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Posts posted by lanabananas

  1. that's a great deal! would love to see your vid
  2. What kind of pain does it feel like? Burning? I’m also interested in this procedure too. Also assuming they numb you beforehand?
  3. Wow, makes me wonder if their doctors are popular/famous for their specialities. Probably just overcharging because it's a brand new clinic.
  4. Hi @mi102! I am in major search mode for my primary rhinoplasty and VIP is top on my list but as you said, it's the most expensive. The B&A photos are amazing.

    Keep us posted!
  5. Oh PHEW! The ONLY one thing good about having thin hair LOL! Thank you for letting me know that!

    How many follicles did you end up getting btw? I just got feedback from Yoon and they estimated about 3000 for me. On the high side for sure.
  6. Ok cool! I’ll give it a couple of days before following up. Thank you!
  7. I just reached out to UVOM but nothing back yet. How did you contact them? Nana is also on my list too :smile:
  8. That’s really good to know. And yes, i did read scarring too. On the other hand, i have pretty thin hair so I am interested to know if that would even work with FUT or FUE.

    I am also getting my nose and face contour btw. Lots of clinics seem to be one stop shop with multiple doctors specializing in their areas. But there are others that just specialize in one thing like hair.
  9. Absolutely right about the pros and cons. I just started to research and get quotes. Some places have mentioned forehead reduction/hairline lowering and of course transplant. Any thoughts on lowering?

    How was the pain for you post surgery btw?
  10. That’s great news! Thank you so much for the information. I’m looking into FUT but like you said, it’s a bit scary. It’s difficult to choose!
  11. Hi Pepmilk! How did the surgery go? Hope it went well. I am looking into getting this done too and would love to hear your thoughts.
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