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Posts posted by 95kyratexas

  1. How is your healing going?
    I feel the same, it is currently very well organized in Seoul! Gangnam does not really seem to be affected. Tip for anyone who wants to see where infected people have walked around in Seoul: you can type in 'coronamap' on Naver and go to a website like coronamap, which shows exactly when and where people who have a confirmed case of Corona have visited! Gangnam does not seem to have a lot of places :biggrin:
  2. Korea is fine, actually most countries have a couple of confirmed cases, even the US and France. There's loads of Chinese tourists anyway in all countries around the world, if you want to avoid catching a virus at all it's better to stay at your house and never go out. Just make sure you sanitize and wash your hands a lot and wear a mask to stay protected.
  3. I wouldn't recommend an agent that sends you to big clinics like Banobagi and ID. I heard there's good ones that send you to private clinics where they don't have a translator available usually, so skip the one you're using now
  4. I’m sorry to hear you had a bad experience. But while living in Korea, I’ve seen more positive than negative changes for my friends noses. There’s also people actually living here, for who its more of an adventage to do it in Korea than back home. But I do agree there’s a lot of promoters on here, unfortunately agencies such as Docfinder like to spam this place full of lies
  5. I liked my consultation with Dr Cha, he recommended me procedures and also suggested I didn’t need lower blepharoplasty even though I asked for it (instead suggesting lower fat repositioning if I wanted something at all). His English was really good so I felt like there could not be any mistakes due to communication. I ended up not doing surgery at all due to budget issues but I would recommend at least a consultation at Mina, the foreign consultant who translated what the staff was saying was super nice as well. Also I saw some Youtuber with a recent video on Mina (Sophia Georgia? i think) and she had a good experience I think
  6. Yes, it is bad that the doctor performed something you didn't agree too, but I think that your nose still looks very nice. In my eyes, it's a successful operation, and Korean staff might feel like you're overreacting. The swelling can take up to 6 months to go down. But still, they have made a mistake, so they should offer you a free revision. Would you still go to the same doctor for a revision? My friend had a really good interpreter who translated everything, and she made sure that all her points came across to the doctor, so she came out really happy.
  7. Wow that sounds pretty good though! I've heard horror stories of clinics that literally push you outside and keep you awake the whole time. Someone I know was literally told to put in her clothes 20 minutes after she woke up from the anesthesia -_- My friend loved her result as well (but the translators definitely seemed nicer than the Korean desk staff lol)
  8. Your results look good! I'm really happy for you :smile:
    If you got sponsored by the doctor, I don't really think I can trust your posts though.. I really felt like Banobagi pays a lot of its patients to post positive reviews and videos, or to leave reviews on these kind of forums. This should be a non-commercial forum for people to discuss their positive/negative reviews :sad:
  9. I'm not sure if it was around a busy time, but people shouted in English, Chinese and Thai around me.. didn't feel comfortable at all. The wait was long. I know that in Korea, Dec until Feb is peak time but it still doesn't justify treating people like objects in a factory. I recommend private clinics or bigger clinics like View or Girin, the consultation was much less rushed, less people shouting, and the consultants were much nicer.
  10. Whatttttt double??? My friend had revision and it wasn't double at all... she said that when the rib cartilage surgery was added,and it only added 1 or max 2 million KRW to her full surgery price, it didn't double her surgery price at all.. would be suspicious if the clinics told you that
  11. I went with my friend to have a consultation at Banobagi as well but it was horrible.. it seemed like a factory and my friend had to meet 3 doctors, waited around 1,5 hours but only ended up seeing one of them (and the meeting with the doctor only lasted 3 minutes). The Korean consultant really forced a lot of recommendations on her face as to what to change and what now, without listening to what my friend actually wanted. I've seen much better clinics, don't know if Im allowed to write them all here but you can PM me for more information.
  12. Wow the last 2 definitely seem too expensive. 5,500-9,500 is also a pretty wide range, but none of my friends have paid more than 8 million KRW for Rhino (I heard revision cases are more complicated and might be more expensive). Your nose is not a revision right? Rib cartilage adds a little bit more but definitely not over 10 million KRW..
  13. I agree the doctor seemed a little dead.. but he was still really nice, and he was the only one I did a consultation with that actually showed me how my nose would look like through Photoshop. I ended up not doing Rhinoplasty at all but they would have been my no. 1 choice since my other friend, whos a teacher in Korea as well, did rhino there and her results were amazing. I went to one check-up with her and they answered all her questions in English. I don't know what the Korean staff were saying but I would have felt left out if I wouldn't know what the staff around me were saying..
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