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Why do some guys have jawlines like the guy in the pic?

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I know that to have very prominent jawlines like the model in the picture, you need to have very low percentages of body fat but I know plenty of guys from my gym who are at about 10/12% body fat and don’t have a jawline like the guy in the picture, they of course have very visible jaws but they look nothing like jawlines of the guy in the picture. Does the guy in the picture have the jawline he has because he experienced more forward facial growth than the average guy or are there other reasons too?
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europeans normally have strong jaw. high cheekbones.

in korea, u wont see anyone with that kind of jaw. also, koreans prefer low cheekbones, to have that soft look specially with girls.
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Well obviously the guy in the photo is clenching his jaw but having a very visible jaw angle would usually be a combination of the shape and size of the jaw bone, Larger masseter muscles (the muscles that tense when you clench your jaw) and the amount/distribution of fat around the jaw. Also having correct protrusion of the jaw plays a big role too.
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