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Posts posted by act007

  1. I’ve never said about “measuring” asymmetry... it’s been metaphorical, trying to say the human eye when looking at you has a kind of general approach of the entire face when if too feminine lines on a man, a woman just knows sending it without measuring anything.., looks are illusional anyway... only considering the convex and concave shapes and how the light is reflecting to and from... all’s about the way we choose to look at things when things just... change and magic happens... if you feel good and are healthy, I wouldn’t worry too much about looks because good genuine people would never care about a more or less polished look... and if you can improve some details bothering you that would be a bonus and for yourself but not worth doing it for any others thinking they’d love you more... if anyone may be attracted more after, that’s never the right one.,, but the shallow one and never for the long run.., at my wise age I’ve learnt such things... and quality in people around is all it counts... in my view at least. Just know we are all perfect with all our imperfections and the genuine ones looking at you just see you and nothing wrong on you
  2. Hello Vinnievdp, I fully understand your point but I’ve learnt from my experiences with doctors in the past also telling me there was nothing much to do etc but because that detail was bothering me quite a lot, I’ve never given up and persisted with my searches until finding the right Dr with the right experience to just help with. If I were you i’d send those pictures to all trusted surgeons in the field then compare them, shortlisting what they may say. I’m not a doctor, so I cannot have an opinion on that, but I wouldn’t stop or be disappointed because that doctor you came from cut your hopes... I’d move in checking with another. If you’re chatting in here means somehow some details attracted you to know more about this clinic Jogak or its Surgeon, right? I understand this thread is about Jogak isn’t it? At least I’d be curious what Dr Song’s opinion is. But that would be me at least... and whatever happens, just know you’re liked for who you already are and no physical changes would make genuine people to like you more only because of some polished looks which is a shallow approach... in my case, I did it for me and the advantages of time saving and flexibility, but never for attracting fake others... who’s liked me before also likes me now the same... the rest doesn’t matter... the beauty is inside and the only one it truly counts
  3. Only now I’ve discovered the members I responded to are in fact males, and from my female position I truly believe the vanity of looking perfect only sits with the females simply because for males, finding symmetrical beauty in women is very important and the way they function and are naturally wired, unlike females who don’t care much at all about men’s head imperfections... the important part for females is for males to have a brain and use it too lol ...And I mean that!!! the symmetry of his face is never important on the contrary, if a man has too fine face/head lines he’d look more feminine and loses masculinity which also loses attractiveness to women... I’m talking about straight people, and if gay, then yes the more symmetric the better as I’ve learnt from my gay male friends who’s priorities may be slightly different and fair enough as it should be according to each and everyone of us... the reason I know about straight women’s priorities is that I’m one of them and when I met my husband I wasn’t interested in him for a relationship just because he had a perfect head..., I looked at him as a good friend till discovering his sharp mind then nice soft behaviour, and that’s pretty much all majority of women are interested in and NOT to measure his face and check if the right side id the same to his left.., men get away with wrinkles and imperfections almost always and by default, not to also mention there are 10-12 women on earth to each man-head, which is another reason for men getting away with a lot more than they’d even think of... and for such reasons, if I were you, as a man, I wouldn’t care much about symmetry or perfection of my head/face and I believe JOGAK would have good solutions to your cases because even the little changes could make tremendous differences to you while they offer a safe place where that artist-exceptionally skilled Surgeon is, which equals minimising risks if considering his experience and results also the many cases he’s been handling so far. If you don’t search perfection, as a male, if I were you, I’d love to hear about so many guarantees about a Doctor before the operation, saving so much time while having at least one real person who’s been on that Dr’s hands and is here alive and never better... which is a huge advantage and comfort I believe.,., If I knew other similar Doctors, I’d tell you about, but after searching the world for too many years and finally only now was too lucky to only find this one and by accident, I think the world needs to wait for many years till another one to even be born with similar qualities and deliver such amazing results.... It depends on each of us what kind of lives we want and how much such changes mean to us but I’m counting my blessings each morning when getting ready in a lot shorter time than before and having a lot more flexibilities now... it’s truly life changing even if one may go for fixing little things which together may make a lot of difference. In my case, as a woman a long hair and fringe managed to cover up such imperfections but in my work, meeting so many people and always being time poor, the advantages after such an operation are countless .., and agree YouTube is a good way and I may find another way possibly soon.., I may also put my new forehead on a side of a picture and the old one on the other and add it to my profile for showing it off. I was skeptical before being a big deal but this Dr has made it seem easy as I couldn’t believe after 40 mins I was up on my feet and normal and went back to the hotel and did some work on my laptop, as my mind was the same and with no sickness while not tired either, then after around 3 hours I went shopping when discovered the most amazing Korean BB cream Missa (or Misa) and bought one for each girlfriend I have in Sydney..,lol I think I’ve already given too many details as now is easy for anyone to look me up and find me in Sydney ha! I haven’t had a reason of being so excited in a very long time as this operation has made me. In a few months I’ll go for my 2nd back head operation when again you’ll hear from me and my 2nd experience when again having that Star-Trek feeling while under anaesthetic... so interesting that part too, never known before... it’s been worth it each and single moment, it’s truly felt like on a space ship flying from an universe to another while I can’t wait to also eat more kimchi in Seoul (I watched a local tv channel at my hotel explaining about kimchi as a very important Korean side-dish also saying women who know how to make that would be highly regarded :smile: but all who eat kimchi and loves it as I do should also be highly regarded... isn’t it? Since visiting Seoul I’ve learnt a few things and the next time my holiday over there would be even better... while on the night when pulled the staples out, at the hospital they also tested me for Coronavirus hearing that I returned from South Korea... but I disappointed everyone by my negative result... still wondering if Coronavirus even exists...or it may be just a myth covering up other things?
  4. This unique discussion about Dr Song, in my humble opinion, should take place on a more popular site where is easier to be found by so many others in so much need.
    It’s been extremely hard for me to find it, it only came up after I had known his name, but never before, which means all these opinions came to confirm my discoveries about Dr Song as an extra confirmation I was finally in the very right place ...
    I’ll think of this and advise once possibly having better solutions.
    >> Why everyone wants diamonds? Because they are rare as Dr Song’s expertise and quality I’ve recently learnt about, and the reason this Doctor-diamond should be known worldwide and easy to find by anyone... if any thoughts about such ways please feel free to be creative... at the end of the day, time for promoting the good Doctor and for the very right genuine reasons for a change and teach the world the difference between good and bad publicity!!!
  5. One more thing I meant to add to my earlier post: before I decided to go ahead with mine, I’ve searched the world for years... but truly have been searching, not just passing emails to doctor and reading their replies then believe them! No way!!! I’ve done that while thinking NO surgeon was good or experienced enough these days for succeeding delivering high quality in such very sensitive medical area... but the result of my few years searches proved wrong... and I’ve learnt to never say never once finding that unique Dr hiding in Seoul at the time I truly thought none in the world could deliver this unbelievable performance. Of course I’ve been fully aware that South Korea is promoting such surgeries to increase their economy and at all cost and such things are spoken about over there like others are chatting about a movie... that’s why initially I refrained even considering that place (even though I love Koran food so much :smile: also my Korean colleagues around in Sydney are very nice and quality people therefore there are many reasons I would’ve gone to Seoul long before if knowing about this particular Surgeon... but only after searching too many wrong doctors who came first in all searches because that’s all they have, marketing skills or throwing money at marketing for being promoted while no skills, I’ve finally got to hear about Dr Song when I started being tired and my hopes were down already... and thought he’d be the same as others... but perseverance pays off in finding the right quality while one does NOT have to accept the too average and too many others just because the best ones are hard to be found among so many weeds... I’m so against poor quality and misleading people just for making money as it’s very disappointing how many such cases are around at each and single corner ready to trap... So long
  6. I appreciate your post very much and honestly, the reason I provided my phone number in here was because it took me many years till finally finding a first-hand Surgeon I could trust and who deeply knows his work so deeply being dedicated to, so for me getting to this extent is a big amazing deal... imagine I currently am 51 yo and I would’ve loved to do this years before when the collagen didn’t help me much due to ageing, but I was aware the technology could not be very helpful back then plus no Doctor has managed to convince me over so many years and I also did not see myself traveling to South Korea for such matters if I didn’t find out about this particular Doctor Song truly having extensive experience and a lot more I’ve got to learn when personally meeting him, being very precise and overly specialised in these specific areas: forehead, top and back of the head, while also a pioneer in developing procedures related to the bone cement etc... I’m working in finance and not really good in analysing those pictures unfortunately, however, in my humble view, it wouldn’t hurt sending an email to him with all that and all your concerns as that’s how I also started.
    I’ve initially simply emailed, after checking all his displayed credentials and medical activity, also going extra miles to find out more about and check if all that was real. Initially I didn’t know much about South Korea, apart from Korean people I know in Australia. But managing medical financial portfolios in Australia helped me checking on international doctors and their performances and credentials etc, plus I’ve learnt known how to make the difference between the good ones and the rest... and I initially didn’t think Dr Song would stand out so much, but the more I’ve checked the more I’ve realised he’d be the real deal and who in his humbleness is capable of moving mountains with the depth he’s got with his experience and studies related to restoration of this areas. I admit I was like you and many others before, but taking the step and sending a first email has made all the difference because each detail counts and adds up to your story giving you extra “ahas” and that’s how the world rolls I think and we all get to successfully do things which before we could’ve never comprehend we’d even do... Also, if your case may not be achievable or it may be with some limitations, he’d tell you frankly as he’s done with me. Do you think he’s ever told me that my result would be a perfect one??? No way!!! What he’s told me was that the probability of having a great result, in my case, was high, however he’s also elaborated all the potential risks because that’s always the case and imposed by any medical license plus I’ve learnt he’s a person of one word at the same time. Following my first couple of emails with him, I took 2-3 weeks break to think about and did even more checks on what he’s said, then I reached to him again being fully decided. But when I say “fully decided” I had that peace inside and I just knew all’s gonna fall into place perfectly...
    Thinking of the daily risks, even sitting indoors could happen bad things and anything if it was one to split the hair in a million pieces, but the more one thinks of negative possibilities the more would attract that kind, in my view and experience at least... that’s why, once I shortlisted this Dr in my own ways, I truly couldn’t fault him a bit anymore... so I just knew this is it and this Surgeon is one in a million for me, so the moment when laying down on his operation table, I totally unconditionally trusted him and never with any doubt on mind... and that was exactly the result, a great one as you know now... Saturday night I went to a sydney hospital emergency room to pull the staples out and due to the Coronavirus current issues I had to wait for 3 hours being a big crowd waiting, but I did it and it was funny the local male Dr who removed my 10 staples was impressed of how good my operation looked and hardly visible. Hearing I did it in South Korea, he then called 2 girls Doctors showing my operation to them and all could not be more appreciative hearing them saying “that’s art”. Of course they asked a few questions saying they’d knew about a few errors done on people in South Korea which I don’t blame them, but in every country such errors happen... in Australia as well I’ve heard of couple of practices closed after botched procedures, but hey! if such a Surgeon would’ve been anywhere else in the world, I would’ve gone to his end and NOT accepting any other butcher to touch me because, as also mentioned in my early posts, it’s enough one mistake and it’s my body I need to live with forever. Because I know too well how many years it took me to finally find such a valuable Dr truly specialised and with the right experience for what’s required, Im currently very generous and willing to respond to anyone who may be in the same boat and freaking out as I did before and if anyone may need reality checks, I still have the itinerary with the hotel and flights Sydney/Seoul and back and if people may better believe less real stories than my totally life changing reality, that’s their problem, not mine. Also, even though the staples are now out, couple of dots are still visible on my beautiful operation so why not video calling me now and see it for yourselves, rather thank imagining stories like I’d “promote clinic” ha! I’m too busy making more money in Australia from my work than thinking of such ways... am smiling only when thinking of how we all may tend to doubt even the veritable truth when told... because nowadays wherever we turn around we’d rather expect people to sugarcoat the truth than hearing the naked truth as I’m offering it with open heart... Also, who’d get himself through such an operation for promoting a clinic which I didn’t even know it existed before January this year and as Australian I could’ve gone anywhere else but all was down to the Surgeon’s performances and my way of shortlisting him while the location is irrelevant as long as the very right Doctor is there.
    Now back to your case, If I were you, I would at least email the Dr and see what happens. And if you might’ve shortlisted more than one Dr, email them all. It doesn’t hurt or cost anything but at least you may have opinions to compare and take it from there. Plus, see what your gut feeling is then. Truth be told, in austtalia we do not have a surgeon for such operations of that standard and values to let myself on their hands and the reason I’ve kept searching outside. I’ve also had some dialogue with the American Dr Eppley, couple of years ago, but honestly (don’t want to say more about) he could not convince me that he’d be able to deliver what I needed but all he’d managed to convinced me about was his extremely high unjustified costs which didn’t make sense in any universe, not to me at least, plus I was already aware of couple of people who’ve had to complain after Eppley operated... honestly not the right place or Dr for me... and now, once learning about Dr Song, I’m feeling too lucky everyday for the fact he indeed exists.
    Never rush into anything, just take your time and when ready if you may wish to ask for Dr Song’s opinion on your problem, nothing to lose. The worst scenario you’d have a new truly professional opinion on, and in the best case you may have the good surprise that he’d have the right solution for your case... you know how it is, if one wants to win the lottery, the first step is to buy a ticket otherwise nothing happens... Also, think of yourself in 5 or 10 years from now, possibly regretting not having had taken additional steps. There is only one way to find out and no matter how much I love helping others, there is no crystal ball to predict anyone’s answer or outcome, but now from the post-patient position I can guarantee you’d have a very nice dialogue with this Dr who is extremely comforting and professional and never pushy. Knowing so many Drs in Australia, I’ve got to learn the good Doctors never care about publicity because their great results based on their real skills are promoted by word of mouth, compared to those lacking skills pretending being who they’ve never been are adopting too many unorthodox ways to catch clients for the sake of some money... and if any errors happen afterwards, such pretend Drs don’t know how to get rid of people quicker being covered by insurances of course... please feel free to ask anything as if my responses could help anyone in any ways, I couldn’t be happier to see great results on as many and why not on all...
    No wonder why I’ve nicknamed this surgeon Dr Magic Hands!
    If you were my child, I’d tell you this: at all times think of yourself and what’s best for you, do your due-diligence properly then you’d know what to do
  7. I'm really sad seeing your message after my totally genuine effort and time put in helping others for not ending up botched as I've seen so so many and the reason I've delayed my operation for so long until I've finally found a first-hand Doctor I've been able to trust and just do it... your answer also clearly proves that we live in such a fake world where people would rather believe the too many fake happenings vs. the truth and reality... pity that you're thinking that way and wondering how many would've provided a real phone number offering their time for helping others for FREE based on goodwill and generosity? Before any further judgement and other hasty conclusions, how many steps you've taken to convince yourself of what you just said?
    I'm always giving the benefit of the doubt, therefore I also encourage you to be thorough with your due diligence and find out more before just clasifying me and my genuine efforts. We all learn of course and I'm saying all that while still having the staples in my head following the above mentioned perfect operation and thanks heavens I've got to know this Doctor
  8. >>> For those freaking out (as majority of us usually being at our very first experience of this kind) if you may need extra proof and if skype video chat or Facetime is what you may feel you need with a real person who’s done this before proceeding with your surgery, I’m happy to also help that way (if scheduling it of course, not just picking any incoming video-call simply because I’m really working hard every day and I’m very busy, but at the same time I’d also truly like to help anyone for ending up on very safe Dr’s hands limiting (to zero if possible) the unnecessary risks.

    P.S. – With Dr Yong Tai SONG extensively specialised and with extensive experience in covering the whole head, if your problem is the forehead, top or back of the head (or mixed, more than one case), this is one of a kind magic Doctor having the most MAGIC HANDS I’ve ever seen and I believe I’d make him justice nick-naming this Doctor: Dr MAGIC HANDS … only looking at me as a live example also knowing the top and back head augmentations do NOT end up with temporary swollen eyes or face at all because those sides are totally hidden inside the hair and your face remains normal while only experiencing very mild couple of days swelling. Due to my fairly smaller head than others have, and after my perfect result with my forehead, within 3 months I’m going to have a second operation with the same Dr Magic Hands and enjoying a 2nd holiday in Seoul.

    - Don’t worry about CoronaVirus as Seoul is very far from the particular town where the majority of such cases are and only by accident, after one single person flew from China directly to that town and took part of a Religious/Church get together (200+ people) and that’s the unlucky way it happened… South Korea proves a very clean country in many ways.

    During my time in Seoul, I also went for body massages in my hotel, where many people go to, and honestly, I’m healthy virus-free and as fit as a fiddle touch wood…
    I'm aware that words are poor to possibly thank enough the extremely valuable Surgeon, Dr Yong Tai SONG aka "Dr Magic Hands", however, the excitement of ending up with such amazing result is tremendous and it's only fair to publicly say a BIG THANK YOU to our dear Doctor ( http://eng.headsculptor.co.kr ).
    Time for me to go now, happy knowing this time put into sharing my life-changing-story is the best spent time ever, if it was to save at least one person from going to a butcher of a Doctor and end up damaged for life (not only physically but deeply scarred internally as well).
    So long, Anna :wave:
    +61 450 494479 (as mentioned, this is my new spare mobile number for real and for anyone contemplating such operations and as an extra safety to just learn from my real operation, knowing how real and true this Doctor is... oh and his picture currently displayed on his website is the slightly younger version of the person who is today, and when you may go to Seoul expect to meet a very fit professional nicest person ever while only an idea more mature looking being preserved exceptionally well :wave:
  9. >> Now you can decide and do what you may consider right for yourselves, but only keep this option at the back of your mind/or as that ace in one’s sleeve and just think 100 times when shortlisting the Dr you’d have to ALLOW UNDER YOUR OWN SIGNATURE and CONSENT to use the Bistoury on your head (I mean the surgical knife in other words which if in the wrong hands of those too many others out there… I don’t even want to think past this but just cancel this dark thought but part of reality unfortunately and too many times nowadays).

    >> As part of your due diligence in choosing your Dr, just make sure you can confidently and honestly answer to yourself the following questions:

    1. Do I have enough trust in his/her skills and hands for comfortably allowing them to use the knife on me?

    2. Have I heard from/or seen any real person coming out safely of his/her hands and with great results?

    3. How much do I know about the Dr and what if they are just faking the listed skills for the money?
  10. >>> If anyone may have questions, I promise to respond at the quickest pace I can, but please do your due diligence about your chosen Drs and be thorough when’s down to your own bodies.

    - The moment I was laying down on Dr Yong Tai SONG’s operation table, in his operation-theatre, I already and fully trusted him and his exceptional overly qualified surgeon-skills and a lot more!!! He is the REAL DEAL from A to Z and my perfect result speaks by itself… couldn’t be happier. This Dr not only offers the highest standard medically/surgeon wise, but also has an exceptional aesthetic eye as an additional reason for one to be willing to chose him over others proving too full of too much fake marketing trying to channel you to them just for making money out of you and what one gets in return apart a botched result proportional with their lack of skills….

    - Been truly lucky to find my magic Doctor What one can ask for more in a Doctor when mine is proven already having a lot more than one could’ve ever needed and dreamt for:

    # Safety – Tick

    # Highest level of Dr/Surgeon Skills & Professionalism – Tick

    # Beautiful results – Tick

    # Lowest possible risk – Tick

    # Amazing price …. Wowww – Tick

    One couldn’t be happier nor healthier only after 11 days!!! Apart that, only after 3 hours since the operation I was out to their Seoul Mall named Lotte doing some shopping while wearing a beanie over the elastic bandage my head was wrapped in . Yesss I was on painkillers, that is very normal… but … I was shopping ONLY a few hours after such an operation without any worries and with no major restrictions apart not running, doing sport or excessive effort …. Then everyday leaving my hotel, going out to restaurants to eat or visiting their beautiful surroundings (the operation does not stop you enjoying the time while over there)… the downtime is extremely short considering the kind of procedure it is… and of course from day 3 visiting Dr Song for applying antiseptic on.

    # All his credentials displayed on his website for you to just look at – Tick

    He is a PhD Medic for the right reasons… wish all of the Doctors were at his highest standard and of such amazing values. After having had face to face contact with him, I can assure you this Dr is so humble compared to the amazing exceptional results he’s been delivering for so many years now…. He’s left me speechless as all he needs to do is to keep his patients happy having such amazing results, then the patients alone would be willing to share with the entire world about him, as I’m now totally fair spreading the naked truth about this personality who’s only care is how to improve even more… I still find myself pinching while looking into the mirror now for making sure this is not just a beautiful dream
  11. >>> Now answering to the questions, the hairline is not affected and anything else on your face because this procedure, as I was explained, is meant to expand the skin and with each of us having different skin elasticity, the expansion would be accordingly without affecting the eyebrows line and shape. Some wrinkles go away because they are part of the flexibility of the skin, that’s why at my current age (51) my new forehead looks like belonging to a 20 yo person (of course we all look after our faces to balance it all, so I’m having a younger appearance but per total, one not knowing about my procedure would say: “geeee You look well and rested” and not saying “what did you do to yourself?” hahaha It truly looks totally natural.

    - Coming back to Australia from Seoul, that was on 28th Feb (only 4 days after forehead-surgery and feeling fantastic with no exception) the requirement has been to remove the staples in Sydney (because the staples holding the operation during the healing process are usually supposed to be removed on the 10th day, but workwise I could not delay in Seoul any longer <pity as it’s an amazing place for holidaying, which I didn’t know before, being my very first trip to South Korea> Staples are easily removable going to any local hospital/emergency room).

    - Now, you may ask yourselves what happened after removing my staples??!! Yessssss today is my 11th day and since landing back to Sydney, I’ve been having antiseptic provided by Dr Yong Tai SONG to apply on the operation, once a day, and the reason I have not removed my staples yesterday on my 10th day is due to busy work… I’ve scheduled to go tomorrow to the hospital and do so, then I will not have to apply the antiseptic anymore.

    - The staples are well hidden inside the hair, not visible at all (unless one wants to split the hair and dig for them) otherwise nobody has ever known at work or among those I’m meeting daily that I’m having staples on my head, not even knowing I had this operation (before I used to have fringe and the reason currently nobody really cares to ask why I’ve changed the hair style )

    - Of course, I’ve shared this secret with mom and couple of family members and friends who are closest, but the rest…. It’s my secret and I’m here also willing to fully share it with all those suffering of similar problems. I just love helping others avoiding going to wrong places and wrong/pretend Doctors, while the world would be a much better place if only promoting the quality, safety, professionalism and the truth … and minimise the risks to completely removing them (ideally)… but, I can only hope my thorough totally genuine elaboration of my live-story would trigger more of this kind. Not worth damaging people for the sake of getting commissions from the wrong Doctors asking around to twist the reality in their favour because they clearly do not have enough patients based on their lack of skills, therefore, they’re desperate to make money regardless, reaching out to those easily influenceable who may end up botched then what the damaged patient could do???

    Those pretend Doctors never care because they are covered by insurances and it’s you alone suffering while not sure if anything would be fixable at all…
  12. >>> My Australian number is +61 450 494479 . I’m a normal friendly person, and I promise to respond to all the nice/decent messages, and as quickly as my work permits (and if any inappropriate/fake messages, of course, they’d be blocked by default… hope not to be the case though considering my genuine reason I’m putting time in sharing my amazing experience for preventing others to end up damaged for life going to the wrong inexperienced Doctors).
  14. Hello all,
    >> I just created my profile in here, however, I've been reading this blog for quite a while and I've found as the most useful accurate and the results speak by themselves...
    >> In my case, I too just had an operation with Dr Yong Tai SONG ( here's the English link to his website: http://eng.headsculptor.co.kr/ ).
    !!!!!!!!!!! Guys.... I COULD NOT BE HAPPIER !!!!!! I'm thrilled as not many times in life has happened to feel this way...
    >> I think I'm the very right person to respond to Devontillard's questions, and perhaps to many of you participating or just reading this blog.
    Mind-blowing while taking my hat off to the amazing Dr Yong Tai SONG ... apart from the fact he's an amazing person, he's, in fact, an eminence in the field not only as a surgeon but quite a few other medical avenues (this I've discovered alone doing my due diligence when it's been proved all that. This Dr is also the innovator of such latest surgical head sculpting procedure, with enormous experience and studies performed by him ... you can check him out as well while all he has listed on his website is totally real (but in his modesty he has not listed all he's done and all his amazing achievements, but only a shortcut of it all... his PhD in Medicine and a lot more cannot be taken lightly or for granted.... particularly nowadays, many other Drs are pretending to be able to do all that for the money but only 2-3 in the world are truly able to deliver it all, and with my hand on my heart guaranteed this amazing Dr Yong Tai SONG is a lot more capable to deliver the highest quality while totally safe, according to each of the need, personalising it on the need.... guys I'm still so happy with the perfect result of my Forehead Augmentation which took place on 24th Feb 2020, only 11 days ago :smile:.
    >> I'm Australian from Sydney, a professional person, therefore for those thinking to just undergo such surgery and still not sure with what Doctor, or having doubts due to such procedures are not currently as usual as the Rhinoplasties or other such more common procedures are... I'm happy to provide in this chat my newly acquired spare mobile number (for privacy reasons, of course), encouraging those with doubts to just message me as I'm more than happy to share my extraordinary unique life-changing experience and let everyone know where the quality/safety/professionalism is for getting the confidence that they'd be on the best possible hands and not just browsing by luck among too many average Drs (or many times even less than average) found out there and too willing to risk your body, resulting in botched procedures due to their non-existent skills, therefore, of course, incapable to any good results (or even satisfactory).
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