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Posts posted by smallcoconut

  1. My main concern is about the safety of both the procedure and the fact that the doctor isnt board certified (anaesthesiologist educated). What did you think about the equipment, doctor, procedure and the general safety around the facility?
  2. That is horrible! But i think that you can get some helpful input from the people at Visit medical korea :smile:
    I hope everything turns our okay in the end for you!
  3. Where I live plastic surgery isn't as popular (other than maybe botox), which in turn makes the few clinics that exist here having very high quotations. Just going for a consultation can cost 60+ euro. Additionally I was already planning on swinging by Korea while visiting family in Asia (my friend will be studying there next summer). I have heard many good things about korean plastic surgery so i began researching. Happened to discover the name of this clinic while looking through positive experiences/reviews here on the forums and got in contact with La Prin (and some other clinics).
  4. I am unsure about the laws in Korea but it definitely sounds fishy that they didn't provide you with this information originally. I placed my own deposit for some days ago and on the document I got with all the bank info clearly stated that I could get my refund until 72 h before my operation.
    I suggest you try to get in touch with this website and ask them about this. They work with all the PS related tourism and provide info to foreigners. I asked them if the VAT refund period had been extended until next year and they replied within one or two days.
  5. Hi!
    I have placed a deposit for abdominal liposuction at the La Prin clinic after talking with one of the translators there. After bringing this up with my sister, she wondered why I wont just do it here in my country instead of traveling across the world. Her main reason for asking if I was 100% sure this clinic is safe.
    I am suddenly having doubts (maybe because i'm easily influenced by others) and I want to do even more research on this clinic. The problem is that there aren't too many reviews of them and I can't even check the doctor online (his name seems to be a very typical korean name).
    The facility seems clean and the equipment seems very up to date. She provided me with a copy of his doctors license, which i don't really know how to check and can't read because, well i dont know Korean. She did mention that he was originally an anaesthesiologist, but that he began doing liposuctions instead. He has been doing this for about 18 years and the before and after pictures provided by the consultants look nice and natural.

    Please help me determine if it's safe for me to go here. I am suddenly really anxious and getting these horrible thoughts in my head of something terrible happening to me (after reading all of those PS horror stories).
  6. Hi!
    I am fairly new to this forum and have made some posts before regarding abdominal liposuction.
    I have been talking with some clinics and agencies and I am facing this dilemma. Like the title suggests, I am planning a vacation for June 2020 and I will be visiting Seoul for approximately two weeks. I wanted to have time to visit the clinics that I am interested in but I am slowly realising that it could be fairly difficult because of June being peak season for PS in Korea. The clinics are telling me that they can't guarantee that I will get a surgery time If i wait until I'm actually there during June.
    The reason why I am going then is because I am currently going to university and the summer vacation is the longest break we have from school (the winter one being only 1 week). I want time to recover in Seoul and enjoy the country too since I haven't traveled for so long.

    What should i do? If I pay a deposit, could I get it back if I decide not to go through with the surgery? I know I could wait until after I am done with school but this is seriously something that is affecting me negatively every day.
  7. I kind of have the same dilemma. Right now I feel like a doctors experience in the area is more important than being board certified in another area. I kinda like both Pretty Body and LaPrin too (also Evita), but I have had difficulties actually researching the different doctors and I can't find too many lipo reviews of the clinics. Since I will probably have max 14 days in Seoul I am unsure about how many clinics i can visit, especially since it'll be high season when i go (mid june).
    Do you have any suggestions on where I could look for more reviews? I can't really find too many here on the purseforum.

    (The major differences i can find is that you can get your VAT refund at LaPrin because they are "approved and registered with the Minister of Health and Welfare in accordance with an Act for Attraction of International Patients". I can't really find anything about Pretty Body on that list)
  8. Hello beautiful people :smile:
    This is kind of related to my last thread, but I think this is worth it's own thread.
    So i talked with a consultant through Jivaka Care about a mini lipo procedure at the PPEUM clinic. Since i couldn't read about the individual doctors on the website I asked her if there was an way of researching which doctor who would carry out the procedure (wanted to make sure he was board certified).
    She then tells me that all of the people working at PPEUM are board certified DERMATOLOGISTS, also claiming that the procedure is minimally invasive (fat removed by syringes)which means you don't need plastic surgeons to preform it safely.

    Does this even sound safe? I can understand her thinking but I don't know if its completely safe for dermatologists to carry out a procedure like this.
  9. I read a little bit more about fat dissolving injections aren't a permanent solution, so I am leaning toward liposuction of some sort. After browsing around this forum for most of the day, it seems like the following clinics have gotten good reviews (but also sometimes mixed): LaPrina, Evita, TL, 365 mc, Pretty Body.
    Please do tell if you have any liposuction experience at these clinics, especially if your procedure included your abdomen! Feel free to share pricing for this area too :smile:
  10. Hi! Thank you so much for your post. It has really given me some ideas as to what clinics to look into.
    I was wondering if you have any recommendations for someone who would just like to do lipo around the abdominal area? I am extremely paranoid about these kinds of things, probably because I am generally nervous that doctors will treat me badly. I heard some stuff about LaPrin not having any board certified doctors and it kinda got me a little bit spooked.
    Basically my question is: Would you recommend LaPrin to someone who would only like to do abdominal liposuction or do you think one of the other clinics you visited would be better?
    Thanks in advance :smile:
  11. I've heard mixed reviews on similar procedures (cool sculpting) and I'll keep this in mind. I've not heard too much about this VAT refund before? Will it still be a thing next summer (my planned trip to Asia will be around June 2020)?
  12. Thank you for your response! Your review was really interesting to read and it gave me a better insight in how Evita Clinic operates. I've heard good things about them from other threads but I haven't looked too much into them yet. I'll def put them on my research list :smile:
  13. Hello everyone! This is my first post here and I hope any of you beauties could help me! :smile:

    -- Background --

    I've always had a problem with that my stomach being overly round and pouty. Even when i trained regularly and had a strict diet, I just couldn't lose this stubborn belly fat (apparently i inherited it from both sides of the family). I've lost about 15kg and am at a healthy weight (actually lost in total 20kg when i trained regularly. i gained weight after i got depressed because of my motivation dropping, since i couldn't get thinner where i wanted to). This affects me daily and has affected my mental health and confidence for some time. I'm honestly satisfied with most of my body and the only thing that has been bothering is my tummy.

    -- Question --

    I am looking for a safe procedure and clinic/doctor that can remove my stubborn belly fat. I am a university student so I cant afford some of the procedures (like some liposuction procedures) that cost as much as +5000 EUR and most of these include removing fat from areas I don't really care about.
    I've done some research on my own and I am currently exchanging emails with both 'Jivaka Care/Beauty' and 'Seoul Guide Medical'. Both of these consultation organisations claim that I could achieve my dreams with as "little" as max 2000 EUR. Is this a realistic estimate or is this too good to be true? Can i trust any of these consultation organisations?

    Both of the mentioned organisations suggested procedures that include fat dissolving injections. I asked about the ingredients that the clinics use.
    Seoul Guide Medical: Can't say because the doctors are trying to patent formula.
    Jivaka Beauty: Unsure but thinks the clinic uses lipolysis injections.
    Do any of you know if these injections are safe and effective for the belly area? I've heard different info from different sources and I am really sceptical to inject myself with something unknown/unsafe.

    Jivaka Beauty
    suggested Clatuu 365 or something called a mini lipo (both at PPEUM clinic). I can't find too many reviews of these procedures which makes me very paranoid, especially since the packages are on "sale". The clinic opened in 2018 and one possibility is that they just haven't had too many costumers that go for those procedures yet (especially since it seems like they do a lot of laser treatments instead).

    I am so afraid to make a mistake and i really want to be 100% sure that the clinic, doctor and procedure fits me and my needs. I'm also very worried about the safety of the procedure.

    -- TLDR --

    My questions are:
    1. Is a budget of max 2000 EUR (about 2400000 KRW) realistic for a procedure in removing belly fat/losing CMs permanently around waist?
    2. Are the consultation organisations Jivaka Beauty/Care and Seoul Guide Medical reliable?
    3. Are fat dissolving injections safe and are they effective in the belly area? Is lipolysis injections safe and can you trust clinics who wont reveal the formula to their patient?
    4. Is the mini lipo and body slimming treatment (CLATUU 365) safe at the PPEUM clinic?
    5. Do you have any suggestions on safe and trustworthy clinics that could help me with my problematic belly fat?

    Thanks for all the help! :heart:
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