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Age you can get PS in Korea ?

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My dream is to get Plastic Surgery in Summer, 2021. I wanna go with my Mom. In 2021, I am 18. And at that age it is legal in my country to get Plastic Surgery, but I'm not sure in Korea ? :/ I wanna get Rhinoplasty, Facial Contouring, Forehead Augmentation and my eyes done. Sorry for my bad english ! TT
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First of all, your English is fine! Second of all, congratulations on deciding to get plastic surgery! That's a big step. You are very lucky that your parents support your decision to do plastic surgery (Unfortunately, I cannot say the same for mine). For age, you have to be 18 globally to get plastic surgery in Korea. Korea's age system works a bit differently, as it is counted from when a child is conceived. So, when you're 18 globally, you will be 19 in Korea. In short, yes, you will be old enough to get plastic surgery in Korea in 2021. Good luck>
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Hey there! Your post reminded me a lot of myself when I was younger and resolute on getting surgery haha. I am actually 18 and just did surgery a couple days ago, so I can tell you about my personal experience. Most clinics I have consulted with will either be 1.) fine with 18 as the age since it’s considered adult age, or 2.) they will require some sort of guardian consent. The clinic I went to needed me to call my parents to give me consent to get the surgery since I believe 18 was still considered minor. Reach out to clinics you’re interested in and ask about their policy. View PS I talked to sent me a form to fill and other clinics like MVP simply just couldn’t operate on me so yeah! If your mom is coming with you, you should be fine though so don’t stress too much about it.
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Oh, and remember to specifically tell them that your global age is 18, and you are 19 in Korea otherwise they won’t understand and think you are 18 in Korea which would mean you were 17 globally.
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Actually, in most countries including Korea and america, there is no law that states how old someone must be to have plastic surgery. It is up to the surgeon to decide whether they think the person is fit to have surgery.
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If you want to go alone, yes, there is a requirement to be an adult, although most clinics will not ask you for an ID and just trust you on spoken word. If you have a parent or guardian sign some papers agreeing that an underage individual can have plastic surgery, then clinics are normally fine. You are right, there is no “legal” age limit to get plastic surgery in Korea, but most clinics will refuse to do FC and BA, on anyone under 18. The only procedures that some clinics will do for Korean locals when they are underage are rhino and DES. Sometimes parent will even get plastic surgery for kids as presents or rewards! (Lucky, I want that LOL)

As @Cherry Bear said on this (https://beautyhacker.com/forums/topic/900957-age-to-get-ps-without-parental-consent-in-korea/page-2) forum, “Normally the age are dependant on the type of anesthesia given.
Double eyelids (non incision- based on local anesthesia) : 13-14 years old are possible but its more of the post surgery trauma a young person has to deal with. Incision , they might have to go about 16-17 years old.

Rhinoplasty (with sedation ) : Most clinics would recommend over 16-17 years old for that. If osteotomy, hump removals are needed then likely it may go over 18-19 years as a deeper sedation may be required.

General Anesthesia required surgeries like Breast, Lipo, Facial contouring are usually highly recommended after 19-20 years as their bodies may still be growing.”

Although, on the same sub-page, I read a gorgeous comment made by @oreocream: “Age is just a number, and so is your bank account. Guess which number the clinics are more interested in?”

In short, yes, you are correct, but it would not be smart to go to a clinic that would offer underage kids major plastic surgery for aesthetic benefits as it shows the compromised morals of the doctors.
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I'm not sure where you are getting your information? Given you can provide information about physical development (like if your bones have fused or not) and have your parents consent then the majority of clinics would operate on you just as they would on someone who is over the age of 18.
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Ok then. This is just info I’ve found around the Internet, of course it may not be reliable. Who says anyone else’s is either? Honestly, this is just what people have told me, and I don’t know how you would be able to provide the info that your bones are fused? An X-ray? That seems a bit extreme.
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I'm not sure why an x-ray is extreme lol. people get x-rays all the time. Yes, what you said about having to be 18 is what most people think so I can see why you would think that but its actually not accurate.
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