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Posts posted by gigapeni

  1. Oh for real?? I'll just post links to these photos on the clinic website it should be fine that way since it's on their platform.

    EDIT: Oh man I don't think I can edit it! Where do I delete this post :sad: ??
  2. Lots of people are saying that before and afters are photoshopped so I'm worried about relying on them too much I had a look on koreanplasticsurgeryadvisor to see their reviews but their two DES reviews ended with "if you need help, you can ask me, friend~" and "if anyone want to get some resources about Hyundaimihak, you can ask me, i can share my experience and info about this clinic." so they may possibly be promoters, I'm not sure. I'll try having a look on naver to see if there are any reviews, I think those will probably be the most authentic right.
  3. I'm thinking of getting incisional ptosis correction and incisional DES once it's safe to travel again, be it next year or the year after; but since I've got so much time on my hands I've decided to ask around and get some quotes :biggrin:

    I've been messaging ITEM and since they have a few surgeons that do ptosis correction, I showed them some of their before and after photos and asked them which surgeon did them. Dr. Chung is well known and seems to be reputable in the purseforum community, and I liked his handiwork here:

    A surgeon that I haven't really seen much of though, Dr. Shin Kyung Jin, did these before and afters:

    I've seen youtube videos and read that a lot of before and afters are photoshopped and aren't genuine, and since I haven't heard much about Dr. Shin, I'm a bit apprehensive! Honestly Dr. Shin's results seem more like what I'm after, so I'm wondering, does anyone have any experience with Dr. Shin or have happen to come across good reviews?
  4. I've got to apologise to you, lemmetellu, on behalf of Jollyjollyj; here you are taking time out of your day to write such detailed responses to queries on this thread and providing us with invaluable insider insight on clinics in Seoul and Jolly barges in and straight up DEMANDS you find these contact details. Jolly, I don't know Korean either girl! Make do with Google translate instead of telling some poor stranger on the internet to get it for you like some golden retriever.

    From the bottom of my heart thank you for doing this tread and helping us all out lemmetellu, we (at least some of us...) really truly appreciate it.
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