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Bulbous nose, looking for All-Natural rhinoplasty in Korea. Where to go?

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Hello, I am really interested in Korea as a foreigner from the US to have a rhinoplasty done to correct the bulbous tip of my nose. I am mixed race, Polish and Filipino/Chinese. I have a low bridge and a short nose with a bulbous tip: I would like to fix the tip, but I am fine with how my nose looks from the profile. I have attached some pictures and would love to hear from anyone who has had a similar procedure done!

I do not want any foreign material in my nose (no silicone, no mesh that could lead to complications later). I am fine with cartilage or rib. I am looking for a reputable clinic with strict safety measures, follow up care, and senior doctors who know how to achieve a harmonious, beautiful all-natural nose- particularly when it comes to bulbous noses. I want to avoid the upturned "pig nose" that is common when operating on already-short noses. I would also like to avoid the "11" look - or straight line from brow to tip that occur where the nostril creases are when bulbous reduction is done poorly (does not fix the bulb just makes the bulb smaller.)

I want my nose to better fit my face. While I love the dramatic look of the "barbie line" nose, I would also be content with slimming it down to a more petite appearance. I have a "baby" face, and would like it to look more elegant.

Please let me know if you have any leads, or good experiences with a certain doctor at a certain clinic/hospital. I am also considering using a service like doc finder Korea as it will be my first time traveling to Korea and I do not speak the language.

two more things that aren't as important, but I have been considering:
Under eye Eyebag removal (I have very puffy eye bags that do not go away), though I am worried about possible complications. Has anyone had success here? What about with thin skin?
Hair transplant for women (FUE). I would like to lower my hairline a bit, it is very sparse and high-set. I would prefer a clinic who does women's transplants and also knows how to use nape-hair and set the hair to look like the most natural edges.

Photo on 3-5-19 at 6.55 PM #2.jpg
Photo on 3-5-19 at 6.50 PM #5.jpg
Photo on 3-5-19 at 6.50 PM #3.jpg
Photo on 3-5-19 at 6.50 PM #4.jpg
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  • 4 months later...
I will be getting similar procedure done on 9th Aug. (rhinoplasty and tip augmentation) , will give update when I am in post-up stage.
Have consultation with two clinics before deciding on one of them.
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I went to Hyundai aesthetics the doctor did amazing work on the tip of my nose (for me he was reducing the length as my nose was very long and correcting deviation). As I didn't personally have a bulbous nose before surgery I can't comment on that but from what I've seen from people who have had surgery at Hyundai the doctor seems to be able to do very dramatic "barbie line" noses and also more natural adjustments (I would say that mine is somewhere in the middle).

I also had fat grafting in my under eyes and happy with the results of that but from your photos, I can't really tell if you need that or not.
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Am about to do a Rhinoplasty at JK Ps. The doctor will not put in any foreign implant and refine only my tip. Will see how it goes. I chose him because he is very experienced and was the only one who did not insist on a silicone implant. Follow up also very good.
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Hey, you guys can check Charmfidence and compare surgeons based on their free consultation, advise, quotes and their experience on it. Don't burn your money by giving it to some brokers. Let me know if you have any concern/doubt.

Disclaimer: I am associated with Charmfidence.com but this is not a spam:smile:
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