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Posts posted by olliejay

  1. Yea, I believe Dr.Jogak can fix it.
  2. Hi, sorry for the late reply. After Korea I went to Taiwan and the Phillipines for a small vacation before returning back to the US (end of Jan) and it's been very busy as I've been gone 11 half months with my career; I've been playing catch up! The surgery went well, in fact I achieved near perfect symmetry to the left back side of my head which was normal in curve . He basically mirrored the right to the left. He did have to shave a spot along the upper area of the back of my head to make his incision as my hair is not straight ( able to lift up or part ) it's coarse . Since then it's grown in and is a little shorter than the surrounding hair however I'll be getting a haircut soon to even it all out. No issues , sickness, severe swelling or uncomfortable resting or standing pain. I'll be deploying back out soon and have been busy is all guys- be well
  3. Exactly. He said I bad s very thick scalp and it took him an extra 10 min lo get than the normal 45 min estimated to be finished. My left side was of average curve however the right back side was flat. So far both sides look close to identical . But with the post surgery swelling still in play I won't know truly for 1 week minimum up to 4 possibly. Overall when I look down and you look at my head from top to bottom you can see a vast improvement at What would be the top of facing me looking down . More rounded versus the right side (my left) being a bit higher than the left (my right)
  4. Hey all,
    Surgery went well, he removed my head wrap today and said I was healing well from the surgery. The local area is stilk. Bit swollen from the surgery but and he advised me it can take 3-4 weeks tops depending on the person for the local swelling in the area to go down thus indicating your true head shape post operation. I can still see a change in my head though , my problem area was my right side as the left was fine but right was flat. He touched up my left side a little but mostly the right to make it as assymetrical to the left as possible. I'm the mean time gonna wait a few more days and get my staples removed but In the mean time I'm gonna relax and hang out with some friends. Pics are coming I just prefer to wait until the swelling goes down. At the end of day 1 had a small headache and it was uncomfortable sleeping on my head but day 2 on forward not really any pain to be honest. You guys be safe out there and enjoy your New Year wherever you are! Will report back in time
  5. Look at that perfect dome .. Gettin' my surgery in 20 days . Can't wait
  6. You'd have to ask him for all the varying costs , I was quoted $6000 USD for back of head surgery . Won't be getting it done until the 27th of this month

  7. I messaged you
  8. That outlook resonates with me . Same way. Had I had a normal head it will have been different. More enjoyable
  9. How much did you take out at the airport for cash in hand when you got there? How did you pay for the metro? I'd the
    Gorgeous !
  10. Not there yet . Will be in January
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