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Hi guys, I'm interested in getting rhinoplasty in korea for wide alars, bulbous tip, and flat nose bridge. I'm currently looking through these threads and so far my top two clinics are GNG and JK. I want a more natural nose, but one that's still snatched if that's possible lol. Any suggestions or recommendations? And is it true that plastic surgery is common in korea enough to the point that people walk around with bandages faces?

Oh and if anyone is interested in being plastic surgery buddies add me in kakao! My username is the same as this one and I'm planning to go to korea mid december of 2019 (I know it's a year ahead but i just want to get everything nice and planned out lol)
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I wouldn't consider gng if i were u.. read up on the threads about them. I'm also planning to do rhino in 2019 but I'm going end of Oct during the low season.

@Helenthebeautiful what is the defination of dramatic babe? when u going? maybe can share the research. =p
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Because they're frequently mentioned in these threads, known for leaning towards the more 'natural' side (especially jk) and because they have the more reasonable price quotes compared to others such as april31 or dream.

What clinics do you have on your list?
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Why not gng? There are plenty of people praising them though

What clinics are on your list?
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Update: I read through more of these threads and apparently gng gives people major discounts to write reviews on purseforum??? The gng threads on here are looking sketchy now..

Can anyone give suggestions for clinics besides jk?
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Do you have kakaotalk? Let's be friends
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I don't want natural, and so far I saw Banobagi and View having good reviews here for dramatic rhino. Gonna dig more info on them.
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Hey I'm going in the end of February. I can send you some pics of what I mean by dramatic. But basically well defined high bridge and nice looking from side view. I like kind of dolly style, if I can express it like that?
What kind of rhino are you planning?
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@bimlili I’m also considering to get those few rhinoplasty surgeries as my nose tip is huge and my alars are kind of wide. So far I heard that namu and uvom are pretty decent in these surgeries. I’ve heard good and bad reviews about ITEM, so i’m not very sure about them?? But I wouldn’t really recommend GNG as i heard too many negative reviews on them. (i haven’t actually consulted with them personally, so again i’m not too sure)

But i hope to get more recommendations on good rhinoplasty clinics as well. I want a more dramatic look that possibly looks natural at the same time? (i know it sounds ridiculous, lmao) Something which people will not notice that I got ps in one glance.
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Can I ask why namu?
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There are many positive reviews on namu on this forum, and i really like their “b&a” pictures, you can see them here -> http://namups.com/

And here’s a thread about a positive review on rhinoplasty at namu :

Although namu isn’t a huge and well known clinic, I heard that it’s popular among locals and their aftercare is good as well.
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