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nose threadlift before rhinoplasty?

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I've never done anything to my nose before. but I'm planning to get nose threadlift before my rhinoplasty.

I need advise from those who did threadlift then rhinoplasty.. do u wait for everything to dissolve before going? and if u did, how long did u wait? or should I just skip the threadlift and go straight to rhinoplasty.

reason why I wanted to do threadlift first is coz I wanted to see how i look before I make it permanent. any advise ladies?
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Hii I actually had the same issue as you. I did a threadlift before my primary rhinoplasty. The first surgeon I consulted with back home advised me to wait for 1 year until the threads dissolved before getting my nose done but he did say that if I really wanted it was possible to remove it during surgery. My surgeon in Korea said that he could remove it during the surgery. However, I would advise you NOT to get a threadlift done before your rhino because I feel that it sort of throws off the surgeon’s estimation of how high they should place the implant etc. If you really have to at least take very clear pictures before you get the threadlift done (side/ 45deg front). My advise would be not to do it though because there will be residual swelling etc. That’s my personal opinion though the surgeon will probably say they can do it imo it makes a difference. If you really have to maybe try fillers because fillers are easily dissolvable before surgery with a hyaluronidase shot.
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hi Vivi,

thanks for the awesome advice. would consider the fillers option.

how long after the threadlift did u go see the PS? I was actually planning to get the threadlift done in dec 2018 and then do the rhino(if I love my new nose) somewhere around Oct.

did your threadlift affect the outcome of your rhino? btw. been reading your journey. awesome information. I'm keeping it like a bible. haha
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I think I went about 5 months after and I do think it affected the result because the surgeon placed the implant way too high and also my radix area was swollen for a long time after the surgery and the surgeon said that it would be because I had threads placed in the area before and had to wait until swelling went down. Anyway I’m not sure if nose threadlifts are even a thing in Korea because I don’t see any clinics doing threadlifts for the nose (only to lift the face etc) they usually provide fillers as a non surgical nose job option. On the other hand I see clinics all over Asia advertise nose threadlifts as a Korean thing so I’m pretty confused.
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Yeah, nose threadlifts were pioneered in Brazil. But I guess Korean stuff is trendy these days, so you see a lot of beauty things being branded as Korean as a marketing tactic. I had a Singaporean friend who traveled to Australia just to get his eyebrows done by a Korean person because he thought microblading was Korean...
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CANCELLING MY NOSE THREADLIST APPOINTMENT.. haha.. u convinced me. i guess. the only thing i can do now, is to just go straight for the surgery and pray for the best. there isnt really much wrong with my nose except, damnit. its flat. my entire face is flat. =(

the doc that was going to do my noselift, said i would have to do my chin as well if not it wont be balanced. coz technically, my nose and chin is actually pretty proportionate. i.e both are equally flat. HAHAHAHAHA!!

But thanks for your advise. i guess, im going to make a trip over in Feb to check out some of the places. which reminds me. when is off peak or peak season? im terribly confused by the infomation im getting. some say its Nov - Feb + June - July, some say its Dec-Jan + April and May..so im quite unsure WHEN. i would like to target non-peak time. PLEASE if anyone knows!!!

Actually to answer both of you about the threadlift thing from korea.. i think.. u both are right. its a marketing thing. its like.. in philippines, there is something called Singapore Noodles. but there isnt such a thing here! i have friends from philippines coming to singapore asking me, "where can i find singapore noodles?" LOL..
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No wonder I could never find any information on nose threadlifts on Korean websites! Now the mystery has been solved
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Haha I understand your reasons behind wanting to a threadlift. It is very difficult to visualise exactly how you’ll look with a higher bridge etc- some people end up looking better while some just look out of balance after. Maybe a better option would be to photoshop your pics with a phone app like beauty plus or something to give you a better idea. Anyway even a filler or a threadlift won’t give you the exact same effect as a rhinoplasty will since there are limitations. Anyway if you think your features are very flat may I suggest just making very subtle changes. Sometimes subtle changes go a very long way eg just a tipplasty or a very slight raise in the bridge maybe some Chin work. Really do your research properly first though and know what you want
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