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cheekbone revision technique

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Wouldnt it makes the most sense to go through the mouth as it would give the most access and not leave an external scar?
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When I had my zygoma!reduction the first time-it was done through moiuth and side burn.

This time around for cheekbone revision-I was told that mouth and transconjunctival incision is needed to pull the cheek tissue upward and to put the plates in. However, wondering if anyone had this done and experience any side effects such as entropian.
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There's certainly more risks to going under the lower eyelid. The more you open it up the more you can get lower lid retraction, so your concerns are correct. One doctor I talked to regarding infraorbital implants told me he always performs a canthopexy when he does them to make sure retraction doesnt occur.

I'm told the risk is less if you are young.

your doctor is suggesting this technique to you because you have a better chance of having a good result since he has better access going under the eyelid. The benefits outweight the risks. Get a second opinion and third opinion if needed but if you ask around enough someone will say they can do it through the mouth and the result may or may not be better
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