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anyone with experience at Dream Medical Group?

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I’m going to Korea soon for a THIRD rhinoplasty so I want it to be the final one. I heard Dream is the best hospital in Korea so I’m planning my trip around going there. However, there are a few questions I have.

First, they quoted me 9000USD for a revision nose job and I know their prices will be higher because they’re the best, but it’s a lot higher than the usual price. My last revision was 4.5K and done by a doctor who I’m pretty sure has operated on celebrities. It was a pretty high-end clinic and I know of standard Korean pricing, not the BS they charge foreigners. Why does Dream charge double? To anyone who had surgery there, is it worth it? I’m looking to get mini v-line at the same time and they didn’t answer me about the price, so I’m assuming they charge something ridiculous for it (normal range is 2-3K). Do they give discounts? How do I go about asking for one? If they ask for more than 12K I might look somewhere else.

Second, I heard they’re pretty much always booked so will I even have a chance to go there? Obviously since I don’t live in Korea I can’t just walk in whenever I want. I’m looking to have a consultation and be able to schedule the surgery a few days after. How does it work for their foreign customers? Do I schedule the consult + surgery over email and agree on the price? I heard they don’t really care about getting more customers because they already have so many. Is there a way for me to just call them? Do they have an English line?

Lastly, to anyone who’s had nose/jaw surgery in Korea. What clinic do you recommend that’s in the normal price range?
Nose: 4-6K
Mini v-line: 2-3K
I’m looking for a VERY good nose specialist because thanks to surgeon 1, I have a very messed up nose that’ll need someone with tons of experience to fix. But someone who also performs jaw surgery.
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From what I've seen about Dream their head doctors are very good especially dr park for the nose. I think its probably a bad idea to go with any doctors at dream for the nose because obviously, they wouldn't be nearly as good. Also 9000 usd for just your nose seems like an extremely high price, maybe contact other clinics and then go to dream and see if they can come closer to the prices quoted by other clinics.
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$9000 for a revision is a very good price, dear for a 3rd revision. Some clinics like VIP charge 16-20,000. If this is to be your last revision then the cost shouldn`t be your top priority, getting the best result should be.
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In Korea like you said the normal price range for foreigners is 4-6k. Obviously, as its your third it would be more expensive.

Even if the price isn't your first priority that doesn't mean that you should be overcharged.
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imo if you can get away with tellling the clinic its for first revision (2nd surgery) just do it. A surgeon won't actually be able to tell how many times exactly you've done your nose. And you be charged less. The only time when its obvious is for example, say your first time was done via open rhino using ear cartilage then the second time its done by closed rhino with an L shape silicone. Some people go through this order of surgeries in Thailand for example or vice versa. And the reason why its obvious is due to the incision site which is a tell tale sign. Other than that you can just bs your way through it and say its your first revision so as not to be jacked with the price
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