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VIEW vs JK for jaw/v-line surgery

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hello everyone!
i'm planning on having my jaw/vline surgery in korea this august. i'm currently debating between JK and ViEW clinic for my surgery and i will be going through docfinder korea. i have read and watched reviews for both, as well as seen B&A pictures for both, but i'm still having a hard time deciding. both seem to have overwhelmingly positive reviews and the price quoted to me by docfinder is only 0.5 mil KRW different (with JK being more expensive) but i dont want to make my decision based on price.

has anyone had experience with jaw/vline surgery at these two clinics? is there a particular reason why you chose to or chose not to have your surgery at either of these two clinics?

for reference, i am a 21 years old white male.

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I consulted online with both clinics but eventually decided on View because of the results I’ve seen from other girls on the View Kakao chat. I think I’m very biased towards View based on that chat, so this probably wasn’t helpful. I’m a 21 year old female getting genio, acculift, and zygoma. PM some in a week for more info! :smile:

Also, if you care budget conscious, you might want to reconsider docfinderkorea. You’ll be paying a premium for their services (airport shuttle, translation, getting perscriptions for you). I personally don’t think it’s worth it because Korea is super international and easy to get around. I’m also direction-blind and know 2 Korean phrases (hello and thank you).
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thanks so much for your help! i agree with you about view's results being good, but also they seem to have a lot more reviews than JK, so im not quite ready to write off JK since i havent seen that many reviews of them yet.

As for docfinder, i've read on this forum that most people don't recommend it because of the cost, but since i'm going alone i think i would be a lot more comfortable having their services. i've been to korea before and had no issues getting around or anything (especially cuz i took korean for 3 years in university) but im a little worried about it while im recovering from surgery since im also not that close with anyone in korea that i can call if im having problems. i did schedule online consultations with both clinics though, so if the price they quote me is much lower than what i was quoted by docfinder then i'll consider booking my surgery on my own instead of with docfinder.

hope your surgery goes well!!
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I feel that you should go without agent as the price negotiation will be more flexible reason being that View/JK need to pay these agents fees which is derived from your surgery fees.

I am not sure about JK but personally I had my surgery done with View. I went with view because it’s a hospital, their results are consistent and are accident free. Another thing that I need is post care I went there alone. They have really good post care and a guest room which you can stay in the hospital.

As you are doing Vline which is a major surgery, they will have night nurses to check in on you when you stay at their guest house.
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If you are having problems after surgery you will be able to contact your consultant at the clinic. That's literally all that the person from docfinder would do if you told them you were having a problem anyway.
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wow really? i guess i should reconsider using docfinder then... thank you so much
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Hi everyone, i wanted to post an update since i contacted both clinics directly and have made my decision.

JK - quoted me 13.5 million won for FC, which is the exact same price as docfinder quoted me. They also told me that prescriptions would be around 160,000 won, and if i wanted airport pickup/dropoff it would be 100,000won both ways.

View - much more friendly and answered all my questions. he even said the photoshopped picture i sent looks very realistic and they will probably be able to achieve a very similar result! i asked about sagging since my skin isnt super tight to begin with, but he said that not everybody experiences sagging after FC and that i shouldnt have sagging since I'm only 21, but if im worried about it i can get thread lifting done for 3.5 million won for 50 threads. The price he quoted me for FC was 12 million won, which is 1million won less than docfinder quoted me. For some reason i thought docfinder quoted me 12million for view as well, so i told him i would contact docfinder to book an appointment with them for me. he called me right away and said its better to book directly because the price will be cheaper, and that we can negotiate a cheaper price if i decide to go to them directly rather than through docfinder. he said they usually give higher prices online because theres a lot of unknown factors and its better to tell them a higher price up front and lower the price after xrays are done. he also told me prescriptions should only be about $50.

I ultimately decided to go with View directly and not through docfinder. I'm also considering doing fat graft as well, because i originally planned on doing filler for my forehead and nasal labial fold/cheek but he said fat graft would be better. (btw, he said fat graft would be 3.5 million won which is why im still thinking about it lol. i'll probably only get it if i can negotiate a lower price.)

Hope that helps somebody, feel free to ask any questions!
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How was your experience at View?
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Hi! Long time lurker here! Finally getting ready to get my BA & I've been seriously considering View; mainly for their results & aftercare. I was wondering if you would mind giving details on the post care you received? Thanks so much!
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If I were you, I'd pass on Docfinder.. I've heard from many that the premium that you pay for their services isn't worth it. All the hospitals in Korea should help you with translations, transportation, or on any other questions you might have while staying in SK, so I'd recommend taking that route.
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Basically they focus on their after care. It’s better if you stay at their guest house which is within the hospital itself.

For other hospitals, usually they have guest houses like a minute walk away ( do check with your preferred hospital on this :smile:)

For view, their guest house is like hotel, pretty
Clean and they do have daily breakfast for free at the cafe.

They also have a translator/coordinator which follows you around your treatment and consultation. I remember I was having a tough time and requested for tissue papers, they brought boxes for me

And I didn’t want to step out of the room. The consultants and nurses checks in on me daily. One of them even brought up meal replacement drinks for me to keep me full.

The post care depends on your type of surgery.

They also pick me up from the airport. I stayed with them for a few days before moving over to myeong dong, when I was heading back, they even pick me from where I was and send me to the airport.

Personally I feel really comfortable with them (based on my personal experience with them)

Hope this helps!
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