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Posts posted by rucolla80

  1. Oh, sorry. Wrong thread. You look great btw!
  2. still waiting :sad:
  3. Thank you for sharing this. I'm getting v line and double jaw this spring, and I want to be mentally prepared for everything. I'm not a professional, but according to your scan the result looks nice! I've read thousands of reviews here and on realself about double jaw, and the recovery experience is so different depending on the person. Some people do blow up like a fish, and it takes a lot of time for swelling to get down. Speedy recovery!
  4. Then you better ask surgeon. Double jaw is a serious surgery, maybe you will be satisfied with V line surgery for chin and jaw. As for me I haven't decided yet. but I like results from ID Hospital and EU :smile:
  5. Your swelling went down so fast! I wish I look this great when I'm 2 months post op! :biggrin:
  6. How long does it take for cheeks to get smaller btw? Are there any recommendations on how to speed it up?
  7. This is exactly the result I'm looking for. You look amazing! I will be waiting for your new updates and thanks for sharing such a detailed review. :heart:
  8. Hello! I have recenly found this forum, and it seems that there are a lot of plastic surgery experienced members here. I am really confused, so I'd like to know what others (especially Americans who travelled to Korea for ps) think about it:

    Is it better to undergo double jaw surgery in Korea or in the US? :confused1:

    I have a chance to get a surgery covered by insurance in the United States. On the other hand, I like the idea of travelling to Korea for a surgery cuz the results of Korean surgeons look amazing, I would say even more impressive than the one I saw from Americans.
    Any ideas? Is it worth travelling to Korea for double jaw? Has anyone got double jaw in Korea recently? :biggrin: Thank you!
  9. Your result looks awesome! How much did you pay it total? could you pm me?
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