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My Breast Augmentation Diary - Dr. Park JS

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Hi everyone! As of today I am officially 1 week post op from my breast augmentation surgery with Dr. Park Jin Seok. Because I feel like breast augmentation is not heavily discussed as opposed to other surgeries, I wanted to journal my experience thus far for others to reference if they are considering this procedure. I know Dr. Park is quite popular in this forum, which is one of the reasons I went to see him, and I want to assure everyone that I am not some marketer, and I may share photos at a later time.

The Decision - So my decision to get a breast augmentation was actually very sudden. I've had small breast all my life, but they were very perky and symmetrical. I was fine with them. At a time, I was actually very against breast augmentation. Almost all the women in my family have had breast augmentation surgery, some of them even younger than me (for reference I am 22), and I had thought of it to be a pointless procedure. Why not love your body the way it is? However towards the end of 2018 my mental health had taken a nose dive.

I had been working 50+ hrs a week for more than a year and I had worn myself out. My self confidence was the lowest it had ever been due to bad relationships in the workplace. Thanks to my hard work over that year, I had a lot of disposable income so after quitting my job I took some time to recuperate and relax. As my health was finally getting better, my mother was encouraging me to get my breast done as my younger cousin had just gotten her. I've always been very skinny and I've always looked very young, so my mother thought it would help me look more my age. At first I was very opposed to this, and honestly even now I feel a type of way about my mom encouraging me to get plastic surgery, but eventually I started thinking it over. It had been more than one year since I've done something for myself. My weight has always been my biggest insecurity, and after seeing my cousin's result 1 month post operation I was very impressed. She looked just like a child the last time I saw her, but the confidence that she exuded was a 180 change.

I've always been a little bit reckless and have always gotten piercings, tattoos, and taken trips at a dimes notice so honestly this wasn't much of a change. Plus, summer was coming up and I've never had confidence in a swimsuit. In March 2019, I decided I would get my breast done.

Why Korea? - Years ago, I had watched a youtube video where a girl had her breast done at LaPrin with no pain. Based on this, and one of my favorite youtubers having been sponsored by Docfinder Korea, I was pretty set on coming to Seoul for plastic surgery. Of course, as my family is 99% silicone, I heeded their advise and went to see a feel local plastic surgeons. The price they quoted was around 10k~ and wait time was between 2 months to a year depending on the clinic.

Once I decide to do something, I like to do it fast. I was also interested in Motiva at the time and my country (Canada) has not started testing them yet. After reaching out to a few clinics and learning that I could get my breast done in as soon as the next two weeks, I booked my ticket to Korea and started looking at hotels.

Online Consultation - I did online consultation with VIP, View, Banobagi, Opera, Bongbong, and Dr. Park Jinseok. All the clinics but Dr. Park Jinseok asked for photos of my breast (which I sent), and replied to me with a robot message after having me send them.All the messages contained a price quote and asked me to book an in person consultation.

As for Dr. Park however, he personally messaged me back and attached documents of frequently asked questions, transparent pricing, etc. This made me feel more comfortable, and for a week whatever question I had, he did not hesitate to answer me. This is why I decided on seeing Dr. Park Jinseok. I still had plans to go to in person interviews with View and Banobagi as well, but changed my mind during the in person interview with Dr. Park. Dr. Park also offered to have me do my consultation and surgery on the same day which I later ended up taking.

First Day in Korea - was a mess. I got lost in the airport, got lost headed towards my hotel, and lost my credit card. Thank god I was planning to pay for my surgery in cash and had a lot of physical money on hand. My appointment with Dr. Park Jinseok was not until tomorrow, but he checked in on me via KakaoTalk as soon as I landed. After sorting out my card problem, I got some groceries and went to bed to prepare for my consultation

Second Day in Korea(Consultation and Operation) - I woke up in a not so great mood. Still needed to exchange some money to pay for the surgery, and my skin was breaking out. When I got to the clinic, the first thing they had me to was take my blood so they could run tests on it before surgery. The nurses were all very kind and professional, and two of them spoke a little bit of English so it was okay for me. After taking my blood, I joined the staff for a morning prayer and bible reading. Dr. Park is a devout Christian, but he never pushes this on anyone. I chose to join the bible reading to help calm my nerves. After the bible reading, we went back to the consultation. Dr. Park asked me what I wanted to achieve, and showed me a tone of sample implants. He explained the benefit and disadvantage of each implant, and wasn't pushy at all. Based on his explanation of complications, etc I decided I didn't need to go to my other consultations and to just proceed with the surgery in the afternoon.

I had chosen bellagel 300cc in each breast, dual plane. Originally I wanted to go larger, but he dissuaded me because my chest width was thinner than i had originally thought. i am so glad he did because now when I look at my breast they seem massive and they've yet to drop.

After my consultation, Dr. Park personally took me to the bank to convert currency. Originally they had quoted me a worse exchange rate, but Dr. Park helped negotiate a local price for me and I ended up saving a lot more through conversion than i thought. It was really nice of him seeing as he's so busy. When we got back to the clinic he had to immediately take off for more consultations and prepare for another surgery.

I was his second surgery that day, and being all alone, I was deathly afraid. I don't remember much from before i was put under, but I remember them strapping me to the table. When I woke up I was very dazed from the anesthetic and acting like a drunk. The nurses helped me from one bed to a recovery room, and when i woke up I found myself a little lightheaded but otherwise ok. i think I may have pushed myself a little too hard after surgery by calling my family and going hard into my soup, because later I became nauseous. Please, if you are reading this, take your time eating post operation. I stayed at the clinic until closing time because my heart rate was quite high and needed to be watched. Because a staff thought there was some complication with my right breast, I had an ultrasound before I left. Dr. Park gave me something for my heart rate, my medication, a goodybag of food and snacks and escorted me back to my hotel that was just up the block.

After eating dinner I took my medication and fell asleep instantly. During this time Dr,Park was very concerned for my well being so he ended up calling to check in on me. He did that continuously throughout the night and in the morning escorted me from my hotel. Pain towards the end of the day was 3/10.

Post Op Day 2 - Pain was at it's worst during the morning, 5/10. it hadn't bothered me at all during the night. After having my IV, Dr. Park sent me back to my hotel to rest. My bandages were removed and the incisions were looked at. i was changed into a seamless bra and a strap. Dr.Park offered to give me a ride home, but I declined as I did not want to wait. I opted to take a cab back to my hotel where I rested and ate.

Post Op Day 3 - Feeling way better than the day before, 3/10. Called mom and Dr. Park came to pick me up as usual. Because of my weight the nurses are all very concerned for my well being and call me baby. Got an IV drop and went to wash my hair at the salon upstairs. I was feeling pretty good so I went around Gangnam to shop for a bit. Went home, ate, napped, and packed as I'd be moving hotels the next day.

Post Op Day 4 - Dr. Park came to pick me up as usual. Pain is 2/10. I haven't had a poop in a few days now so asked the doctor to prescribe me some laxatives. He gave me three bottles worth and some cortisone cream incase i'm itchy. Had my IV as usual. Dr.Park is very attentive to my living situation so he checked in regularly to make sure I had gotten to my next hotel okay. Said I didn't need to come in tomorrow but that it would be better so he can administer my medication through IV. Pills are fine, but he thinks IVs are more effective. Oh, and I finally got to shower today!

Post Op Day 5 - Pain was same as yesterday. Saw the doctor to get an IV and ended up getting my incisions looked at. Everything is healing great. I have 0.25cm of blood in my left breast that he discovered through ultrasound but the doctor assured me this is fine. Spent all day exploring Seoul with a friend.

Post Op Day 6 - Woke up this morning with no pain at all. Boy did I play myself good. This was the first day I hadn't seen the doctor, and the last day of my medication. Had a rough start to the morning cause the hot water wasn't working, and spent all day out with my friend. By night time my breast were super sore and my chest muscles ached from shivering in the cold on my way home. Pain is back up to a 4/10. I played too much at COEX. Had my first bowel movement without laxatives though!!!

Post Op Day 7 - Currently. Pain in the morning was about a 2/10 but it's gone down since. Finally got my credit card back, and my appetite is returning. Took a look at my breast today and they're really settling down nicely. I originally have very sensitive breast, and I can say that 100% my nipples have not lost any sensitivity. Going to meet Dr. Park tomorrow for another check up but wanted to write this review beforehand :smile: There's a bit of swelling on my sides but I only feel it when I push down against my rib cage.

Cons from my Experience - Please for the love of god do not go out as often as I did this weekend while you're still healing. Aside from that, I would say the cons about Dr.Park's clinic is that it's relatively small and that his English isn't completely fluent. However, I come from a very multilingual country so having met many people with English as a second language, he is so great! Oh, also there's no chocolate in the office. Dr.Park if you are reading this please buy some chocolate for your snack trays haha.

So that's my journey so far. If people are interested I will post updates for 2 weeks, 1 month, etc. If you have any questions please let me know. Would I recommend Dr.Park to a friend? Absolutely! I'm going to dinner with him and his wife next week. This man is a serious pain killer haha. If you have any questions feel free to leave them down below, or you can message me on kakaotalk. My ID is sylb.
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Hey fellow Dr. Park patient! I smiled through your entire review because your experience was so similar to mine! I also had my BA from Dr. Park when I was about your age (21 to be exact) and had the absolute best experience with him and the clinic!! Everything you wrote about Dr. Park being attentive and concerned about your well-being was on point! I felt like he (and his wife) treated me as if I was a family member! :smile:

Ps. Does he still have Biscoff cookies on his snack trays?! I devoured so many while receiving daily IVs during the first week post-op hahaha. He even gave me an ENTIRE BOX of Biscoffs on my last day because he knew how much I loved them :'). He is truly a wonderful human being!

PPS. In case anyone is wondering, I absolutely LOVE how my boobs turned out! I don't remember the exact cc I got (it's been 5 years since my surgery), but I think they are around 350-400cc. I wear a 32 DD in Victoria's Secret but I rarely wear a bra. I almost always wear a sports bra or pasties. Even though it's been 5 years post-op, my boobs are still perky yet natural looking!
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