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Breast Augmentation at Opera Plastic Surgery

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Hello, Everyone!
This is my first review ever in the internet, so I found out that it's a bit difficult for me to explain about my plastic surgery experience in a good-to-read way. But I decided to post it for you guys, hoping that my not so lengthy review can help any of you who is currently looking for an information about breast augmentation in this forum.

I'm a 26 years old Chinese girl who has been living in the US for the past few years and I'd been interested in breast augmentation procedure since I was in the senior high school. (I was born with a petite figure and my flat chest only made me look like I've never been physically developed.)

So when I turned twenty, I started to look for some information in the internet about breast augmentation, reading review by review until I finally encouraged myself to undergo the surgery. At that point I was very glad that my parents were being very supportive and respectful towards my decision, especially my mom.

At the beginning, I was actually thinking about having the surgery in the US instead, but then I found out that aesthetic wise, South Korea is more developed and the procedure cost is fairly much cheaper compared to other countries, so after making some consideration based on the online consultation and recommendation from my friends who are living in Korea, I decided to go with Opera which is already well known for their breast procedures.

It's been 1 week and 1 day since my arrival and I planned to stay at my friend's apartment that is not too far from the clinic during 1 month recovery period because I was told that the check up for breast surgery is ideally done on 7th day, 14th day and 1 month post OP. (I also planned to travel around South Korea as well)

I visited the clinic on the second day after my arrival for having a consultation and doing several health check-ups (I did urine and blood tests in the clinic, then the interpreter took me to the other clinic nearby for X-Ray, ECG and blood pressure test).

I had my surgery on Monday morning and I felt soo scared but also super excited because I could not wait to have a pair of beautiful breasts that I'd been dreaming of!

I laid down on the bed in the surgery room nervously to receive some injections and anesthesia, and when I opened my eyes, the nurse told me that the surgery is already done.

Honestly, rather than the surgery itself, I was more scared about the pain post operation, but thanks to god that it was not as bad as I thought.

I heard that the pain level post OP actually depends on the surgeon's skill, so considering about the short surgery time and the small amount of pain I had, I suppose that Dr. Kwon is a really good doctor who is specializing in this type of procedure.

Today is day 3 post operation. I was told by the surgeon that I should not move my arms too much yet (but I tried) and I could lift my arms already without any bothering pain. But I have to let you know that it does still feel very uncomfortable for me to get up from my bed every morning though other than that, I feel okay.

My breasts are still very swollen and it's only a few days post OP so I think it will be too early for me to judge about the result. But so far, looking at my shape on the mirror, I'd say that I'm satisfied.

Oh, I almost forgot to tell you that my incision site is on the armpit area and the implant type I have is Mentor X-Tra smooth.

I will keep an eye on my condition in a few more days and update you guys with the following posts! Stay tune!
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Wow congrats! Looking good! Can I know what is the brand of your implants and how size did u go for
Congrats! You are looking so good now! Can I know roughly how much u paid for your surgery? And what is the size of the implant? TIA!
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Hi hope you get a smooth and fast recovery a head!. How's the feeling now are you feeling any pain ? Thank you for sharing your experience here. I am also planning to go to korea for my PS and actually I am really scared about the post surgery effect. Now I am preparing myself physically and emotionally. Currently, I am reading some review from this forum and experiences shared in Charmfidence App by those who have been in plastic surgery. And hope you update us for more post surgery experiences.
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Hello, peachy! my implant type is Mentor X-tra smooth, 325 cc. The rough price is 7-8 milion korean won:smile:
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Thank you so much for your words! I also can't wait to see the final result :smile: There is no pain, but just discomfort, I think my body is still adapting with the implant. What kind of surgery are you going to do? I wish you the best result, Nathalie!
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Good result! I also got ba in Seoul but with doctor Lee from regen hospital. I’m impressed that you could lift your arms on day 3, especially after your incision approach! I’ve been contacting so many girls prior to my surgery and everyone kept telling that upper body movement was quite limited up to week 2 and in my case I could fully lift my arms only by week 1 (got inframammary incision and do believe that was the main reason why I could recover fast enough). Anyways, I’m glad you are satisfied. I still can’t believe that have such a beautiful breast lol
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The second review already...

To be honest, I'm feeling kind of weird. The fact that I flew all the way to South Korea for plastic surgery is still mesmerizing even to myself. But having a pair of beautiful breast.. it's just like a dream come true for me.

It's been 1 month post operation.

During this time, I'm already able to do my daily activities more comfortably, I even had a chance to visit Jeju for 1 week during the recovery time.

However I still need to restrict myself from holding anything too heavy and let my friend help me instead, because when I tried to do so, or when I moved too much for the whole day, I'd feel sort of discomfort like a stinging sensation on the next day.

These reaction of course made me worry so I asked the clinic if there is anything abnormal happening but they said that those are common reactions which made me feel at ease.

The scars are healing nicely without any bothering pain so I think I am recovering very well which I'm very glad about.

However sometimes, when I look at the mirror, I still feel awkward as well due to the significant transformation.

Compared with the result right after the surgery, the feel of my breasts when I touch them right now is much better and the shape is getting more natural.

I still need to wear my compression bra for 1 more month but my expectation is really big right now because the doctor also said that the shape will be even nicer as the time goes on.

So far, I'm really satisfied because the result meets my expectation and I will post another review when I am back in the states.

I know that it is not a well written review but I wrote this with hope that it can help anyone out there who is looking for breast surgery related information in this forum. See you guys on the next posting!
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Thank you! :smile: I was so scared that this surgery will be painful, but thanks lord it is not. When did you have yours?
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