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Can plastic surgery fix someone extremely ugly as me? living in a rock bottom life all these years

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Good day everybody and as header says this is something i wanna get off my chest:

I’ve been looked down throughout my whole life due to my look. Be it in school,public places, workplace I mean just everywhere people just give me those nasty looks or make fun of me. It just creeps up on me which gives me a hard time in my daily life which It is pretty much a living hell. People are so judgmental and cruel on me I think I’m probably the ugliest human being ever lived on this planet. I’m not even sure plastic surgery can fix that or at least makes me less uglier so it makes life less harder for me. This led me into barely having any friend at all, being anxious socially and being diagnosed with depression which i'm on prescribed drugs couple years back. Despite graduated with 2nd upper class in Bachelor Of Accounting from Decent University, i been switching job after job since i was out of school 3 years back (like 7 jobs from Auditor to Tax Exec to Accountant and now Technical Support) which most had to do with being around with colleagues/people that looked down/made fun of my look and thus couldn't set my mind on the job which i don't want it to cost my current job and future career down the line no more (i'm in my late 20s). Nobody can ever feel the pain or come across what i've gone through in the past 10+ years of my life and now i've decided that enough is enough and i want a change and i dont wanna live like this for rest of life which made me turn to plastic surgery in Korea.

With that said:
is there a way to get me out of this? Can plastic surgery ever fix my look so i can get on with my life and thus give me hope?

This is my pic and it takes a tons of balls for me to put it up:


I never asked for anything more than to live like normal folks out there and i've done some research and found that hospitals like ID/Let Me Ins and Banabogi did really have some stunning/mind-blowing/life-changing makeovers/results but i wasn't too sure it they can ever fix me and if anything, all i ever ask is to look normal I
don't want to live like this as this mess is catching up to my livelihood/family/career/relationship anymore .....If it wasn't for the support of my family i wouldnt even hold on till today.....I will take on any surgery that can fix my look and right now i've saved up to $30k+ Usd (this is 3 years of saving and i'm from Southeast Asia).....Million of thanks to someone that can do me some favors and shed me some lights which i will keep that in mind for life.
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Hi Wilsonteh90
I think its great that you're actively trying to improve your life.
First with actually acknowledging and treating your diagnosed depression,
and now with potential plastic surgery AND having the means to do so!
I'm not here to tell you what PS can or can't do for you because I don't have the expertise or credentials.
I just wanted to tell you to be EXTREMELY cautious in your journey.
Not all information shared here is honest,
not all doctors are specialized in multiple procedures,
and not all pictures you see are unedited/not photo-shopped.
I hope that you engage in multiple consultations, enough that you are 100% confident in the skill of your surgeon and what procedures you actually require.
In the mean time, I suggest making your own physical changes by means of exercise.
You'd be surprised how much appeal a strong healthy body brings.
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You look completely normal to me and not ugly. Maybe braces and exercise would help. You need to decide what you want to change first. What exactly don’t you like about your look? Such as some people don’t like their nose etc. What features aren’t you happy with?
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Hi @Wilsonteh90 welcome to tpf! Firstly you have a really warm and friendly smile and a sensitive soul which is why bad people are drawn to you to try to feed off your pain. You can’t control others but you can control you and that means get far away from the bad crowd. At this point, all you need to do is concentrate on diet and exercise. Even if you spent $1000 on a personal trainer to transform you this would be a much better investment than commencing ps before you have reached your ideal weight. Your face will naturally transform as you lose weight. And then take close up photos for assessment as to whether ps is needed. Please be careful with rushing into ps as big clinics are all too eager to take your $30k and do bone contouring surgery and rhinoplasty and if things don’t work out you are out $30k. Although that said bone contouring surgery may make you lose weight on a liquid diet for several weeks! Best to lose weight naturally and then reassess. Hope this helps. I was like you back in November 2013 and sent my photos to BK and ID hospital. ID suggested 32 million won of surgery...2 jaw, v line and zygoma reduction. Needless to say I did none of this and followed BK’s advice to just get facial fat grafting and remove the upper lip filler/scar tissue which I did 3 years later with other clinics. Always ask for lots of opinions like you are doing here and I think the consensus is just exercise, eat healthy and you do not need ps from the photo you have sent. Personally I see a very handsome face that will emerge once you lose weight like I did too.
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I agree that weight loss can have a huge positive effect on the way someone looks even if their face isn't very attractive (obviously I can't really tell how much you weigh from your photo but you don't seem like you have a lot of weight to lose in the first place so it should be manageable for you).

When it comes to getting surgery I think you need to figure out what kind of faces you find the most attractive and then analyze the difference between your face and theirs. Then you should be able to get an idea of what procedures or areas you need to improve on instead of going to a doctor and having them tell you what to do as you probably wouldn't end up being satisfied by the results if you are being operated in the style that the doctor likes and not the style that you like. I also highly doubt that you would need to spend 30k if you are having your surgeries in Korea even if you go to a higher-end clinic.
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Hi @Wilsonteh90 here is what I mean about losing weight and you don’t need to lose as much as this man did (see photo). You remind me of an older version of one of my fav Korean child actors Kanghoon Juwon (see photo). You could be his older brother! If you needed ps I would be honest and tell you but you do not and that is the truth. To lose weight easily, swap all sugar drinks for water, black coffee and green tea. Reduce alcohol while dieting. Fill up on fruit. Choose low calorie options like whole wheat spaghetti and pesto sauce. Rice is caloric. And walking is exercise! If you can add stairs then do. I lost 5 lbs and my face width went down from 15 cms width to 14 cms width! So you don’t need to lose lots to start seeing a change!
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The picture resolution is not the greatest, but from what I think I can see, there is no single feature in your face that stands out as UGLY. I can't tell, if in person your teeth/jaw could be misaligned. To me, the thing standing out most is that you have a round face. To some degree losing weight would probably help that, surgeries can't really. Round faces are not uncommon though.
One easy fix: either full beard or no beard, never moustache, especially not a thin one.
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Plastic surgery will not "fix" you. You need to address other issues that are unresolved first. Is the medication helping you? If not, switch brands. These medications affect everyone differently and here in the US anti-depression meds will only help 1/3 of the population. That means you need to keep trying new ones until you find one that works for you. I also agree with the other posters that you should be more active. It has been proven that exercise helps alleviate depression. Also look at your diet. Does it have a lot of sugar and alcohol? That can also negatively affect you. You can seek the help of a nutritionist for that. Also, I'd suggest seeing a therapist to help you through this rough time.

Please do not blow all your money on PS. It can be spent in much better ways. Get yourself healthy mentally and physically with that money. You will then see that you don't need PS.
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Hello @Wilsonteh90 , all you need to do is lose weight. You can do this easily by changing your eating habits and cutting out the following from your diet:

Sugar (even limit fruit. *However* Fruit like cucumber, watermelon, mango and oranges are an exception as they're great for hydration. Other than this, they only provide a few minerals and vit C. Juice a few cucumbers and oranges to provide yourself with ultimate hydration.)

Grains are redundant and have anti nutrients that bind to nutrional food when eaten together for example eating bread with meat; The grains from the bread negate any nutritional value you will get from the meat, or at least deplete it. The only grain I would suggest as okay to eat is white rice. And I don't mention brown rice because it still has the husk intact so it's actually worse for you since it's harsher on the gut, damaging and irritating it.
Bread is unnecessary. All it does is bloat you giving the illusion of feeling full but never satiates or nourishes you. This is why bread is the poor man's food, same with potatoes. They make the person feel full but do not satiate you. It's filler food - the food you eat when you haven't got enough meat in a meal.

Unnesscary. This just converts to sugar when ingested. You should switch over to utilising animal fats for energy just as it should be.

Processed foods
Carcingogenic and unnatural. Not how we were intended to eat.

Contrary to popular and mainstream belief, these plants are toxic for us to consume. Let me explain.
Firstly, all the vegetables you see in the supermarkets are man made and are not available in nature. How can it be good for the human body if it did not exist naturally? Our bodies will not be adapted to eat it. We are simply not designed to digest these plants and it's hard on our systems. All vegetables (plants) are, is fibre, anti nutrients (phytates and oxalates) and toxic. When we cook the vegetables of course this reduces these anti nutrients and toxins but it is still present. When eaten raw, the oxalates and phytates and other antinutrients are intact, this being damaging to health making vegetables pointless to consume. You will always see people making stupid sauces to pour over and dip their raw vegetable, plant salad in, because it is seriously unappetizing without it.

Optimal weight, health and happiness

Grass Fed, Pasture Raised, Antiobiotic and Hormone Free Meats
Pork, beef, chicken etc Very Nutritious and nourishing for the body. You can enjoy bacon and pork belly, delicious! Your body will love you when you switch to a meat based diet, preferably eating the meat raw as this is best for our digestion and body. Meat is expensive yes I know but there is a reason why that is, and if you can't access the higher quality meat (as highlighted in bold), you can eat supermarket beef muscle meat raw just fine.

Grass Fed, Pasture Raised, Antiobiotic and Hormone Free Organs
• Liver - Most important organ to eat, particularly beef liver. Incredibly valuable due to it's nutrional value. Great for the skin too because of Vit A. To get all it's nutrional value it is best to be eaten raw, but cooked is fine too. Its nutritional profile will be diminished but you'll still get some goodness. In Japan, businessmen eat raw liver at bars to instantly revive them of their tiredness and it works. It really is a superfood. But of course, as always, make sure it's good quality and from a healthy animal. Healthy animal = Healthy meats
• Kidneys
• Heart etc

Raw Milk
Nourishing and better to drink this than water

Raw Milk Kefir

Good for gut health and nourishing

Pasture Raised, Antibiotic, Hormone Free Eggs (cooked and raw)
A whole protein and nature's multivitamin. Very important to include these in the diet, very nutritionally rich. Best to consume them raw. If you don't like the whites, discard them and consume the egg yolk raw. The egg white is mostly just protein. The goodness is in the yolk.

Unheated, unpasteurised RAW honey
Helps healing, recovery and rich in nutrients.

Beef Bone Marrow
Extremely valuable nutritionally rich food. Prized by our ancestors, and rightfully so because it has everything your body needs. You could just live off this and a protein source, you wouldn't need anything else. I eat mine raw, but I source all my produce from my farmer who provides quality produce from his healthy animals.

Bone Broths
Good for gut health

This is all I'm going to list for now. But basically, switch to either a Ketogenic, Carnivore or Primal diet. You will soon lose weight, your skin quality will improve and look great, you will have more energy and feel much better and you will live a healthier longer life.

And if you have an issue with your teeth, I would recommend getting an adult palate expansion rather than braces. Palate expansion will allow for room for ALL your teeth and tongue, as it should be, thus producing straight teeth. You should also correct you posture and begin to sit straight, walk straight with no slouching, and have your tongue positioned up to the roof of your mouth. This is the tongues correct resting position. Traditional orthodontic treatment affects and changes your face, recessing the maxilla and promoting vertical growth rather than horizontal growth because of the braces. Traditional ortho treatment often always involves extraction too, which you do not want as this again, will affect the structure of your face negatively.
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I just wanted to chime in and tell you that I am sorry for the way life has treated you. I can definitely relate to your story and it is horrible how people can treat others just based on appearance.

That said though..I do not see how you are ugly in any way! And I do not understand why people would mistreat you! I think you're very cute and have a nice face. Like others said, weight loss can help. But just from that picture alone I don't see any flaws that need addressing. I know people have said the same to me with my pictures though. But I suppose we are our own worst critics.

I wish you the best in your journey, but please think thoroughly before taking this big step!
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It's awful what people say that stick with us for a long time, I'm so sorry that people have acted so terribly towards you. I think you have a pleasant and friendly face, and I don't see any 'ugly' features at all!

I can relate to how you are feeling, I've also been in depression because of my looks and how people have insulted me and felt like there was no way out but to get everything done. I do think if I had the same amount saved up, I would have gone and gotten everything done but I know I would have regretted it if I did so out of desperation. Clinics can easily take advantage of ppl's insecurities in order to make you spend as much as possible and doing unnecessary procedures that may leave you worse off.

People can say whatever they want about your appearance or your life, and it takes them 1 second to do so and they move on without a thought, however we are the ones who have to live the rest of our lives as ourselves. So I think it would be best if you considered carefully what else can be done (like what other ppl have said above), and take any PS slowly if you choose to! You are very brave for sharing your experience and please take care :heart:
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I'm going to have to agree with what a lot of the people said on here. I think all you have to do is lose weight.
By the way, you're not ugly. You are being too hard on yourself!

If you do decide to start losing weight, I'd love to see your progress and end results. I'm sure you'll get a lot of support here throughout the journey.

Take care!
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I'd further like to note that, if you want instant results losing weight instead of working hard at the gym and exercising over a long period of time, you could get face and body liposuction. But of course, you have to be wary of the possibility of saggy skin, as with all weight loss, depending how much weight you want to lose.
I think Namu would be a too choice for liposuction. I also see a lot of people here talk about FRESH clinic as a good choice for lipo too.
It's up to you what you want to do.
With losing weight naturally through activities and exercising, you spend time but save your money for other things in life. Can also be rewarding knowing you did this yourself, you lost the weight, you transformed yourself.
With choosing the surgical route to do liposuction, you save time and get instant results, instant reward but lose money.
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