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Posts posted by avolover

  1. If you're looking for a natural result rhinoplasty you should check out Wannabe as well! There's a girl who did a post on them and the result looks really nice. When I saw their b&a some people do have dramatic results but it looks aesthetically nice not fake-looking. I'm getting mine there and hoping for a natural yet flattering change!
  2. Omg! Both your eyes and nose look so amazing!! I had my consultation at Wannabe last year too and was supposed to get surgery in fall as well but i've had some personal issues and I'm FINALLY getting it next week!! I feel so much better seeing thorough review like this right before my surgery so thank you for such a detailed post!! I'll definitely post as well once I get mine done :biggrin:
  3. Hey Winnie3360! Wow I didn't realize going through agencies like seoul guide medical would be so troublesome! Also the price quotes seem to be ridiculously expensive! From your list I've been to view, nana and wannabe and I decided to go with wannabe. I really liked them all from online consultations and all of their price was pretty much within my budget but wannabe was the most prompt in answering questions and also the fact that there's only one surgeon who does rhinoplasty at the clinic was very reassuring to me. You can pm me for price quote i received from them!
  4. Hi cloey! I personally wanted a natural result since I have a hump in my nose. Doctor said he just needs to remove the hump and do tip plasty without any foreign implants since my bridge height was high enough! The consultant showed me bunch of b&a photos of both natural line and dolly curve and if you have a specific shape that you want, he will definitely do it for you!
  5. Wow your nose looks great!! Did you get all the procedures done at the same time?? I can barely see swelling!
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