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Surgery experience (Rhinoplasty, Genioplasty, and Breast Augmentation) with VIP Korea

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Guys! I'm finally doing it! I'm flying out to Korea in 2 days for my first ever plastic surgery.

I've consulted about breast augmentation with multiple clinics 6 months ago including (JW, View, VIP, etc). I decided to go with VIP because of their natural before and after photos, 0 accident rate, free 14 days accomodations, after care, and the staff speaks english well and is very polite.

During my online consultation, I submitted front and side view of my profile. I was recommended rhinoplasty with mid face augmentation and genioplasty for facial harmony. After a month of research, I decided this face surgery would actually benefit me so gave 2k deposit to set my surgery date with them.

These recommended surgeries might change after my in person consultation so I will update after then, together with my before photos so everyone interested can follow my progress.

I'm nervous excited~
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ty~ and sure! although i'm still unsure of which material will be used for the rhinoplasty yet. will update after my in person consult.

which material are u considering for rhino? the doc is known for rib cartilage but it's pricey.
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I had a consultation with VIP and this was what I was quoted:

Rib Cartilage Rhinoplasty: $11,000 USD
Mid-Face Augmentation: $3,000 USD
Genioplasty: $6,000 USD

I want to go to VIP but it's so expensive. I understand that "you get what you pay for" and he does quality work! Plus it seems like it's a very safe clinic. I'm going to apply for a credit card and I hope to god that I get a high credit limit. If not, then I would have to wait years (which I don't want to do).

My second option is View Plastic Surgery Clinic. They quoted me:

Rhinoplasty: $ 6,000 USD
Genioplasty: $ 5,000 USD

The View seems like a safe clinic in South Korea too but I really want to go to VIP clinic!!!

ALSO, good luck to those who are going to VIP for their procedure and keep us updated :smile:
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Does view do rib rhino??
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No, they don't. :sad:

I read somewhere that one of the benefits of rib cartilage is that it's good to have when you age.

Most surgeons perform only “reductive” rhinoplasty, which means they break down your nose and make it weaker in order to make it cute, smaller, and prettier aesthetically. However, the problem with this is that after 2-10+ years the nose begins to collapse because it does not have the structural support it needs. (Think of how a wall would begin to collapse over time if you took out one of the wood beams on the inside, or the wood beams on the inside of the wall were wet and thus weaker). This is why using cartilage from your ear or rib is good because it makes your nose even stronger for many years.

So yeah ... I might just have to wait and continue to look ugly for now until I can afford a rib cartilage surgery.
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For everyone wondering, here is the quote given online by VIP Plastic Surgery Korea for the ff surgeries:
  • Breast Augmentation (with Motiva): $12k
  • Breast Augmentation (with Mentor): $8.8k
  • Alarplasty: $1.8k
  • Rib Rhinoplasty: $12k
  • Combination Rhinoplasty: $7k
  • Midface Aug (with Rib): $3k
  • Midface Aug (with Silicone): $2k
  • Genioplasty: $6k
  • Zygoma Reduction: $6k
  • Jaw Reduction: $6k
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Good luck to you~^
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ UPDATE #1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hey guys, i'm now 3 days post op and I now have the energy to update you guys!

So a little bit of background, I wanted to have many surgery at once coz I really didn't want to have many other surgery in the future and so during my initial consultation with VIP, I brought up breast augmentation, rib rhinoplasty, midface augmentation, genioplasty, zygoma reduction, blepharoplasty, and facial fat graft on the table. Doctor Lee listened but he told me I don't need all these surgeries, the most important ones that he recommends for me is forward genioplasty, and rib rhinoplasty with midface. I insisted on breast augmentation because I really wanted it and he gave me the okay. He told me to recover from these surgeries first before doing more because the result might satisfy me enough to not even want other procedures I mentioned. And he said that he really doesn't think I need zygoma reduction and blepharoplasty. If I decide in the future that I want them, I can always have it done then but to have all these done now, there's no going back. Initially, I feel a bit rejected at that time, coz I was hoping for so much but now that I'm thinking about it, I must have been out of my goudamn mind because recovering from just these 3 chosen procedure is extremely hard enough.

I'm currently 3 days post op. I think it's still too early to share before and after photos so I'll wait until 7 days for exactly one week to start with photo updates. But I'll share my experience so far with VIP Korea.

First of all, I liked that they have car service, that picked me up from airport, drop me off to the clinic, and to the accommodation room when I need to, and back to the airport when I leave.

Second, the staff and the doctors, most of them spoke pretty good english, and they are all very polite and well mannered. They also are very knowledgeable about the surgeries the clinic offers. The doctors don't push me to do all the surgeries just to get as much money in, he really thinks about only what's best for you at that moment. One time, the staff spoke to me that she doesn't think I need blepharoplasty and shared her experience with me and said that right now, I may think I have bags but it's very minimal and the thing with blepharoplasty is that the more times you do it, the weaker your muscle gets. (I didn't know that!) So I should wait for the right time when I do blepharoplasty. I can consider filler for now. The other staff was also so nice, she would bought me my pumpkin juice and help me order food in the accomodation place. They are also very detailed in explaining each medication to you so you don't miss anything. Right now, I'm at the point where I know I got everything under control because I'm not missing out on anything. The doctor and the staff also arrange for me to stay in their recovery area in the hospital for a total of 3 nights. I didn't even ask. Usually, they keep patients for only up to 2 days.

Third, their recovery room. The room has everything I need. 3 meals a day, water, straw, ice packs, nurses who checks up on me on a timely manner, and every time you need them (just press a button). They have a TV too but all the channels are korean, and no english subtitles. So I recommend brining phone and charger or laptop with you in case they made you stay for more than 1 day. I had to ask the staff for S9 phone charger because I didn't bring mine, and she had to ask another patient for it. Having something to watch and entertain yourself with really makes time go by faster an easier. Otherwise, you're stuck with shows you can't understand. The rooms also has a water diffuser for skin moisture, and its other benefits I don't know about.

Fourth, their recovery service. Every 9:30 am, the doctor starts doing dressing for each patient on the list. Even when you're discharged from hospital, they recommend you to come for the morning dressing to get checked up by the doctors, get your dressing changed (important for rhinoplasty especially, they have this mucus vacuum that really clears your head from all the built up snot --- it's really uncomfortable, btw. so be warned! but it really helps), you also get to talk to other patients from all over the country in the waiting room, which is nice. Afterwards, they you're directed to the room next door which provides FREE facial cleansing, anti-swelling treatment, and free hair wash. I really really love this, don't miss out on this one! Did I mention how well they explain and follow up on the medication? They really make sure you got everything under control when you're discharged.

Last, their free accommodation room where you can stay up to 14 days free of charge. Don't bring extra things that the room already has. This includes straws, slippers, towels, shampoo, bodywash, conditioner, toothpaste. Anyway, those are extra weight I brought, and I wish I didn't because I just got a boob job. But again, the TV has all korean channels, no netflix! So bring your laptop if you can, it'll really speed up your recovery.

Now for the things they didn't have in accommodation room that I'm glad I brought:
  • laptop and charger
  • outlet adapter (your american outlet won't work in korea)
  • arnica 30c (for swelling. you can find it in Amazon too)
  • vitamins! (especially vitamin c and fish oils)
  • neck pillow (helps a lot when sleeping upright)
  • water bottle/cup/mug/holder

Now about my surgery (Rib Rhinoplasty, Genioplasty, and Breast Augmentation):

VIP did all my check up right after my consultation to make sure I'm fit to have a surgery. They had to send me to another clinic to get a breast check up and skull scan. In their clinic, they ran a 3D simulator where you can compare your before and desired outcome in 3D.

Right before my surgery, the doctor showed me the 3D results, and went over one more time about the procedure, how he plans to do it. Any concern you may have that you forgot to bring up during the consultation, say it at this point or forever hold your piece. They'll take before photos of you, then Dr. Lee will mark your face & body in preparation for surgery. Then they'll have you lay down. About 5 minutes later, my vision turns blurry and I was out.

All I remember now is being assisted back to my recovery room bed. But the staff mentioned to me the next day how they were calling out my name and telling me to wake up, but I don't remember these at all. Really the first, 12 hours after waking up from surgery will just be closing your eyes and sleeping, then waking up, sleeping again.

1 day to 3 days post op, I got most of my energy back. I still can't breathe through my nose (coz rhinoplasty), still can't eat properly through my mouth (coz genioplasty), and still can't move around a lot (coz breast augmentation), but I can feel all these areas getting better. Definitely, you're swelling is gonna get worse from days 2 to 5 post op, but it'll lay low from there. So take Arnica with you if you can! Probably the most uncomfortable part of my days are the morning dressings done by the doctors, lol coz they suck all the mucus out and probe at your incision areas so naturally it'll make you tear up and stuff, but you'll feel nicer after it!

That's all I have for now, feel free to ask me question/s. I'll update on my 7 days post op next with some photos.
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Thank you for the update! So glad to hear that you're healing well, and I'm definitely gonna take your tips and swing by my local supplement shop and pick up some arnica lol.

Hope you can be up and about soon! Enjoy your recovery!
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I really want to do the areola incision as it has the least scarring but it seems like that technique isn't very common with Korean doctors.
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I originally wanted to do the incision under the armpits... but then I read about the risk of complications/ scars ... so I discussed it with my boyfriend .... and for me I was like ok ...
1)who the hell is going to see my boobs except my partner and myself...
2)I wear a lot of tank tops/ toop tops in the summer and I didn’t want to risk any scars or keloid scaring ...
so I decided to do under the breast...

Just got to weight the pros and cons ...to different methods of incisions... it’s tough believe me but once you hve a consult with a surgeon f2F ... I think you will figure it out.... I’m not sure if you know or not but there are also different types/ brands of implants ... for me I got “mentors”... there’s 2 types of feeling... textured or smooth... I got the textured so they stay in place and not drop too much as I age...
I hope this helps
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