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Full body liposuction in South Korea questions

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I'm currently researching into liposuction in South Korea and the following clinics - Pretty Body Clinic, 365MC, Banobagi, LaPrin are my preferred choices so far.

I notice that some clinics don't use a general anaesthesia. I'm very nervous about being awake during quite a major surgery like this, and feeling discomfort/pain during the procedure.
Other clinics advertise the use of general anaesthesia as a benefit for the patient, how it's more comfortable for them, especially if they're having many areas operated on.

Has anyone here had full body liposuction before in South Korea? Would you recommend going for a clinic that uses general anaesthesia for an anxious patient?

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Liposuction goes under sleep anesthesia and it has less danger than general anesthesia. Your body will recover fast from sleep anesthesia than general too. You will be in complete sleep and won’t remember at all the operation nor awake. Just make sure clinic has in house anesthesiologist.
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I’m in the process of doing full body lipo. I just got my upper body done this week and lower body next week. Your choices were some of my top choices too but I decided against general anesthesia and one full day surgery. It just seems too taxing on my body. It really depends on how much fat you have to remove too. I had IV sedation/sleeping anesthesia and I didn’t feel anything and didn’t wake up until it was over. Trust when I say that I am a very anxious person. I woke up crying because I was so relieved it was over. I was so nervous! I’m writing up my review for full body lipo so stay tuned!!
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Thanks for your replies. I definitely feel better about going for IV sedation now. :smile:

bootyfulgirl, which clinic did you decide to go with in the end? I'm leaning more towards LaPrin due to their use of the vaser technique but I'm seeing a lot more positive reviews for the others. Maybe I'll go for a consultation at a few different clinics before making a final decision.
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I chose LaPrin! For similar reasons too - I preferred Vaser hi-def machine over the other techniques. LaPrin also uses a micro-air cannula so it's less rough on the body when the doctor is contouring/shaping. A lot of clinics only use traditional liposuction and from how much pain I was in with Vaser and how they say Vaser is suppose to decrease pain and swelling, I can't imagine what traditional tumescent lipo would have been like. I only saw one other clinic that said they used Vaser but that clinic was super expensive and their marketing was kind of weird...

You should definitely check out other clinics and compare but from my experience, my consultations were more or less the same on how much fat to remove and where to remove it from, so just focus on asking the clinics about their safety measures and their technique.

For me, I had the best consultation experience at LaPrin and they made me feel the most cared for and comfortable. Like they wouldn't abandon me right after the surgery lol or if I didn't like something in a year, they would fix it for me.
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Sorry to hear about the pain you were in. :sad: I'm sure it'll all be worth it soon!
May I ask what areas you had lipo on and how much everything cost? I've been told I'll need 2 surgeries for upper and lower and been given an estimate of $8000 - $10,000 USD (though that'll likely change when I go for a consult with them).
Looking forward to reading your review.

Thank you!
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  • 2 weeks later...
I didn’t get a full body lipo, only mini abdomino with full thighs lipo. My surgeon was dr Lee from regen and he used sedative anesthesia. btw, I totally agree with @sabear44 that your body’d recover faster from sleep anesthesia than from general, you’d feel absolutely nothing and 100% agreed that you’d first make sure that there is an in house anesthesiologist
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I also had some concerns of sleep anesthesia before surgery. I was so afraid that I woke up during the operation. But my consultant, translator, and doctor made me feel more relieved. You know what! When I woke up from the surgery, I was already in the recovery room !!! That was super amazing! For my case, I had my lower body lipo at Pretty Body Clinic, and they used Traditional technique but they also called L4 something. That was pain but not pain as I expected. Just like muscle pain as my translator described about the pain.
I love the time at Pretty Body rather than LaPrin, but some people like Laprin, some dnt unless you had a chat with them face-to-face.
I am pretty sure you will find a good clinic for your liposuction as me and @bootyfulgirl. :biggrin:
You can have a consultation with those clinics face-to-face! You will know which clinic is more attractive :smile:
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  • 1 month later...

Can anyone please tell me more about that pain and prices of Vaser lipo? I was thinking about having a full body. I mean, of course bodies are different and such but more less how much those clinics are charging- since I read they charge some taxes to foreigners-.

Thank you in advance
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