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Posts posted by zalicia197

  1. I was in one of the plastic surgery kakao open chat, just to eyeballing to get some information. I was aware of the fact that there was someone who got their surgery done at girin and got botched. But when I was doing researches on their clinic, I liked most of the results and found out that they were working hard on advertising themselves to foreign patients on facebook, instagram and blogs. I decided to give them a call. I didn’t get the fastest replies from the clinic but Ashley (the girl I talked with from the clinic) laid out all the possible surgeries with their quotes and was very friendly. It was easy to book an appointment with them, unlike some other clinics. When I went to their clinic, it was very clean and neat. There were individual sofas and phone chargers next to every sofa, which I really appreciated while I was waiting for my consultation. The waiting was about 5 minutes and Ashley came to greet me in the lobby. While we waited for the consultation room to empty, she double checked the areas I wanted to get a consultation. After we entered the room, the consultant came in not long after and LET ME TELL YOU, CONSULTANTS IN GIRIN ARE BEAUTIFUL. Talking to the doctor was pleasant. Some other clinics didn’t let me ask questions to the doctor straight ?????? The consultant and coordinator made sure I didn’t ask the doctor anything and ask them instead after seeing the doctor, which I thought was very rude. Like I would rather talk to someone who specialized in this field, not “well-trained consultant” if you know what I mean. I got carried away, but anyways, after talking to the doctor, I immediately booked a surgery date and paid my deposits first. I liked how they had different methods of lateral canthoplasty. They explained that most of the clinics just perform “lateral canthoplasty” like its name which has a possibility of relocating, but girin’s 7mm canthoplasty is “lateral + lower canthoplasty”, which has 0 possibility of relocation. I had ptosis correction revision, epicanthoplasty and lateral canthoplasty. I went back to clinic on the surgery date at 9:10am and got ready for the surgery and the last words I remember hearing at the surgery room was Ashley telling me to relax and try best to fall asleep and don’t panic if I ever hear sounds because I will be in light sleep. The recovery process wasn’t bad. I just wore sunglasses everywhere LOL Removing the stitches was kind of rough. I think it took about 2 weeks for me to look normal and was ready to go back to work. And it’s been about 2 more weeks. I’ll attach before and after picture. 20191127.png 20191226 after.png
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