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Forehead, under eye fatgraft and rhinoplasty swelling

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It's been 9 days post op in seoul. I had rhinoplasty, tip, silicon bridge, osteotomy, alar reduction and non-incision eyelid threading.

The stitches are mostly out, I walk daily at least 5-10km, get led light and oxygen tank treatments but my forehead is massive (like an alien), eyelids are still swollen, has gone done alot but I have bag lines under my eyes, which i was hoping to reduce with fat grafting. My face looks stiff (and I understand will resolve) and I resemble the lady with botched surgery. I can go out in public but I look like an alien and suffering surgery regrets. My nose looks like a piglet and alar nostrils seems wide but i read it will settle. I understand swelling can take 2 weeks and up to several months but can someone give me advice on your recovery to give me some reassurance that it will go down soon. I checked online post recovery swelling stages and although I understand everyone heals differently, most look amazing at 7 days. I start my new job in one week and I just want to look civilised and normal now. I asked for deswelling injections from the clinic but they said they don't offer it anymore but it's on the menu. I'll try asking again on Monday. Also this other clinic upstairs from my hotel offers deswelling laser therapy treatment, it is $200aud per one hour session. They couldn't go into detail in English but has anyone tried either the injection or laser? Any advice or similar post op feelings of regret which were debunked by the swelling going down, please please share your experiences with timelines and help a sister out. Thank you so much.
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I can only speak for a rhino, but it's a very individual sort of thing. Everyone is different. Like the above person suggested, you can try bromelain, arnica etc and some steroid injections in a little while but 9 days is SO SOON after. I was unlucky and looked disgusting for a year and a half, literally. My body just took so long to heal, at 1.5 years I still had uneven nostrils and a massively swollen tip. It took 2 full years to settle.

BUT most people are doing pretty good by the one month mark and 2-3 months in look 80% of the way there. Unfortunately, you can only be patient, but it will get better. All you can do, if you still look a bit off at work, is do your best cover-up with make-up. Keep walking, keep your head elevated when you sleep, keep staying away from salt etc. It will all go down! I think those people who look perfect one week later are absolutely the minority. 10 days is just so so soon, you'll absolutely still be swollen.

Are you allowed to ice the forehead etc? I've seen other people on this forum have good results with semi regular icing around their eyes and foreheads to speed up the worst of the swelling. I'm not sure if that's what you're supposed to do though, I've never had those done.
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Thank you. I will try this.
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Wow. Thanks! That sounds like a really long time. I hope after this long you finally like it?

I can't use ice packs anymore. Turned to warm packs.
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Ice packs reduce swelling. Warm packs increase the blood circulation and will do the opposite.
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Yeah, apparently I am to use the ice packs for the first 4 days then switch to warm packs.
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I am 24 days post op and my eyes are very swollen, i had upper and lower blepharoplasty with under eye fat grafting . Any recommendations beside pumpkin, arnica, elevated head and walking to reduce the swelling please?
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There are apparently deswelling injections, led light, oxygen tank, and laser therapy. Do you have access to these?
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I received LED therapies provided by hospital as post op care, as well as injection under 1 eye , that eye is responding better than the other one.
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I’m in Korea and did revision rhino (3rd) with fat grafting. I’m day 4 post op.

My forehead looks like an alien just like you and I’m extremely swollen also under my eyes. First day was hard to open my swollen shut eyes without tears running down my face.
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How is your swelling nowadays? After my rhino i looked like i got stung by 7247 bees for about 10 days... My clinic provided me with an ice pack to take home to my guesthouse, I also got several deswelling treatments. I went to GNG by the way..
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Oh wow. What kind of deswelling treatments and how long did it take before your true nose shaped to form? It's been 14 days post op and the swelling has gone down alot but the eyelids still look swollen and my nose looks really upturned. Forehead still buldging unnaturally but I'm going to continue to remain patient. Praying, hoping the shape of my nose gets better.

Thank you for your message, it helps alot. Are you happy with the end result?
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I'm really hating my new look. Been out and about and i feel and look like a freak show. Anyone have any advice on forums to read to help with the patience? I'm praying in a week it'll look better.
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I got some kind of Infrared Ray twice and I also got another one that I don't really know how to explain hehe.. I made a thread about my experience though! With a lot of pictures hehe, https://beautyhacker.com/forums/topic/1014025-my-rhinoplasty-at-gng/
Honestly it took about a year to see my final results, that's what my Dr told me too so I didn't expect anything right after op.The only thing that I didn't get that ypu have is the forehead, I never experienced that.. The shape of your nose will definitely change!
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