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I DID IT! My Nose surgery, under eyes surgery, silk lifting, forehead wrinkles

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Hello everyone! Here is Tania! few days ago i wrote about my surgery preparations in Seoul BK Plastic surgery clinic...
and here i am! I just did it and came back home!
It doesn't hurt as everyone said it will be.. maybe because i am still didn't wake up completely from the anesthesia.
Feeling good, just some discomfort with is an obvious thing .. you know XD
Got all treatments at once from 2 of the best doctors and tomorrow will go for the check up!
WIll keep you updated because i am soooo exited!
pics are kinda scary and i know tomorrow my face will get bigger but its ok XD
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  • 4 weeks later...
Congratulations ! Hope you are getting into full recovery at this time. Isn't it really not paining ? haha xD. I am also planning to get PS in Korea this year and I'm still searching for the best clinic for me with a best deal for me in Charmfidence app. I have requested for a quotation in that App and now receiving response from different clinics and I am getting in the stage of choosing the best one and all set I'm ready to go!

Actually I am not scared of the (During) Procedure, I am scared of the (After) HAHA or the recovering stage because at this stage no more anesthesia at all. That's why can I request you to post some update of your recovery ? Thank you in advance.
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  • 1 month later...
nose was totally blocked (i had a lot of stuff inside of my nose for the first 3 days) but mouth was not covered. they put that thing under my nose just in case if blood will come out or anything else
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  • 2 weeks later...
Well, even my doctors proposed me to do 2 surgeries not to do everything at once. but i preferred to suffer once~
Of course i took 2 weeks free from all work, and was ready for rest.
But after surgery i got to know that you need to walk and spend a lot of time outside in order to recover fast.
When you just stay home on your bad - your blood is not moving around and swelling getting worse. So you need to move allll the time~
It's hard to eat first few days after nose job be done because of all the stuff they put in your nose. but they will take mostly everything in 7 days after surgery so not a big deal :smile:
2 day is the worst. You are swelling 100% of what your body can do to you, the feeling is like you skin wants to explore~
But after 3 days after surgery its getting down. And you can just live your normal life
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