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Help Deciding Which Clinic - Prices? Results? Service?

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I recently decided that I want to get some plastic surgery in Korea, and so far I have narrowed it down to the clinics listed below.


Although I managed to narrow my original list of clinics down a bit, I have run into a problem...I heard from some sources that some of these clinics are blacklisted, but I haven’t been able to find evidence of that. I have found multiple excellent reviews on these clinics as well. I was wondering if any of you have insight on whether or not these clinics are any good? Please include pros and cons like pricing, results, service, etc. I would really appreciate it :heart:

My Info
Caucasian, female, round face, high nose bridge with small bump, uneven eyes, nose, and jaw. Desired look is slightly doll-like, but still natural. Even facial proportions and small face.

Procedures I Am Looking to Get Done

  • Facial Contouring (V-Line, Zygoma Reduction, Forehead Augmentation)
  • Rhinoplasty (pretty much everything you can get lol I basically want a whole new nose)
  • Eyes (I’m not entirely sure what sort of procedure(s) I would need, but my concerns are that I have uneven eyes with low double eyelids. I look tired a lot of the time. My desired look is happy, cute, and doll-like. Not creepily big though lol!! If you have any recommendations as to what procedures I might look into, feel free to tell me!)

If you need any more information, I would be happy to give it to you! I have not yet decided on a date (I do not live in South Korea currently) at which i will fly over, but by the time I save up enough (looking at some price quotes have given me an idea of how much time it will be until I go lol) I will most likely be in college there. I also will (most likely) speak almost-fluent Korean.
Thank you for your time!! I sincerely wish you the best in your own PS journey, and if you have any advice, I’m a newbie desperate for tips and tricks!! I will upload photos later, as I am writing this at an inconvenient time to take photos. Once again, thank you in advance!!


(apologies for spelling or grammatical mistakes)
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Hey Rose,

Just came back from my rhino and double eyelid surgery journey in Seoul. I've only had a f2f with one of the clinics you listed, View. Before I left for Korea, my heart was set on View because I liked the aesthetic and their version of the "dolly" nose. When it finally came to the f2f with them, I felt pretty rushed while I was there and sensed "factory" vibes. They also quoted an exorbitant amount for the procedures (6mil KRW online and almost 9mil f2f) so that left a bad impression.

Banobagi was also on my original list but felt like they relied too much on "real stories" from YouTubers. One review I saw from someone who had a f2f with them said that there were a bunch of patients in the waiting room complaining about their procedures. Red flag.

Make of this what you will, but this post has info on some of the blacklisted clinics (including Banobagi):

I'd love to hear more about your progress. And the fact that you can speak Korean will definitely help you in f2f negotiations!
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Hi,how is your result after the surgery?Who was the doctor you chose for eye and nose?
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Hi Rose,I’m looking for a good clinic to get eyes,Vline surgery now.
About your eyes,from my knowledge I think you should get ptosis correction,it will make your iris more big and no more tired.You can go to any clinic website to read about ptosis procedure.
About Vline ,in my opinion I think you shouldn’t get zygoma reduction because I read some reviews on here,there’re 3,4 people are regretting of sagging face after zygoma reduction
Here are the link:
I’m not sure about Dream or View but Banobagi is very expensive,and they have some negative reviews on here also,but one girl in my country got the surgery from them,she is very beautiful now.But it was from a TV show,so I think they tried to use professional doctors for her surgery.
Just do more research by yourself and try to get at least 3 clinics for face to face consultation before you decide

I want to have the consultation with them too,but after online consultation they said they will give me 30% discount if I co-operate with them so it made me confused

How could they raise the price from online to ftf consultation like that?
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I want to have the consultation with them too,but after online consultation they said they will give me 30% discount if I co-operate with them so it made me confused
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How could they raise the price from online to ftf consultation like that?
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Thank you so much~^^ I am glad you like your results so far and I look forward to seeing your review on your experiences with UVOM! Thank you so much for your insight on View and Banobagi, I am truly thankful that you told me about the bad experience you and others had at those clinics! I can’t believe how much they changed the charge at your f2f with View. I will definitely avoid them and Banobagi. I’m glad your PS went well and thank you again for your help and insight~^^
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Hei, Luna. I’m also caucasian with the same facial features as you. When are you planning to go for surgery? I can share the list of the clinics I have contacted and have given me good vibes. I’ll be going for my surgery in July, but I’m planning to consult f2f next month first. You can contact me on kakao: mewdesu
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Thank you so much for your help, I will look over the link you left!! I will also reconsider zygoma reduction.
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