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Revision Rhinoplasty with SAME vs. DIFFERENT doctor

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I got primary rhinoplasty in the summer of 2017. Before, I had a super flat and wide nose. The doctor shaved some bone off to make my bridge more narrow, added an implant, and used ear cartilage for my tip. He did emphasize realistic expectations, but to be honest, I expected a slightly more defined/slimmed look. Since I live in Seoul, I've been back several times for post-op check-ups. One of the consultants did mention that it was possible to go in again for something called tip plasty... which I assume is building up the tip of the nose to make it more defined/slim.

Is tip plasty less intense than a full-on revision rhinoplasty?
When going for a revision, would you rather go to a new clinic/doctor or have the same one work on you?

Thank you in advance for any input/advice =)
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I am kind of in the same boat as you. I am in need of revision rhinoplasty as well and I was told that it’s the same thing as regular
Rhinoplasty so there wouldn’t be so much of a difference in cost. I would also suggest going to a new doctor who specializes in rhinoplasty so you can get the results you are looking for unless your current one does your revision for free.
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