go for is thin in Korea. Considering my lack of preparation for the BBL part (I was much more fixated on losing my belly fat and focused on the lipo and at that time, just saw the BBL as an additional “bonus,” not really like a standalone dramatic procedure), Dr. Kim gave me 275 cc in each butt cheek which is minimal compared to clinics in the US that will put 400-500+ cc in each butt. I realize it depends on your frame, but as mentioned doctors in Korea aren’t coming in with patients with a slim figure wanting a Kim Kardashian butt. That said, it did give me some improvement but not that noticeable. My butt isn’t really “bigger” at all but just very, very slightly enhanced. Which l think by Korean standards is great (thin body with just subtle shape in the butt), but by American aesthetics (slim-thick, etc.) not that noticeable.

    They stored my lipo fat from my stomach (I had about 1500 cc removed) and so I’m going back to the same clinic and putting the remaining fat into my butt and hips, with some additional lipo/fat transfer from my love handles. I’ve been communicating with the clinic on KKT with photos of my ideal body shape, etc. and hoping to get a bit more dramatic results now that I am showing my ideal shape and actually putting in some more research lol. :P
  6. Hi all,

    I’m about to go the Seoul later this week for my rhinoplasty (never had one previously—but had an alarplasty and am deciding to do a full rhinoplasty). I’m very curious for those who have done the procedure more than once:

    • Who was your first clinic?
    • Did you go with the same clinic for your revision?
    • What was it about your first procedure results that made you do a revision?
    • Any advice to maximize your results when getting a rhinoplasty?

    I just ask as I think this question isn’t asked enough—of course in an ideal world we’d get it all get it right the first time, but of course sometimes it doesn’t always happen—or maybe it was fine the first time, but you still wanted to change something.

    I’d love to hear answers from all who’ve had this experience as I think it’s really helpful advice to those who are getting a rhinoplasty (the first time—or more)....!
  7. Hi all,

    I’m going to SK in about 2 weeks and just wanted some second opinions. I’ve searched these forums and based on results I’ve seen and liked here (as well as other research outside PurseForum), I’ve set up appointments with:
    • UVOM
    • Wannabe
    • Answer
    • Very Good
    • Opera
    Just wanted to quickly ask if there are PS clinics I should consider, in addition to the above, that are really good at improving bulbous / thick nose shapes.

    I’ve researched Thai and Filipino clinics and some have good results with clients with similar noses to mine but I’m just weary of the quality. I had a nice alar result done in Seoul last January, but I realized my tip is still broad and thick (they suggested an implant/tip binding that time but I was too scared to do it lol.)

    I’m Southeast Asian and want a bulbous nose rhinoplasty that also takes into consideration my features. I think the noses performed Korean patients are lovely but maybe a bit too thin or pointy or “dolly” for my aesthetic.

    As an FYI, before I settled on doing the rhino in Korea, I actually found a clinic in Manila that has my desired result (I love her result!) but I contacted them directly and they said they only do in-person consultations, nothing online. I also searched up the clinic here and there was only like 1-2 posts about them but they weren’t positive (they were both about their implants being shifted or something). She’s definitely the look I’m going for (and has a similar before to me) :smile:

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