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Posts posted by Tiffu

  1. Hi! I'm interested in having forehead reduction as well so I've been researching a ton about reputable clinics. So far I've consulted with NANA, Namu, UVOM, and Hyundai Aesthetics. Since you're considering lip reduction, you should consider online consulting with Hyundai Aesthetics since their lip doctor is quite famous and their prices are quite agreeable for a foreigner. It is a smaller size clinic since personally I'd avoid big factory style clinics. Best of luck and please tell me of any clinics that any other clinics that are known for forehead lowering! 

  2. I decided to go to Korea ultimately because I trust their abilities and technology more so than other asian countries. I feel like China and SEA countries have less than stellar reputations while SK, Japan, and Taiwan are known to be PS hotspots. You only have one face so it's important to go somewhere where your chances of getting a successful surgery outcome are higher. I live in America so the cost of the getting plastic surgery is insane compared to South Korea so that's a huge bonus. Kinda feel like you can get more bang for your money there lol. 

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