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Consultation experience @ EU Dental

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Hi Purse,

I know a lot of people on KKT were curious about my decision making process with regards to my V-Line surgery so I’ll talk about it on this thread. As you know, I did my surgery at GNG Hospital. However, I thought it’d be helpful to talk about some of my other consultation experiences, specifically EU Dental (since there isn’t a lot of info about them). The other two insightful consultations I had were with The Face Dental and Regen. The rest of my consultations regarding V-Line or genioplasty hella sucked (One surgeon told me he couldn’t rasp my mandible like lol wtf this is literally Korea where V-Line was invented. I wish I also consulted other places that are good for V-Line such as Banobagi)

Here is a link to my review for GNG.

I talk a lot about the difference between Dr Lee of TFD’s surgical plan as well as Dr. Oh of Regen’s surgical plan. If you want more details check out my post. But in short, Dr. Lee wanted to give me a conservative Mini - v line with a 6-8 mm advancement of the chin to create the aesthetic line and a conservative height reduction (3-4 mm). Dr. Oh wanted a more aggressive height reduction (like almost 1 cm) and a small advancement with some chin narrowing.

Anyways, I’ll talk about my experiences with EU Dental and their proposed surgical plan now.

So actually, I might have chosen them for my surgery actually but they were fully booked for a while. It would’ve been a tough decision choosing between them and GNG actually. The docs at both clinics were really good. But anyways onto my experience haha

At EU, I first met their translator Kayla who helped me fill in some forms. She was really nice just like Tony from GNG :biggrin: I explained to her my situation (Dr Lee vs Dr Oh’s diagnosis) just like I did for Tony at GNG. I was pretty surprised they printed my goal pictures and wrote my whole situation down for the doctor to see (Dr Kim not Shin). I also did a few X-Rays, pictures, and CT scans which were pretty standard. I liked how the lady who did my scans made very sure I was in the correct position though.

Next, I was able to consult Dr. Kim.

Dr. Kim’s diagnosis was pretty similar to the doctors at TFD and GNG. However, he was able to point things out other doctors weren’t able to such as my midline being off. I’m pretty thankful for this since I was able to point that out to my surgeon at GNG before my surgery to ensure she positioned my chin to improve my midline. Dr. Kim and I also talked about things like facial angles that weren’t discussed elsewhere. His surgical plan for me was an 8 mm advancement genioplasty which he said could compensate for my slightly protruded mouth. This was in line with what Dr Lee of TFD told me but contradicted Dr Oh’s. Dr Oh thought that advancing my chin past the gum line (I have no idea where that is lol but apparently it would only be a 3 mm advancement) would make my look prognathic. (I ended up getting a 6.5 mm advancement at GNG. I don’t think I look prognathic at least not visibly so to me). Furthermore, Dr. Kim recommended a 5-6 reduction of my chin height based on my facial proportions. I liked how he was careful when measuring my proportions like facial thirds and philtrum to chin ratio. However, I did find it a bit odd that he said my lower third was elongated while most people have said my lower third is balanced with the other two thirds. His style also contradicted Dr. Oh again as Dr. Oh doesn’t believe in following these ratios. Next, Dr. Kim and I talked about the V line dynamics such as shaving the genioplasty step off. We also talked about the different cuts he could do. He showed me two different cuts he could perform with the V-line (one keeping the gonial angle and one cutting it) and told me reducing chin width was optional. It was refreshing how he gave me a few options so I can incorporate my own aesthetic.

That was basically my consult with Dr. Kim. I was pretty impressed with his knowledge, but in the end, I elected to do surgery at GNG. I won’t go into detail about the price discussion but I’m posting this just to talk a little more about my experiences with Korea surgery clinics.

Thanks for reading :smile:
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Because I really liked GNG too and couldn’t stay in Korea for that long.
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