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My Rhinoplasty Experience at BK Plastic Surgery Hospital

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Hello everyone~
I just wanted to share my rhinoplasty experience since it is a big decision that I have made and I'm sure it is for some of you as well.

The reason why I have decided to get a rhinoplasty is primarily for functional reasons. I'm a Youtuber that desires to be an artist (singer) and having my nose clogged frequently is frustrating because a lot of my recordings would sound like I have a stuffy nose. Also, I fainted out of nowhere in my house. I got out of a couch really quickly, was walking to my room, lost consciousness, and fell face first on a hard wooden floor. My nose was definitely the first thing that hit the ground and I never got my nose checked out since that day. My nose has been noticeably crooked and I thought that it was finally the right time to fix this issue that I've had for many years.

I asked around many clinics for quotes and eventually settled with BK Plastic Surgery Hospital. The reason why I went with BK is due to the fact that they were able to quote me the lowest price. Not only did they quote me the lowest price, I felt as though they were the only clinic that actually cared about my concerns and treated me like an actual human being rather than just another foreigner they could potentially make profit off of.

I was in contact with BK throughout April (for about a month) to figure out all of the logistics and they have always been patient with me and answered all of the questions that I had to make sure that I was content. I do also wanted my nose to look nicer aesthetically so I brought those concerns to them and they were able to accommodate for that as well.
They told me the procedures that I would potentially go through during the rhinoplasty. Of course there is no way of knowing for sure what procedures I should go through until the in-person consultation.

My surgery date was on May 9th. The doctor that I performed the rhinoplasty was Dr. Koh. I was a bit concerned at first because Dr. Kim is the one that most people go to. However, the staff mentioned that Dr. Koh was an ENT specialist as well which was perfect for me because more than the aesthetics, improving the functionality of my nose was the highest priority. They also mentioned that Dr. Kim taught Dr. Koh for many years, so he has gained a lot of experience from someone that is very reputable.

---Day after the surgery (May 10th, 2019)--
The day after the surgery was a lot better for me personally. I felt nauseous before the surgery and right after as well (probably because of the anesthesia). I slept it off the next day and the nausea went away. My face started to swell up quite a bit and I tried my best to ice my face as much as possible (except the nose area of course). I also had a follow-up checkup to replace the old gauze on my nose with a new one. The doctor came in shortly after and mentioned that the surgery went well. This was good news to hear and all I had to do left was to follow the instructions that I was given to make sure that the healing process goes smoothly.

One thing that I would recommend for people that have a rhinoplasty done is that when you're sleeping, you will most likely wake up in the middle of the night (couple times) because your mouth will be so dry. I would place a water bottle next to the next to constantly hydrate yourself because breathing out of your nose is not possible for the next few days.

I will be posting another update soon!
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  • 2 weeks later...
It has been 10 days since my rhinoplasty and so far, it seems like my recovery is going well!
Even though there's still a bit of swelling, I feel like my breathing has improved compared to that before my rhinoplasty. The only thing that has been a bit inconvenient is that my nose has been running quite a bit (seems to be more frequent on the left side). Since I cannot blow my nose for a month, I have been using a Q-tip to gently clean my nose.

It's also worth noting that I feel like can make facial expressions more comfortably. However, I do feel a bit restricted when I'm laughing. Maybe it's just something I have to get used to because the shape of my nose has changed. I guess I'll find out as time goes on!

In terms of aesthetics, the surgeon has done such a good job with it. Even though I didn't really give him much instruction with regards to how I wanted to shape my nose, I was told that he shaped my nose based on the shape of my face as well as my facial features. I think I can let the pictures speak of themselves. It's still not completely symmetrical which is probably due to the fact that the swelling hasn't completely subsided. Of course, this still isn't the final shape of my nose since it has only been 10 days post op, but I'm content with the way that it's looking/functioning so far!
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That looks really great, congrats! You can't even really tell there is any swelling or that you've had anything done!

I have a rhinoplasty on my list of to-dos as well as I have a deviated septum with the whole bottom half of my nose being bent to one side a bit.

Do you mind if I ask you how the first few days were? I get anxiety thinking about not being able to breathe properly or through my nose, as well as I've heard its very painful when they remove or replace the gauze. Any experiences there?
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I don't mind you asking! The first few days were definitely rough...Mainly with regards to discomfort. I was personally nauseous before the surgery and after. I'm not sure why I was nauseous before the surgery...Could have been nerves or maybe something I ate the day before? I think that the anesthesia was the reason why I was also nauseous after the surgery. Regardless, the second day I felt a lot better~

In my opinion, I thought that removing the gauze wasn't that bad. I'm not sure if it's because my nose healed faster than others, but that was definitely not the worst part of the experience for me. Personally, it was definitely the fact that I couldn't breathe through my nose during the night. So I would wake up every 2-3 hours because my mouth was so dehydrated. It's really just about a week that you'll have to go through quite a bit of discomfort...but it will pay off in the long run! :smile:
Hope this helps ^^
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Wow your results already look so good after 10 days. You are tempting me to ad BK to my list. Can I ask what your YouTube channel is as it would be interesting to keep up with how your nose is looking?
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  • 2 weeks later...
Sorry for the late reply T_T
My YouTube channel is https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCk2ZzLu5mrF2_Mm6pcYZO-Q (You'llLee Music)
I haven't posted any videos about it yet since I'm backlogged on some other videos I need to release but I'm definitely going to be releasing the surgery experience some time soon :smile:
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  • 2 weeks later...
It has been 1 month and 2 days since my surgery date~
Every day that passes by, my nose feels more and more natural (and softer) ^^

Looking back at my 10 day review, I can definitely notice the swelling has gone down significantly since then.
My nose hasn't been runny anymore which is good and now that I think about it, it was most likely due to the fact that my nose hairs still had to grow back (because it was all removed while they were performing the surgery).
I'm able to make facial expressions more comfortably as the days go by and yawning (because I kinda move my nose when I yawn...I'm sure most do) is less of a concern as well.

The tip has also gone down noticeably and looks a lot more natural.

My breathing has been comfortable and I never really notice any problems with regards to my breathing. Even when I'm singing, it doesn't feel like my nose is clogged anymore which is amazing!

One concern that I have is that there is a bump on the left side within my nose...I'm hoping that it's just a pimple or something along the lines of a one. It wasn't there before but popped up maybe about a week ago.

Now that the swelling as gone down, I will note that line of my nose bridge isn't perfectly straight. Personally, it doesn't really bother me, but I'm a very observant person and thought that it was worth noting.
I know the shape of my nose will still probably change so I'm curious to see how my nose continues to develop as time goes on!

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How is it rushed and unnatural..?
And yes I agree, everyone should take any review with a grain of salt. Just sharing my experience...that's all.
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  • 1 month later...
It has been 2 month and 18 days since my surgery date~

At this point, my nose almost feels back to normal~ It seems like the swelling has completely subsided and my breathing has been fully functional. Recently, my friends have even told me that they can't even tell that I got surgery (comes to show that the results look natural).

There is still a bump in the left side of my nose but it seems to have gotten smaller. I will keep track of it in the future and hopefully it will be completely gone as time goes by. It doesn't hinder my breathing in any way but I will consider going to a nose doctor and see what it could be if the bump remains.

Facial expressions aren't a problem anymore and even my nose bridge looks straighter than before.

Honestly, I'd be completely satisfied with the shape and the condition my nose is currently in. I heard that it takes around 3 months for the majority of the healing so I'm assuming that it'll continue to look/function better (of course knowing that the changes from here on out will be much more subtle). Will be posting another update on about a month :smile:DBB065ED-758A-45A6-8B31-054700BF0496.JPEG IMG-0969.JPG 8C372224-3AA4-4727-960D-F09B09A2750E.JPEG 36607787-468F-4814-BB99-24A30098B89E.JPEG 77454CD7-9BE3-4DF3-91F4-B42F8B8B3830.JPEG
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  • 1 month later...
It has been 4 months and 3 days since my surgery date~

I don't even really think about my nose anymore which means that it's almost completely healed by this point. Looking back at older photos, I can tell now the tip has definitely gone down and looks a lot more natural now.

The bump (in the left side of my nose) that I was concerned about has definitely gone down in size but not completely. Still going to wait and see if the bump remains.

Making facial expressions feel normal, doesn't feel as stiff compared to before, and my breathing has still been good~

There aren't many changes that are taking place in my nose anymore and I have been content with the results. Hopefully it stays this way and only time will tell. I also uploaded a video of the experience to give a better understanding of the whole process (stay tuned for part 2) :smile:

B20170ED-AB77-42AF-BFBE-03EED1331497.JPEG 44FD5008-900E-4398-BB12-CE899A839E72.JPEG E6FF595F-1467-4015-BD7C-6F1E1BBCA885.JPEG 703C29AA-70B9-48BB-A486-D6E010336E1B.JPEG 595FABB2-0AA3-4012-999C-1BF1C12D5A07.JPEG . Please check it out if you're interested!
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