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Posts posted by dave44

  1. Chris, do you have any more before photos? The depth of your skull is dramatic compared to other photos I've seen. Almost like your skull wasn't really that bad to begin with. Let me know thanks
  2. It looks good. How much material was he able to apply to your skull? It doesn't look as dramatic as the other guys (Chris) as far as depth goes. Was there any issues with stretching your skin?
  3. From what I've seen, it looks like you would be a good candidate. A lot of the pictures are tough to decipher, since a lot of them are girls with a bunch of hair. A but your skull shape looks pretty straightforward, like mine.
  4. This dude fell off. Must not have went well.
  5. Couple questions

    1: if the procedure didn't produce the results you wanted could you go back and have more material added in the same location?

    2: is there any risk of the doctor not performing the procedure because projected results would be sub par?

    3 : Is there a scenario where the skin elasticity wasn't optimal so a "ballon" would need inserted
    to create more room for the bonding filament?

    I'm just nervous that the cost of flying to Korea would be wasted since there is no way for the doctor to see me face to face prior to the procedure.
  6. Can we see some pics now?
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