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Korean rhinoplasty clinic good with SE Asian / bulbous noses?

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Hi all,

I’m going to SK in about 2 weeks and just wanted some second opinions. I’ve searched these forums and based on results I’ve seen and liked here (as well as other research outside PurseForum), I’ve set up appointments with:
  • UVOM
  • Wannabe
  • Answer
  • Very Good
  • Opera
Just wanted to quickly ask if there are PS clinics I should consider, in addition to the above, that are really good at improving bulbous / thick nose shapes.

I’ve researched Thai and Filipino clinics and some have good results with clients with similar noses to mine but I’m just weary of the quality. I had a nice alar result done in Seoul last January, but I realized my tip is still broad and thick (they suggested an implant/tip binding that time but I was too scared to do it lol.)

I’m Southeast Asian and want a bulbous nose rhinoplasty that also takes into consideration my features. I think the noses performed Korean patients are lovely but maybe a bit too thin or pointy or “dolly” for my aesthetic.

As an FYI, before I settled on doing the rhino in Korea, I actually found a clinic in Manila that has my desired result (I love her result!) but I contacted them directly and they said they only do in-person consultations, nothing online. I also searched up the clinic here and there was only like 1-2 posts about them but they weren’t positive (they were both about their implants being shifted or something). She’s definitely the look I’m going for (and has a similar before to me) :smile:

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I went to Hyundai aesthetics for my revision rhino and really like my results. I didn't have a bulbous nose before so I can't comment on that but I did see quite a few patients from southeast Asian countries at the clinic so I'm guessing they must be quite popular there.
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The tricky thing with bulbous noses is there is a limitation to how much bulbous tissue can be reduced. There's also a limitation to how much of the structural integrity (skin muscle soft tissue etc) can be augmented and narrowed before it starts to look odd. Someone with the right tissue structure can achieve those beautiful defined and sharp noses we see on advertisements (assuming thats the beauty ideal for you that is) but someone with bulbous nose needs to be more realistic of what to expect. Clinics will usually say "yes we can make it like that or close to it as possible" but I don't like that statement cos its so vague and can be easily misinterpreted to give the wrong subjective expectation. I think its much better to show your surgeon that you are realistic so he can give you a realistic response. Unfortunately alot of surgeons just tend to over promise. It doesnt mean they are a bad surgeon but that just causes problems for both parties in the long run

Also, you should be aware of the thai and filipino surgeons. Many use L silicone and even the ones who don't tend to end up having deviated noses because they don't know how to place the implant at the periostiem. So you should really discuss these factors first with the doctor
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I agree. I have walked away from many Thai PS offices. Didn’t like their methods or service.
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JK. What about JK? Good?
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hello there, are you from Indonesia/Malaysia because of your username Batik haha
No matter, I too have a bulbous nose and would like to reduce it significantly and since you've done the alar reduction and loving the result, may i know the clinic that you went to?

And also may i know why would you not continue with the clinic you've been to in the first place?

Thank you.
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