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Seeking male rhinoplasty in Korea. I have done some online consultation

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Hey there,

I’m a male, 26 year old and I have always disliked my nose. I have booked my flight for Korea in April, and I’m excited about it.

I’m only getting a rhinoplasty, the problem is a bulbous tip + wide bridge + hump

I’ve contacted TL Plastic Clinic + JW plastic clinic thus far, both offered online consultations and I’ve sent pics and all.

Both suggested alar reduction (this one surprised me, as I think my bulbous tip is big, but nose itself isn’t that big) + laterla osteotomy + hum reduction + tip plasty. There was a $1000 difference between both clinics I might add, TLPlastic was cheaper.

My biggest fear is ending up with a feminine nose, or a nose too small with a too small bridge, or the clinic letting me down.

Can you guys help me with a good clinic that specialized in rhinoplasty? Or heard from a friend about good male rhinoplasty in particular? :smile:

Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
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I believe all surgeons can do the type of nose you want. Just bring along photos to show them (that’s what I did when I had my nose revision, it makes it easier for them to understand what kind of nose you want)

There are 2 types of surgeons, one is plastic surgeon where they focus on aesthetic and another one is ENT where they focus on function.

For ENT will be more to the natural side. You can consider Hanabi, Dr Jin, Cocoline

For plastic surgeon, you can consider Banobagi, Namu, View plastic surgery (Dr Yun for natural style), Siwoo, GNG (Dr Seong)

Above suggested places are base on my research and opinions, it will be good if you go for a few consultation face 2 face before you decide on the clinic.

All the best!
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Hey thanks!

Yes I think it’s not a complicated operation, that’s why every time I panic I try to remind myself of that. I am seeking natural results.

So I guess I’ll forget about JW and TL, lol. Funny how I don’t hear much about either clinics on here.

Also I’m sorry, so for ENT you mean if I have any functional problens with my nose? Because I don’t. The problem is only aesthetic.
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Nose is quite prominent as it stands out on our face so I completely understand how you feel when my nose was badly done previously.

ENT can also do your nose as well just that they are more to the natural/conservative side. Some people would prefer them as they are specialized.

However if your concern is mainly on aesthetic and have no nose issues, go for a board certified surgeon as they focus on your aesthetic priorities and of course to make sure your nose functions properly at the same time.

Every board certified surgeon have the skill sets, it’s just about finding the right one.

You can also go for JW and TL for consultation. Don’t limit yourself.
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Yes, I have been somewhat obsessed with fixing my nose for the past year. I think it’s my biggest flaw. I am just terrified of needing a revision or getting bad results, because frankly I can live with my current nose and I have been saving up for a while, it’s just that I believe a better nose would make me look far better. Researching has only made things more confusing.

I think View seems good, I saw some reviews on here. And I’ll keep JW in my list because apparently they also do “natural” lookiny noses which is what I’m seeking.

Thanks a lot for your help!
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I hear you on your fear of the clinic letting you down. I'm planning my revision and I just want a nice nose that fits my face/facial features. When I had my first rhinoplasty, all I wanted was a bridge because my nose was so flat. Well, my first rhino wasn't anywhere close to perfect - my implant deviated years ago and it's time I get a new one. I'm looking into Korean PS because I want a Dr. experienced in revision rhinoplasty for Asian noses. My problem is, I want to stay as true to my ethnicity as possible. I'm scrutinizing all of the B & A's because I don't want my nose to look "done". I know that's a popular esthetic here, and although I find it pretty, it's not for me... So I'm scouring the different clinics and stressing myself out until I find the perfect one.
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Liv, when you say, "bring photos", do you mean, like photos of celebrities? Because that's what I want to do. I just didn't know if the Dr.'s would think/say that it's unrealistic for me think that I could have a nose like this person or that person.
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That’s nice, at least you know what you want.

For me, I am not Asian, but I’m mixed (European & Arab) and I got my nose from my dad, my nose has a bit of a hump that does not fit my other features and a very bulbous tip. Much like you, I am not seeking any dramatic results. I just want a less bulbous tip, I am even fine with my nose being somewhat wide (despite all clinics I’ve contacted so far suggesting alar reduction) + a less wide bridge and a hump reduction.

I am worried how they will deal with a non-Asian nose. Also yes, I hear you regarding photos. I might photoshop pics of my face with the nose I want. I feel like bringing photos of celebrities would be weird, unless I share a lot of similarities with said celeb.
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You can bring 2-3 photos of nose. It can be anyone. The reason just in case your preferred nose they can’t do it, you have plan B.

They might not be able to follow exactly the same as we all have different nose structure, they can do it similar.

For my case, my nose is pretty big and skin is a thick, I showed a few photos and he did point out that it’s hard to achieve it due to my nose structure however he will make it similar and try his best to make it smaller. He drew out how my nose will be like roughly.

If the clinic has 3D stimulator that will be great! (The hospital I visited has it but it’s just a rough guide of how your nose will look like)
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I have bulbous tip too! It can be fixed. Don’t worry!

You may also consider looking out for hospitals or clinics that does a lot of international patients instead of locals as they have experience in handling nose like yours. :smile:
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I had my L silicone done in Bangkok, it was deviated too and bad. I had mine revision done in korea and it was good! You can request for natural nose, just gotta discuss it with your surgeon. :smile:
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That's good to know about the photos - Thank you. I wouldn't really know how to describe what I want without showing a picture. I don't want my nose too high, or too low, or too long - but then I don't want it flat, either. LOL

My L-silicone has been deviated basically since the beginning - 19 years ago. It didn't bother me so much at first because I thought it was an improvement from what it was. But now I'm older and my face is changing and I think it's starting to show more. Hopefully this will be my last... Oh, and my tip is bulbous, too!
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I’m a 34 yr old Chinese male, also thinking heading to SK for double eyelids surgery and rhinoplasty in April, I’m chatting with Docfinderkorea, considering there 4 clinics they suggested and JP plastic hospital, still can’t decide on which to go with, I’m thinking about doing a few consultations at those clinics and decide. I’m kinda towards Cinderella’s circle eye surgery but not sure about where to go for the rhinoplasty, so many choices....please update me where you are deciding on getting your rhinoplasty, thanks
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Both JW and JK have replied to me, pretty quickly

I like the photo JW included in the email, it looks good and natural.

But obviously, it’s just a photo.

As for JW, they seem very detailed and organized. More or less, both quoted me similar pricr of 7 million KRW to 7.5 million. Decent cost.

Now I’m really not sure between the two of them, and I am awaiting for Hannabi + View to reply.

Anyone heard about the quality of JW and JK rhinoplasty?
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Yes, I’m very confused at the moment and not sure who to trust.

But I’m trying to make the right decision

My bigget fear is ending up with a small feminine nose, or a messed up bridge.

Hoping for the best :smile:
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