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Posts posted by grettavv

  1. Hello! Thanks for reading. You'd have an easier recovery time with LAMS. It depends on how much fat you want to get rid of. Idk if you could do stomach, back, and arms all on the same day. 365mc might wanna split it into two days. Me, personally, I'd suggest that you do liposuction on the stomach. I think you'd get better long term results and also if I had to do it again I'd DEFINITELY want to be asleep for it because of the pain!! I cried so much and yelped out at times. Luckily the nurses and dr were comforting me the whole time so that definitely helped. Very nice of them, seriously. Back LAMS wasn't bad at all though! I was even able to have a full, calm conversation with the dr during the surgery! I haven't done arms but personally I think it could be a bit more painful than the back LAMS but bearable compared to stomach LAMS, pain-wise. Again, idk how much fat you want to lose but the thigh liposuction was just a tiny bit more expensive than thigh LAMS and the results are far better. I had alot of fat to get rid of though! I hope this helped and good luck!! Don't hesitate to ask more!
  2. Walking immediately after liposuction.. ummm yes to your hotel lol!!! If you FP LAMS perhaps you could make your derm appt but for liposuction you'll still be woozy and honestly a bit drugged from the general anesthesia. I definitely wouldn't advise it!! Do the derm the day before.
  3. Oh man... the night after HURT!! but I managed to get to sleep. The next two days I had to be careful walking up hill, downhill, too fast.. anything that made my thighs jiggle hurt! Self massage helps soooo much! And the compression garment was a real lifesaver. It really truly helped, seriously. A month later and now I can comfortably lightly jog. For cardio I was forced to do the Stairmaster because running was impossible because my thighs were too sensitive.
  4. It's been over a month since I have gotten the thigh liposuction at 365mc. My inner thighs are still kinda big and sensitive but I'm hoping that they will decrease in size as I continue to recover. My outer thighs look more muscular and that makes me very very happy!! I am comfortable wearing shorts again, thank goodness since I live in Florida. Im very glad that I went through with this procedure!
  5. Hi They told me 6 sessions of the post-surgery treatments after stitches removal and frozen machine also recommended to me
    But I've only done 2 set of Ender-plus therapy on my thighs
    Not paid for aftercare which means it's including
  6. I got the liposuction on my thighs! I did it at 365mc in Seoul. The soreness is a bit worse than LAMS but in a different way. My skin didn't harden and stiffen like it did with LAMS so that was a plus. It was also more satisfying with liposuction to see more fat taken out. With LAMS there was some drainage out of the incisions which wasn't the case with liposuction. The big difference for me LAMS vs liposuction was the introduction of stitches which you don't get in LAMS. There's not alot of recovery information out there on the internet for thigh liposuction so I'll try to update this post to hopefully help others.
    366mc hospital gives you instructional pamphlets on how to clean your stitches with iodine and then ointment then bandage. They clean and bandage your stitches for you the day following the surgery and answer any questions you have which was a relief for me. I am a bit nervous to care for the stitches myself but I'm sure I'll do fine. I have a follow up appointment in 2 weeks to take the stitches out and begin aftercare. I'll update again!
  7. I was so impressed by the mini liposuction or LAMS that I've gotten on my stomach and upper back, I decided to look into getting LAMS on my thighs too from this hospital. At the consultation, the consultant and my English translator explained to me that getting liposuction would be more cost effective as the thigh liposuction goes around the entire thigh whereas LAMS I'd have to pay per section like front of thighs, inner, back, etc. I'll continue updating! I'm very excited, I hate my inner thighs. I just want to wear shorts and dresses without painful chaffing.
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