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Revision Rhinoplasty Help

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Hi everyone. This is my second time posting on purse. The first time I was lurking and researching the best clinics in Korea for rhinoplasty. Unfortunately, I’ve found myself here again.

I had my first ever rhinoplasty done at Item clinic in Korea 2 years ago. I’m not happy with my result. In fact I’m embarrassed that I have been going out and not knowing what I really look like to others. I will post a picture so you can see.

My nose is slanted. And one nostril is higher and in shorter length than the other. It also sticks out too much, i ways bump my nose because I’m not used to how far out it sticks out. My tip is also droopy.. t’s truly a nightmare that I’m unable to afford a revision right now since I’m a college student (my parents paid for my surgery :sad: feel like I wasted their money.) In some angles, it does look okay but in real life I think other people can see how lopsided it is. I even hate when people take pictures of me because the phone cameras mirror my face and make it look even more assymetrical. In the pictures I’ll attach where my nose does look normal.

I feel like I made my nose slanted myself. While healing in the hotel in Korea I smiled really big at something funny and I believe it stretched out my nose. I’m really depressed about it and I think about it often these two years.

I’m thinking of GNG and April31, but mostly leaning toward April31. If needed I can elaborate on my experience at Item. Please let me know any advice or anything about April31, and about revision nose jobs..
The photos where I crossed out my eyes with black and purple are where my nose looks lopsided and the other crossed out pictures are where it looks okay. I’m afraid that I always look like the lopsided version of myself.
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Well hello there, Sunshine!! I think I speak for a lot of us here on PF who are researching revision surgeries, that we have all been right where you are at. I had my primary rhinoplasty done 19 years ago and it was not done right. My radix is too high, my implant is deviated, and my tip is bulbous... but in my eyes, my results were a vast improvement over my original nose... I know that may not be the case for all of us, but for me it is. I'm not saying that I didn't want a revision over the last 19 years, but like you, I couldn't afford another surgery - especially not a revision in the US. So, I learned to accept that my results weren't perfect - and I worked the face that I had.

Just make sure you really scrutinize the clinics you are considering for your revision. That's what I'm doing. I also check to see if any of my chosen clinics have YouTube channels so I can evaluate their results. Good luck!
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just gotta say I still think that your nose looks pretty /good enough, and many natural noses can also look a bit off, so people will most likely not really think anything of it if its just a small thing like this (nothing really outstanding), but of course if you dont feel happy about your nose and even insecure, then you should have a revision done, but just wanted to let you know that it doesnt seem too bad, and that you can take your time to save up the money for revision and surely can walk on the streets without anyone thinking "ugh what a nose" . this time read lots of reviews, get recommendations, choose wisely and next time your result will be perfect for sure :smile:
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So true... My sister-in-law had to point out that her real nose is deviated and I never even noticed after 10 years of knowing her. I've been told that "beauty" is measured within mm. So a lot of the details that we notice when we're inches from the mirror, people won't see from three feet away.

@tsuyyu Your beauty transcends your rhinoplasty... So purrrdy!!
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now that Ive told quite some friends and co-workers that I plan on having a chin reduction-surgery they were all telling me they never even realized that my chin or face is weird in any way, but whenever I see a picture of me taken I think of just jumping off a bridge, this is how bad it is at least for me /in my head, but I have learned that other people dont see me the same as I do myself so it keeps me positive enough until I will have my surgery
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Hi @tsuyyu , welcome! Firstly may I add how pretty and tall you are! The photos where you say your nose is lopsided are not straight photos. Your smile is lifted more on one side which then raises that side of the nose up more. You stand with uneven shoulders so your posture is not straight. In the middle good photo your shoulders sit balanced and your nose is beautiful.

You mention the 2 clinics that I would never recommend. Please read through this site for real patient experiences of @krod2017 and @NadineP who got botched rhinos at April31. I can only recommend Dr Hong at gng who did a silicone rhino nicely on a lady from LA but if you are a revision they may swap you for Dr Seong who creates big masculine noses for an exorbitant price in my opinion.

I have learned throughout my 20 year ps journey that with each operation comes a new imperfection so each op brings risk. Fat graft left me with a small lump in the middle of my forehead when I frown, bullhorn liplift has left me with my upper lip cupid off centre, en bloc implant removal with lift has left me with mismatched nipples, one 1 cm larger than the other, rib rhino revision left me with wonky nostrils etc. You have to accept minor flaws else you risk ps addiction and ending up with a massive flaw. Only if a major flaw do you risk revision rhino. It is imprecise for 1-2 mm changes when cutting skin.
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I can't really see the problem with your nose... maybe the quality of pics you uploaded is not good enough... (?) anyway... I've benn here for quite a while and was watching few topics regarding gng. The only thing I'd recommend you is to consider some other places as well. I haven't seen positive reviews about them for quite a while
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I am a perfectionist and I don’t see anything wrong with your nose. It looks quite beautiful. I also wanted revision rhino for uneven septum/nostrils, but when 3 different surgeons told me I had a great nose, I decided to live with my “imperfections.” The outcome could be something far worse. The enemy of “good” is “better.” People compliment my nose all the time and I think silently, “What???!”
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  • 4 weeks later...
Hi everyone,
I didn’t realize how many people responded to me!
All of your kind words make me feel loads better. You are all so sweet.
I really appreciate the time responding to my post, and I’ll definitely look into other clinics since those don’t seem as good as I thought! If you have any recommendations please let me know... :smile:
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Keep in mind that people rarely look at you straight on, like in a photo. Photos do not represent real life, they are not moving. Also, we are our own worst critics and we see ourselves close up every day. Most people are further away and don’t see both sides of your face at the same time, so the angles are different than in a photo.
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